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Post Wed Feb 10, 2010 1:56 pm

Re: Gal'fian'deprisi

not at all, it is just how it is. now i must go and slaughter those that stand against me.

*leaving the cantina, the admiral returns to his starfighter and launches into orbit.*
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Post Tue Feb 23, 2010 2:22 pm

Re: Gal'fian'deprisi

The Fian Hall of State had only been superficially disturbed by the late ruptures of the peace in Gal'fian'deprisi for the short time it became a site of popularity for people with problems to settle. On the inside, it reflected the cool atmosphere where for almost two years now the august legislative body of the planet had come together and decided official policy, subject to the will of the Governor of the planet. The members of the houses met officially once a year, although the city mayor could call an emergency session if the occasion called for it. The ceremony at which an open session was declared was usually covered by the media and looked forward to with pride by a people that were interested in politics.

Somehow, there was more than usual anticipation in the air today among the meticulously dressed Senators as they milled about in quiet knots of people discussing the latest news. Gradually, they filtered into the main room, with it's semi-circular rows of benches and desks arranged similar to an old amphitheater, focusing down towards the main platform. As the lines and ranks of people arranged themselves formally, a guard stepped forward and announced the arrival of the governor of the planet.

Jade and Al'lara left their speeders outside andaccompanied by the small guard proceeded to their usual positions. The diminutive female dressed in black and silver, made a distinguished appearance, though a few wondered at the elegant silver lines curling around her magnetic green eyes. She remembered the first time she had walked into this assembly. Politics was not so much her line... she provided for the defense of these people, and otherwise for the most part left them to their own devices. She nodded in acknowledgment of the bows she received on both sides, and stepped up to the podium at the focal point of the room.

She opened her mouth to speak, and looked at all the faces she knew, people she had worked with, and memories came back... so many memories, all the things she didn't normally have time for, all that had happened since her arrival here. She cleared her throat, bowed to those present, and picked up the hammer lying on the podium.

"I declare this session of the Fian Senate, open!"

The sharp tap of the hammer echoed through the room. Then with a quiet rustle, the assembled people took their seats.
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Post Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:12 pm

Re: Gal'fian'deprisi

A rustle and murmur swelled through the building as the politicians resumed their labors. Fian politics were interesting, one might think they looked like chaos at the moment, but compared to the past, this was calm. A motion was put forth and debated.

Jade had resumed her seat, waiting for the appropriate moment at which to take the action she had come here fully prepared to perform. She glanced around the assembled crowd, looking for the faces that she knew. Politics had never been her favorite thing, although she was aquainted with the way politics worked. As with everything else in life, things were tied together. Everything was interconnected at some level.
"Are you alright, commander?" Jade looked over at Al'lara and nodded. Commander... the old title. It had so many memories with it. Absentmindedly her fingers ran over the intricately carven knife that always hung from her belt, as if it was part of who she was. After so long, that was in a sense true as there was no way she would part with that blade while living.

She recalled the long meditations that had brought her to this point. Selaya in hunting mode flashed across her mind. And then Selaya pacing back and forth in the confines of the Stronghold...much as she herself had done. was definitely time to take this step. And slowly at first, words strung themselves together...thoughts became sentences.... and eventually she rose to her feet. She didn't say anything, merely standing and waiting until the gathered people noticed her. It was tribute to her character and the respect in which she was held, that silence fell.

And so, after preparation and long thought, Jade began speaking...
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Post Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:01 pm

Re: Gal'fian'deprisi

"Senators of the Fian People, representatives, all those gathered today, and those of you watching, as planetary governor I have endeavored to serve the best interests of the people of Planet Galantos."

Jade's voice rang clearly in the large building. Perhaps it seemed a little older, more mature than her face appeared to be. She still looked fairly young, at least on the surface. Young indeed to hold a position of authority. But those who relied on more than immediate instinct realized that there was more to her than this. Her green eyes gazed steadily at the people she was addressing. Did she look at notes? No. She had never used notes. They reminded her too much of the fake, tailored, manipulative ways of the corruption she had fought on her homeworld.

"I tender you my thanks for giving me shelter among you for these years, despite the initial misgivings many of you may have felt. Several invasions of Sith, economic turmoil, and private vendettas have each failed to establish a corrupt hold on this world."

