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Xantos' Quarters

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Post Sat Aug 22, 2009 1:25 pm

Xantos' Quarters

*These quarters were assigned to Xantos and his bodyguards for their use during their stay on Belkadan. Like other quarters, they were complete with their own set of showers and refreshers.*

Post Sat Aug 22, 2009 3:20 pm

Re: Xantos' Quarters

*Xantos entered his room and looked around, the others filed in and began walking around the room.*

*She ran into the bathroom and shut the door xantos just chuckled and they others laughed.*

*With that they all began doing what they needed to do, and Xantos walked out of the room and down the hallway*

Post Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:34 am

Re: Xantos' Quarters

*The four eagles flew into the room and took their normal forms. They moved their personal bags around and claimed sections of the room and moved the bed out of the way, since they wouldn't need it. Xantos walked into the room and siela walked over next to him. He hugged her and addressed the others*

We should take a nap and rest up now.. while we have a chance.

*He looked to korvan*

Are the wepons in order?

[NPC name-korvan]Yes sir[/NPC]

Good, we rest up now.

*They all took the form of cougars and curled up in corners, siela curled up with xantos in the corner and they all began resting for future plans*

Post Fri Sep 11, 2009 5:07 pm

Re: Xantos' Quarters

OOC: HAHAHA, i just realized i screwed up korvan.. meh, oh well =P*

*As the four companians awoke they saw that xantos was already up and putting together his favorite weapon, which no one had seen him use, since all that had seen it were dead. He strapped the staff to his back and stood up facing the others*

Well, i say we all go chill in the training area..

*The others agreed and xantos led the way out of the room, making sure to shut the door. Then three spikes shot from the ground under the door locking it in place. Smiling about his new lock system xantos led them onto the training area*

Post Wed Sep 23, 2009 1:03 pm

Re: Xantos' Quarters

*Xantos entered his quaters, to find the other shi'ido all sleeping. He chuckled and turned leaving again. He let them rest as he began to explore the hallways of this place*

Post Mon Sep 28, 2009 8:47 am

Re: Xantos' Quarters

*As the others began to awake, siela was up first. She jumped up and kicked the others to get them up*

*she chuckled at what she said and began getting ready. Korvan stood up and helped the other two up.*

*Diani stood up along with Kienan. They both winced at the bruises Siela had given them in yesterdays training.*

*Kienan walked to the bathroom silently, and after they were all ready, the ran out of the room in the form of cougars following the scent of xantos*
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Post Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:51 pm

Re: Xantos' Quarters

<< Master Aerandir, or any other Masters... we've got a situation in the temple halls, we need guards. >>

Post Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:00 pm

Re: Xantos' Quarters

*Siela walked back into the room, Kienan and the others had left on a shuttle to live on Xantos's ship. They would be in control of it for a while. She sat down on the bed and sighed, and glanced to the doorway to see a squirrel run into the room, but she immediately knew it was Xantos from his scent. He made a squeak noise and took his human form again, his wings opened up, casting a large shadow over him. Siela grinned*

*xantos sighed and looked around as he helped her onto her feet again.*

Nothing really, just some new people.... So, wanna go for a walk or something? I'm bored as usual.

*She grinned as he helped her up, and nodded at his idea, they turned and walked out the door.*

Post Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:50 pm

Re: Xantos' Quarters

*Xantos walked acrossed the room and flopped onto his bed. He wasn't able to sleep, but he enjoyed just laying there and thinking about things. He stared at the ceiling as he pondered the dead of Jariah. He would need to train someone to fill Jariah's position*

Post Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:33 pm

Re: Xantos' Quarters

*Xantos rolled off the bed and stood up. His altered body didn't alow him to sleep, and it didn't bother him, but it made his eyes look dead. He rubbed them and walked out the door. Siela in hawk form landed on his shoulder as the door closed. They moved down the hallway in the direction of any force signatures*

Post Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:12 pm

Re: Xantos' Quarters

*Xantos walked back into the room, looked around at the place and dropped his bags on the ground. Siela hopped from his shoulder and flew over the bed. She took her humanoid form and stretched out on it. She looked at Xantos, and he knew what she was thinking without the help of their minds being linked. He nodded a simple yes that she could nap, and headed back out into the academy. His thoughts were stuck on his old friend, Yamato, hoping it wouldn't be too long before his requests were taken care of*

