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Open Terrain

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Posts: 38

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Post Thu Feb 10, 2011 3:11 am

Re: Open Terrain

*I stared at the shuttle a little confused, however, I knew that Unky Gwizz was trying to help me, and that something was very badly wrong with Mother, so I did not question it, I ran up the ramp to the shuttle and sat myself in one of the seats and strapped myself in, I curled my legs up on the chair and into my chest, wrapping my arms around my knee's I buried my head in-between them trying desperately to be a big boy like Unky Gwizz had said, and not cry, but it was tough, in such a short space of time, Tess had been killed, apparently my Daddy was an evil man who didn't like me any more, and Mother was wanting to hurt me very badly, and I think, kill me.*

*I could not understand what I had done to cause all of this, it did not make sense, I was not very very naughty, I made Daddy laugh, and Mother only told me off sometimes, but the rest of the time she loved me, she would kiss me and hug me, and play, so I could not have been very very bad, not really, so what had happened? did Daddy really hate me? Had something happened to Mother to make her hate me? all I knew for certain was that I was lost, very very lost, I did not know who I could trust any more, it did appear that the only one I could trust was unky Gwizz, after all, these were his soldiers, and they were helping me, and I knew him well enough to know that had he instructed them not to help, they would not come anywhere near me...*
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Post Wed Feb 23, 2011 6:07 am

Re: Open Terrain

*The moment Ryddik made his choice and entered the shuttle, the uniformed men followed after him and within two minutes the shuttle was airborne. As it flew low over the forest, an elderly looking gentleman stepped out from the cockpit and sat next to the balled-up boy.*

*He places the amulet on the seat next to Ryddik and walks back to the cockpit. The uniformed men tend to other duties around the cabin area; one stood a few metres away from Ryddik, waiting in case the boy needed anything.*

*It wasn't long before the forest became plains, then small hills. It was at that point that the shuttle started to climb towards the upper atmosphere of the planet, far far away from where they began, and nearly a quarter of the planet away from Lutris.*


*Sictis Squad Three did as ordered and used the Force to incinerate everything before leaping back onto the ramp and entering the shuttle.*

*Lamia turned on Three, but was stopped by the firm hand of One before she could land a single blow.*

*One let go of Lamia's arm and signalled Fourteen in the cockpit. The ramp retracted, the hatch closed. A few seconds later the shuttle wheeled about and headed back toward Lutris.*
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Post Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:40 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*The ship burst from the clouds and soared threw the sky above a forest below. She spotted a bald spot in the forest then circled around and descended down into the landing position. When the ship made touch down Requiem got up, the rough landing woke Sam and when he was already on his feet he made it to the ramp bay where he met with his master. The ramp opened and Requiem left the ship without a word, she entered after Sam when he looked over at her after wondering what was wrong with Godric. She shook her head not knowing the problem so Sam followed out finding him looking out into the forest.* Master is there something troubling you?

*Darth Requiem remained quiet with his hands heald behind hid back. The wind moved east and the forest tilted in that direction, his master watched the forest and squinted his eyes when Sam said this. Even without saying anything he turned around and swung at Sam knocking him down.* Do you think I'm a let a jedi live.

Sam looked up at him revealing his hatred as he wiped his mouth of the blood with the side of his hand. He got to his feet then looked at Requiem. I let Naressa's twin sister sent her after me because you know she was a jedi. I'm starting to think you had more to do with her death then i originally thought.

*Darth Requiem let out a laugh turning to each side slightly until he returned to sam with a short stare. Sam knew now that he was decieved but he still didn't understand the magnitude of how bad he was decieved.* Lord still have no idea. I was there that day, I am the one you seen. But you've been delusional for the past two years...

*Sam starred at him but he knew this hasn't been going on for two years. He looked at his master and shook is head certan of how long it's been with no doubt in his mind.* All it's been since this has happened is just a week. I've been with her the past two years!

*The sith lord shook his head with his eyes on Sam.*'ve been delusional. For the past two years i've been trying to fix the connection you have with the force. You have been my subject for two years until you escaped. We hunted you down until the road ended when you crash landed on Drumond Kaas.
*Sam shook his head getting angry but he had no reason to, he half knew the reason why he was getting angry was because Requiem was getting very convincing.* No...she was there. She arrived there with me!

*He stepped back shaking his head until he had sudden glimpses of the past. He remembered laying in the floor in a puddle of blood. Yet this time he remembered it and Naressa wasn't there, she was never there. He shook his head again then looked at Requiem.* Yes now you see. The day you became my patient you were very delusional and suffered from slight dementia, you had these moments when your personality would shift. One side of you could not use the force while the other could. Samuel...she wasn't murdered by the sith. You killed her.

*He shook his head while he starred at the ground for a moment until anger and hatred built up inside of him. He raised his right arm straight out to his side quickly then forced his hilt to the grip of his hand and ignited it while launching himself towards Darth requiem. When his master blocked this with his orange lightsaber he pressed down against the laser sword as sparks ignited.* Your a fool to deny this. You killed her, you CHOKED her to death with the force. You couldn't handle what you did to her so you destroyed the side of you that was connected to the force and all of the memories with it. YOU KILLED HER!

*After Sam kept denying this shouting 'NO!' he put all his strenght into it and pinned Requiems saber to the ground with his own above. He let go with one hand then gripped him with the force throwing him into the side of the ship. Before requiem could recover sam had already threw the force at him when he stepped once away from the ship but he was slammed hard against it again and the ship even shook from the impact. As Sam approached he rapidly threw the force his way punding him every second against the ship until he pulled him his way and connected his fist to Requiems face making him flip and hit the ground hard. When Sam forced Requiems weapon into his own hand he looked up at sam with a chuckle.*I've brought back the monster...

*Sam starred down feeling nothing but utter hatred. Then he thrusted both sabers into Darth requiems chest ending him altogether. He looked down at him pleased to see that he was dead but his last words lingered in his head like a sickness. He turned back to the ship finding the pilot standing there so he approached and stopped beside her then nodded before continueing inside the ship. Finally all three of those sith were dead.*
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Posts: 203


Traffic Light: [img][/img]

Post Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:02 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*He was standing outside the ship watching the sun rise, his arms crossed covered in the robe he is wearing. He was standing there and thinking about the future to come. Standing as two people both Samuel and Legacy but he couldn't figure out which one was the real him which meant he is truely lost. If he was living a life of amnesia or dementia what else in his life was fake...was this fake? Was him speaking to Naressa fake? He turned away from the light and retreated back into the darkness of the ship. She looked at him and stopped.* You took a hard hit back who really won. Who stands before me...Darth Legacy or Samuel Wake?

He stopped to look over for a moment and he just realized that he didn't even know her name. He's traveled with her for a few days but not long enough to even have time to get to know someone. Then avoiding her question all together he spoke.
I'll tell my name if you'll tell me yours...

He smirked but she didn't seem to be amused yet she wasn't annoyed or angry as well. She was actually shocked that he said this, he had continued until he felt her stare upon him so he turned back around.
What do you mean I tell you my name...we've been traveling together for a month. You and me...

*He smirked trying to find some sort of sarcasm in her expression but he found nothing and stepped forward. He shook his head beguinning to get serious.* What are you talking about...i just killed Darth- *Then all of the sudden he looked outside but Darth Requiem was no where to be seen. His body wasn't were he had where to be seen. Then he looked over at her but his vision dramatically slowed and soon enough he was falling to the floor. He heard screams, loud noises and all other sorts of things and soon enough the ship was there no more.*

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