She thought back through the various problems that had rocked Gal'fian'deprisi and left many hurt, maimed, or dead. Wars that they had not sought to bring upon themselves. She remembered Darth Saurn... him she had not forgotten, nor the sacrifice of Al'lara's family, of the death of her twin sister. The painting in the Great Hall still showed the marks of that day, leaving the bird of prey nearly unrecognizable. In a habitual mannerism, Jade's hand ran along the curiously carved hilt of the knife she always wore, a reminder of days long past.

She was dressed as simply as always. Black and silver tunic, knife, lightsaber, long hair braided and twisted around her head. Despite her small stature, barely over five feet tall, it was a rarity for someone not to take her seriously. Those who did so, typically learned their mistake, later, and usually didn't repeat it.

"You have all given me your sons and daughters in times of emergency, some of them never to return. It is time that you, Senators, take control of Galantos. People of Galantos, I present to you, the Fian Senate!"

The silence was filled with applause, and Jade momentarily looked away. She did not have to explain her actions. It was something the old commander rarely did. But for some reason, the Jedi Master did so now.

She raised a hand, signaling that she had more to say,
"Al'lara has served me long and well. You would do well to trust her. She is one of you. As for myself, you can give a falcon a gilded cage, but it is still a cage. I have done my best for you, and now I wish to continue my own life, such as it is. I have been in one place for too long, and my soul wishes to fly. I will not forget you, Al'lara will keep me informed. And who knows? The universe is not so big... perhaps we shall meet again."

Jade glanced at the Speaker of the House as he stood and bowed politely. She curtly responded with the same half-bow as she stepped away from the podium. Her step was light, silent, as was she herself. Some things took awhile to accomplish, but it was time the people of Galantos took care of themselves. And she thought that perhaps they could do it now.

Her green eyes didn't blink. She bowed deeply in response to Ambassador Zadorien, and reaching out, gently unwrapped the gift to reveal a fighting knife. Like her honorblade it had a carved hilt, much simpler though, more functional. She unsheathed it and looked at the blade in the light, phrik alloy. A bird of prey in flight was skilfully etched across the blade so that the structural integrity of the whole was not compromised. A faint smile curved her lips as she resheathed it.

"Convey my gratitude and appreciation to those who sent you on this journey, Ambassador Zadorien. May you live a long life of service, not accepting bribes of those who would buy their way to power rather than earn it through possession of an honorable character."

"And to you, Mr. Speaker, may you long hold the position you are now used to, yet never grow complacent, never take it for granted."

Then, looking at the others, as well as glancing at the holo-recorders, "My farewell to you all."

That said, knife in hand, Jade turned. She smiled and spoke a quite goodbye to Al'lara. She had left her comlink frequency with her former lieutenant earlier, and she would make sure the Stronghold had a function still. With a firm footstep, she left the Fian Senate amid a great deal more noise than when she entered. Her speeder was outside. Almost as she had first come to this place, Jade left the capital city. Her possessions, such as they were, were already stowed on board her ship.

People come, people go... few things always remain the same. And this had been long overdue. Jade had been in a position she had never sought, chained to a world vastly different from anything she had once cared about. Now she was free again, to do as she wished, and travel where she pleased. Selaya, her pet vornskyr was already at her ship, waiting.

Like a common civilian, she left her speeder behind and continued on foot, checking in with Flight Control and moving off to her ship. It wasn't all that great, but it flew, and it was usually dependable. Not to mention, there was a bit of extra room, something that one needed when flying with an animal as large as a vornskyr. Jade fastened her new knife to her belt, and then drew on the Force in a powerful leap up to the cockpit of her fighter. She dropped into the seat and was running preflight checks while powering up the engines and strapping herself in.

"Hello Selaya, it looks like we are off wandering the galaxy again. The two of us... so wild, finally free to fly once more. It is about time. I would like to see some forests and mountains..."

Once ready, the ship took off. Jade grinned as the canopy slid closed with a quiet 'snick' as she piloted her way out of the public hanger. Then, she angled her nose to the sky and rocketed out of the atmosphere of planet Galantos. Once in the blackness of space, she punched in some coordinates, took a last look back, scratched Selaya's ears, and then vanished into hyperspace, followed by the faintest hint of quiet laughter.
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Post Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:28 pm

Re: Gal'fian'deprisi

** there sky filled with a wave of LAATs . they descended on the capital city like a swarm . the people below paniced . they had not had communication for days and now an army was descending upon them. the LAATS flew to the capital building where a few landed . Sergeant Uan got of and head up the step with a small task force. the walked in side what was the capital building and where meet by a council of leaders of the planets*

=Sergeant Uan=

I Represent a great house of Power we are here to take over your world have 2 options ...submit and assist ...or fight and be destroyed ...