Post Mon Mar 07, 2011 8:41 pm

Re: Xantos' Quarters

*Xantos walked into the bedroom followed closely by Rion. xantos glanced over to see Siela awake and sitting at the desk working. He grinned and cleared his throat getting her attention, she spun around in the chair and a smile broke out acrossed her face when she saw past Xantos and saw the boy, Rion. She stood and ran over to the kid and hugged him*

*She had waited a long time for this moment and it was finally here, a kid, he may have been adopted, but he was still gonna be her kid*

Post Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:53 pm

Re: Xantos' Quarters

*Xantos laughed as Siela hugged Rion, hoping his reaction wouldn't be too bad, but as he waited for her to let Rion go, Xantos' datapad beeped, he glanced down to see a message from Yamato. He frowned and looked at Siela*
You two get to know each other, i gotta take care of a small issue
*He walked out the door towards the hangar bays, where he would take a shuttle up to The Fallen Soul*

Post Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:59 am

Re: Xantos' Quarters

*Xantos walked into the room where he found Rion and Siela sitting on the bed chatting casually. They had apparently become much better aquainted. Rion's eyes grew with excitement as Xantos entered and he jumped from the bed where he and Siela had been talking and stood next to it excitedly*

*Xantos chuckled and smiled at Siela, he walked over and kissed her on the cheek and then turned back towards Rion and ruffled the boy's hair.*
Yes i will teach you more today.
*He plopped down on the bed and motioned for Rion*
Com'ere and i'll teach ya something new.... Can you lift the pebbles yet?
*He pointed to the stones that Rion had recently taken from his pocket.*

*As he said this he looked down at the pebbles in his hands,they began to levitate over his hand with much more ease than the last time Xantos had seen him do it. Xantos thought to himself, *Now should i teach him more of the basics, or should i try to speed train him towards Alter Environment... hmmm, the lad isn't ready for that yet i don't believe. Better get him a basic understand first. Will make the process much easier*Xantos stood up and plucked one of the pebbles from the air*
Now, i need you to learn more control than just lifting...
*As he spoke the pebble began to move in a circle around Xantos' head*
...Practice that for me while i get a shower, soon as i get out we will work more on this concept of moving objects with more control
*He walked into the bathroom and closed the door, soon afterwards the sound of running water was heard. Rion looked towards the closed door and looked down at the pebbles. He lifted them into the air again, and focused on them. He bit his lip and staired at them... but they didn't go in a circle, finally he brought his other hand around and made a spin motion at them with his hand, the pebbles flew into Siela's stomach who started laughing.*

*She smiled at Rion and encouraged him to keep trying. He smiled nervously back and aimed the other direction as he kept trying to make them fly around him*

Post Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:14 pm

Re: Xantos' Quarters

*Xantos walked from the bathroom shaking out his hair and looked up just in time to duck, dodging a flying rock. He stood up and glanced over quickly at Rion who was smiling apologetically and nervously chuckling. Siela started laughing and Xantos smiled and laughed.*
Well i see you got throwing them crossed the room down well enough.
*Siela nodded*

*She pointed to her stomach, and Xantos shook his head and smiled. He walked over to Rion.*
So we need to get better at controlling the paths of the stone, you can move them away from your hand well, but controlling direction is something we definitly need to work on. So here is what you need to do.
*He opened his hand and one of the stones flew into his hand. He let it rise from his hand and let it shoot towards a wall then stopped it halfway there, then aimed it at a different wall. Stopped it again and had it come back to his hand*
I want you to work on that for a while, that should help you learn direction a bit better, before trying to do circles with.
*Rion nodded and picked up one of the stones, he aimed for the wall and launched it. It slammed slightly embedding itself into the wall. He sighed and picked up another stone to try again*

Post Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:49 pm

Re: Xantos' Quarters

*Xantos sat there silently watching Rion try and try again to get the rock to stop and change directions, and it had been getting better, Rion was able to stop the rock, but when he tried to change the directions it fell to the ground before he had the chance. Xantos stood up and caught the next rock as it went flying towards the wall*
Lets change this up a bit, instead of trying to stop it and change direction, stop it and let it hover for a bit and relax to gain control again, then change the direction that it goes in...
*he handed the rock back to Rion who nodded and tried again, he let the rock fly forward and stopped it just as he had done many times, then slowly regained himself and relaxed, then slowly let the rock head in a different direction, but he grew excited that it worked and the rock went faster than he wanted and hit the bathroom door. He sighed in frustration*

