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Asteroid Field

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Post Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:11 am

Re: Asteroid Field

*Nem's mqaaq'it flashed intensely as he watched Nephal extend the datapad towards him. The eye sacks beneath his glowing orbs pulsated at a more rapid rate, while contrails of steam seemed to hiss from his exposed nostrils. There was no concealing the revulsion he felt towards the machine.* *That was part of the problem when he occasionally returned to see his people, as he had prior to investigating the asteroid. While among the infidels he built up a tolerance towards their offensive perversion of the natural order and slighting of the True Way with their every action. But when he returned to his people and saw how life should be, the tolerance vanished and had to be built up anew.* *Still, it did not stop him from reaching out and grabbing the pad. He brought it next to his ear and gave it a shake before glancing down at its illuminated screen. The Intendant looked at Falmorn, then turned back to Nephal, shrugging his shoulders in an exasperated manner.*

"Between the two of us we'll figure it out." *He glanced back down at the pad and shook his head."* "This better not be a waste of my time."
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Post Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:50 pm

Re: Asteroid Field

*I let my mouth twist into a slight annoyed mask, though I let it not last. These people are getting on my nerves and this reminds me why I don't like dealing with people. A dead person is a good person.*
If it were a waste of your time, it would be a waste of my time. Trust me, there are things I would rather be doing than recruiting a Yuuzhan Vong and his pet giant spider.
*With that Nephal turns and walks back the way he came. Following the corridors back to his ship. Reaching the drilled hole he leaps in the air, his armor augmenting strength into the jump. At the climax of his jump his jet pack silently engages and blasts off into the air. When it finally reaches the roof of the entrance Nephal enters his modified Helix-Class Interceptor.*

*The asteroid looks peaceful from up here, but underneath are the two most unusual and somewhat less than aesthetic looking creatures in the galaxy. Not that I, myself, can talk being a Dashade. Either way it is time to leave this place, and with that I take control of my ship's controls and break contact with the giant space rock. Then within a few moments the ship had left the asteroid field after maneuvering around the other floating rocks. With a flicker of light the ship had accelerated into the oblivion of hyperspace.*
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Post Mon Jun 18, 2012 6:16 am

Re: Asteroid Field

*After the head hunter had departed, Nem more closely examined the datapad he had been given. It was an older model from what he could ascertain, not even 4G like his own personal computer. Slipped a hand down to one of the pouches on his hip, he retrieved a small beetle shaped biot with two metallic prongs for antenna.* *The device was a converter or sorts. When the Yuuzhan Vong conquered Obroa-skai during the war, they had used similar biots to translate and convert the planet's archives into an organic format.* *The Intendant slid the pronged antenna into the datapad's socket, then hooked the other end to his qahsa. Within a few short moments the data had been copied and converted onto his device. He then unplugged the converter biot and returned it to the pouch on his belt.*

"I don't know about you, Falmorn, but I for one am curious what all this was about. I'm not an easy Yuuzhan Vong to find outside of a bordello, which tells you a few things. Whoever these people are, they have coin, enough to purchase high quality tech and skilled individuals." *He placed the datapad on a nearby ledge, leaving it for the Assembler to look at.* "I may be a pirate, but I know what I am in addition to that. It is the same thing people see when they stare at me. A group like that could hire any pirate they wanted, even the more famous ones like Sorak Bloodrage, Krall, or Tarfang. No, they didn't come here looking for a pirate." *His eye sacks pulsed.* "They wanted a Yuuzhan Vong."

*What else could it possibly be? Well, maybe a Republic trap he supposed, or a Si...well, the flip side of that coin. He had been causing a few waves with all the schemes he had pulled off recently. The attack on Rendili was sure to have caught the Republic's attention. Still, if they had truly wanted him, they would have sent a Jeedai, not a bounty hunter to lead him into a trap. This was something else, he was sure of it.*

"Draw what conclusions you will from that, but I think this has something to do with Force users." *He nodded, now more certain of himself.* "I am going to check it out. You should come too. I know you like it here, but maybe there is an opportunity here for you to do something about those Force disturbances that cause you to etch out this isolated existence. Besides, you look like you could use a change in scenery, maybe give ya a chance to let this asteroid air out a little bit. It's rank in here, mate."

*Now resolute on a decision, the Intendant made his way to the asteroid's hangar where his yorik-trema had just arrived. The Chazrachs moved quickly, unloading the barrels of membrosia for Falmorn before returning to the organic shuttle. After Nem made it up the molleung worm ramp, the ship sealed and took off, returning to the Dark Corsair far off to the port side of the asteroid. The ro'ik chun m'arh shortly after turned around and made its way out of the field. Once free of any gravity wells or anomalies, the frigate analog's dovin basals accelerated the vessel up to light speed, hurling it into the corridors or dark space.* *Next stop, the Tingle Arm.*

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