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Post Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:56 pm

Re: Redhaven

*After a few hours of trudging through the crimson sands, the clone of B'ree had finally reached Redhaven. Entering the settlement from it's eastern most entrance, Belloc continued to walk through the streets. Some of the citizens cast a wary glance at him. Others turned the other way and put as much distance between themselves and the wandering stranger as they could. And then there were the few that remembered and recognized him. They simply smiled and went back to their everyday activities. Belloc, however, continued onward, now searching for a kiosk that would sell him some water, for he had become extremely dehydrated during his trek through the desert.*
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Post Mon May 21, 2012 2:22 pm

Re: Redhaven

*The Mandalorian scout ship lands at the spaceport, or what passes for it. Getting out of the ship, the diplomat makes his way towards whoever he can pay for his ship's docking fee. Standing at 7 feet tall, it is obvious what he is: a marauder clone. If that wasn't a big enough give away, his phase two marauder amour should clue in the idiotic. What was strange was the armor color: instead of the trademark jet black with blood red slashes across it, this armor is all white.

The diplomat pays the fee, then hires a cab to take him in towards the center of the city.*
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Post Wed May 23, 2012 2:21 pm

Re: Redhaven

*Getting out of the cab, he pays his fare and moves out. Redhaven was a strange city. It was in good condition, not what he exactly expected. Looking around however, he found no central government building, no capital. He was further confused the more he looked around.

Finally he picked up a tourist guide to the city. Then it hit him: the capital was in Tyr, not here. Annoyed, he found a transport to the real capital, hopped in and made his way there.*
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Post Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:26 pm

Re: Redhaven

*Redhaven sat quiet. While much of the initial fighting had taken place here, there wasn't much trace of it left. The people of Redhaven had managed to rebuild most of the damage sustained themselves. There wasn't much in the way of government left on the planet after the revolution, so the Senate Hall was the first building to be repaired. Before his father had left, he had ordered Fleet Admiral Bennette to be the acting head of government. With the Imperial City in ruins, the government was stationed out of Redhaven. Many refugees from Exodus had fled to Redhaven for food, shelter and safety. All the planetary affairs were in a sad state, but Vallius was going to do his best to rebuild, after he was done exploring Exodus and ensuring no loyalists to the Empire remained.*

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