**the council members did not know what to say. they dident have the military force to take this new power on . and they did not want to be destroyed . the head council member bowed his head and the rest followed **

=Sergeant Uan=

good choice ....

** he put his finger to his ear and sent a messages out to the military **

:: they have submitted send the down the task force....i would start working with the council to start organizing the planets government ::

*he looked over to the members of the councile *

i need in office and you the head member to come with me so we may talk about the future

**the head council member lead him to a grand office he had used Sergeant Uan took a seat behind the desk **
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Post Fri Feb 04, 2011 4:00 am

Re: Gal'fian'deprisi

*10,000 clone troops where stationed in the capital to act as a secularity force. 20,000 Fian males entered in to training to be preprepared to become apart of the military forces. on top of this 50-IFT-X Tanks where dropped off to add to military forces .

*Sergeant Uan had now taken the title of Governor Uan . after days of talks with the Speaker of the House they had reorganized the government in min monarch. all there current 15 of the wealthiest Fian where made nobles and given a seat on the ruling council . 5 wealth humans where give the title of nobles and also given seats on the ruling council. Governor Uan was the head of state and a representation of the house of Flames. the transition of power had been quite easy . the people of the planet where not sure about the new leaders >*

** the 20 nobles sat them selfs in the council room. the room was a semi circle in the middle was a seat on a platform . the nobles sat in hi rises seats. looking down on this empty seat. They talked among them selves many unsure if they should be happy about this new government . Governor Uan walked in with the former speaker of the house the room became still.Governor Uan Stepped forward to address the the ruling council this was brodcasted to the rest of the planet*

:: My dear Nobels today we stand born a new . this world once just a showdown in the back of the minds of other powers at be has become a part of something much bigger . The house of Flame welcomes you in to the fold of our kingdom . we bring with us men to protect your lands , education to advance your children , medical supplies for your health and let it be know that no blood was spilled as power transfered from old to New . as of today the planet will be split in to 15 sectors each run by a noble who is free to run there sector how the please . the other 5 nobles will be in charge of the Capital. the ruleing council be me allowed to make any laws dealing with trade and exports . all othere laws my be discued and voted on but will need the approval of the governor to be finalized ....As we move forward let us do so as faithful and loyal cittzens ...for any thing less will be met with death ::

** with that Governor Uan opened the ruling council and walked out. the speaker of the house sat down in the platform seat . and a new era of the planet began*
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Post Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:05 am

Re: Gal'fian'deprisi

**Uan sat in his office looking out the window over the city . times had been good on the city the people seemed to be receptive to the new order of things . a new education policy had be enacted making education free and out lawing private education .at this moment speaker of the house walked in and bowed **

SH- Governor i have a new bill for you that will sanction the establishment of an out post in sector 8 ....and another for the opening of mines threw out the planet

why is there a need for and out post in the sector 8?

SH- The noble in charge of this sector says that something has be killing his people and he needs some trained military personnel to kill it

interesting ....well i will sign both ...what is the status of the pharmaceutical bill

SH- it has not passed yet Governor ...there are hang ups on producing drugs for more then just medical uses

where are the hang ups ...

SH- well only the nobles of sector 1, 4,6,and 10 support it

well we need to get that passed i expect that bill on my desk in 3 weeks ....

SH- i understand my governor

** Uan signed the two bills and the Speaker of the house left . he turned around and pulled of the holo vid on his arm **


:: yes my lord ::

send troops to sector 8 and find out what is killing the people there ...but do not kill it only find out what it is and capture it

:: yes my lord ::

** *he cut the holo vid off . if was going to pass this bill he knew he need to fian to believe in them more . if the could breed what ever was killing the Fian and unleash it on the sectors not in support of the bill then use a drug to kill the beast it would rally them behind the bill*
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Post Wed Feb 23, 2011 4:15 pm

Re: Gal'fian'deprisi

*a com on the desk begins to chime, signaling a incoming message.*

:: Good evening Mysterious Stranger. i am the Admiral. though you may call me whatever you wish. i am informed by my underlings on the planet that you have just ... acquired the planet. i am assuming by your lack of activity against the mines i have established on the planet during the reign of your predecessor that you are going to allow me to continue mining at my leisure. if this is a mistaken assumption and you are merely gathering your forces to strike, might i suggest that we attempt to negotiate for my continued mining of the planet. after all it would be ... misfortunate to become involved in a ... misunderstanding. i trust you will be reasonable in this request? do not assume that i mean to take advantage of you. ::

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