*Siela stood and walked over to him and patted him on the back and gave him a hug*
You will get it, i promise you that you will. Your already doing much better.
*She smiled at him and he gave a small smile back and went over to pick up the rock, but Xantos was waiting for him with the stone.*
I think we need to try something else...
*He stuck the stone in his pocket and headed for the door*
I will be back in a second, this should help you..
*He walked out the door, a few minutes later he returned with a carton of eggs. He opened it and handed one of them to Rion*
Now, i want you to use this instead, it should make you concentrate on it more.
*He stepped back and watched as Rion attempted it again, he was positive that this time it would work. He had faith in Rion. He knew as soon as he got this down, he would have no problem learning the rest that in store for him to learn. Rion took the egg and looked it over. He sighed and concentrated on it. He closed his eyes then heard a light crack, he looked down and realized he concentrated so hard he cracked the egg. He actually laughed because of how ridiculous it was.*

*He picked up a different egg and held it out in his hand. He let it launch forward, Xantos and Siela sat nervously seeing if it turned out how Rion wanted it to*

Post Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:24 pm

Re: Xantos' Quarters

*The egg left Rion's hands and flew towards the wall, he stopped it and brought it back to himself. It was shaky, but he was getting it. He looked up happily and tried it again. The egg left his hands faster then time then moved in a rough, jagged circle around the room and back to Rion. He caught it and looked up at Xantos and Siela who were both smiling back at him. Xantos got up from his seat on the bed and walked over to Rion and patted his head.*
You are doing very well, very, very well.... I want you to keep practicing on that point until you can get those circles worked out to a smooth turn around the room.
*He started heading for the door*
I have received word on the new ship being ready. I will have to go take care of them now. I will return shortly though, keep up the good work.
*with that he walked out the door closing it behind him*

Post Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:26 am

Re: Xantos' Quarters

*Rion had been getting pretty good at controlling the egg, he continued to practice each day until he couldn't anymore*

*Rion was once again flying the egg around the room, but it was doing much better than before. Siela was just walking out of the shower, and was shaking her hair out when suddenly the warning come over the speakers in the room. "what the?" she thought as she ran to her bag to get out her comlink to message Xantos, but just as she found he Xantos walked through the door quickly and shut it behind him, she ran to him and hugged him, then she pulled back a bit and looked at him as Rion jumped up and grabbed the egg from the air*

*Xantos walked over and picked up his bag carrying a lot of his equipment*
There is a threat on Belkadan, i was in space when other ships arrived from no where and opened fire. I have had our ship retreat in order to protect the clan..*He threw the bag's strap over his shoulder* I've had our troops land on the ground in case of a ground invasion...*He walked over to Rion and squatted down looking him in the eyes* I have to go fight, i want you to look over your new mother ok? *He smiled and looked up winking at Siela quickly, before looking back down at Rion*

*Rion looked at him and nodded, letting the reality of it all sink into him*

*He puffed out his chest to make himself look bigger, but the truth behind it was, the boy could fight very well. His biological father was training him to be part of the army and he was tougher than most kids his age, and he was deadly with the scythe that he carried*

*Xantos nodded and stood up, he secured his bag tighter, making sure it wouldn't move too much. He walked over to Siela*
Well, as you heard... i gotta help out where i can.. *He kissed her* I promise i'll be back, *He started heading for the door* If anything happens, i am leaving my speeder in the hangar, and one of my shuttles with a pilot. You can escape by ground or air, depending which is safest at the time being. Hopefully this place will stay in tact. If anything does happen, use the mind link we all share.. *He turned and opened the door, then before walking out he looked back*... I love you.. *he looked down at Rion*.. both of you.. *With that he walked down the hallway, he didn't want to leave them in that room alone, but he knew if he was going to protect them, the best way was to be out there fighting with his men. He raised his comlink and responded to Aerandir*
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Guild Councilor
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Post Sat Dec 29, 2012 12:51 am

Re: Xantos' Quarters

*Cleaning staff of the Academy had entered the room, as Xantos, having departed Belkadan, no longer had need of it. They rearranged the room to its standard configuration, cleaning where necessary and altogether making it seem pristine once more, allowing it to be easily used by any future guests that may need space.*

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