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The Crash

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Post Sun Jan 15, 2012 10:43 pm

Re: The Crash

*Leading the Nuruodo afiliated commandos into the damutek, Cergy followed the first group of Prar house commandos down into the depths of the Vong base of operations. His arm rasied and blaster steady, he glanced over his shoulder to see that Clay and his commandos were not much farther behind his own men, their lightsabers already drawn and yet not activated. Turning his attention forwards once more, the group of commandos suddenly came to a halt as a sphincter like seal blocked their path.*

*Pushing their way forwards once the group came to a halt, Clay and two other commandos stepped forward, activated their shotos and attempted to stab them into the soft tissue of the sphincter.*

Post Sun Jan 15, 2012 11:32 pm

Re: The Crash

*Moving the last few of their forces into position, the Killik Hoard had now successfully surrounded the entire Prar House phalanx. And at that moment, Cruelty, posing as the Hive Queen, made contact with his underlings.*

*Without any warning, they charged. The Kolosoloks led the charge, of course, heading straight for the Chiss lines with the Gorog riding on their backs. The rest of the Hive was right behind them. Once the Kolosoloks reach the Chiss lines, the Gorog jump into their midst and begin spewing acidic slim upon the Chiss soldiers, as well as clawing and biting and even beating a few with large staffs.*

*The full liberation of Yoggoy had begun!*
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Post Tue Jan 17, 2012 8:50 am

Re: The Crash

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Post Tue Jan 17, 2012 5:38 pm

Re: The Crash

*The last group of Prar House Commando's had made their way through the entrance of the Damutek and were all assembling in ranks behind Clay and his men who had gotten down to the lowest level before them and were already breaching the door. The Commando's held their Heavy Repeating Charrics at the ready*

*The scanning crew aboard the GCBASS could not find a single Yuuzhan Vong for miles, but their scans were showing the Killiks were now covering the entire rear flank of the Prar House Phalanx. Captain Zeus shook his head before radioing Colonel Dawn*

*No sooner had Colonel Dawn finished talking to Captain Zeus when the Killik colony turned upon the Chiss forces and started to attack. Colonel Dawn looked out the side of the Király Holló and down at the clash*

*Colonel Dawn then activated his comm link to the Phalanx*

*The Elite Prar House Warriors, Bulldogs, Sebes'kad's and Expansionart MBT MkI began to scramble out of the way of the charging Kolosoloks. The Bulldogs, Sebes'kad's and Expansionart MBT MkI started firing a mixture of maser and laser fire towards the charging Killik Hive as they were scrambling out of the way.
7 Király Holló's banked around and started firing raining down maser fire from the turrets upon the Killik Hive. The Rhino's scrambled into small groups of 2 each, before clamping down and firing from their MAC guns at the Kolosoloks.
Meanwhile the 15 Brumak class Heavy Destroyers faced a Kolosolok each and charged at it, to stop them in their tracks, before firing their dual light maser turrets at close range into the Kolosoloks.
Several Elite Chiss Warriors were killed by the acidic slime that the Gorog were spewing at them, before those around them started firing their Heavy Repeating Charrics at them*
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Post Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:53 pm

Re: The Crash

*As Clay and another commando, Josh was his name, plunged both of their sabers into the sphincter, a spear came up through the center of the sphincter and plunged itself deep into Josh's chest, causing him to double over the amphistaff and fall to the ground before the sphincter, his dual shots deactivating and falling to the ground at his side to be picked up by two of Cergy's clone commandos. Fueled by a new found hatred, Clay and three other force commandos took their sabers and began simply stabbing holes into the sphincter to begin flooding the room beyond with radiation.*

*As Clay and his men seemed to go awol on the sphincter door, Cergy and two other clones, the two who had acquired the fallen commandos shotos, pulled the man back and began trying to patch the hole in his chest...but it was too late. The under armor jumpsuit that the armor plates attached to had been pierced and radiation had seeped directly into the commandos blood stream, killing him almost immediately. Letting out a sigh of sadness, Cergy looked up in time to see one of his commandos take out a , arm it, and toss it through one of the larger holes the saber wielding commandos had made in the sphincter.*
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Post Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:18 pm

Re: The Crash

*Gorgon didn't need to see his amphistaff penetrate the Chiss behind the hatch sphincter to know it had hit meat. An almost electric sensation tingled down the length of the rigid serpent, alerting the Yuuzhan Vong warrior to a successful strike. As soon as he had thrust it through the organic portal, he began to pull it back, immediately realizing the folly in his decision. Radiation poured through the gap, cooking the exposed flesh of his hands. As the commandos energy blades further penetrated the living barrier, more radiation flooded in, causing the black chitin of his vonduun skerr kyrric to discolor and his flesh to smoke and peel from the bone. Even bred as he was to endure and enjoy pain, having his skin and bones cooked in radiation had well pushed his tolerance past its limits. To his credit, Gorgan didn't cry out.* *Never had a single Yuuzhan Vong warrior screamed, not even during the most excruciating of torments. This warrior was damn well set on not being the first to do so.* *His hands now a ruined mess, he staggered back, just as an object was thrown through the ever-growing hole in the hatch sphincter.*

*Without his hands he couldn't wield an amphistaff, effectively making him useless for the purposes of combat. But his mind was already set on sacrafice, and he had a notion as to just what the object cast through the portal was. If the tables were turned, he knew what he would have done to clear a room.*

*The warrior allowed his worsening state to carry his body to the floor, where he dropped on top of the charge, using his crab armour chest plate to cover the device. As the vape-charge exploded, Gorgan's armour took the brunt of the blast before being disintegrated. His cooked flesh quickly turned to ash, while the explosive blast carried outwards. The remaining four warriors, beyond the disintegration range of the explosive device, found themselves rocked by the shockwave that followed immediately after. Smoke, debris, and radiation flooded into the room and blinded them in a haze. Despite being disoriented, each warrior threw the blast bug they were carrying where they believed the remains of the hatch sphincter to be. It was a clumsy cast, with only two of the bugs flying through the vaporized hatch while the other two clipped the door and exploded.*


*As for the intrepid seventy-five, their descent into the unknown had plunged them into a subterranean tunnel carved through the ground by the hive that had formerly taken residence there prior to the Yuuzhan Vong's brief occupation. It was dark, silent, and wide enough to fit a Kolosolok. Though not much larger. A path split in either direction, without any hint as to which led to salvation. Cretin scowled, drawing a lambent from his satchel and casting light in all directions. He whispered a short prayer to the Yun'o for guidance, and when they didn't answer he picked a direction at random and ordered his warriors to follow him. As it so happened, that path headed straight in the direction of the skirmish forming between the Chiss and Killiks.*
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Post Wed May 23, 2012 6:39 am

Re: The Crash

*Alrighty, time to sum up what happened. You know that scene in Starship Troopers called the ? That's basically what happened.*

*Cretin and his men emerged in the middle of the Sithspit, fighting their way to the surface against the bug menace, all very heroic like and such. Tearing through the clouds was a yorik-trema, the horse of the Yuuzhan Vong warrior caste, racing towards the battle zone. Its yaret-kor racked a flaming furrow through the killiks, clearing a path the subaltern and his men were more than happy to follow.* *Most often in this sort of situation the warrior caste would fight to the death, but they were also under orders from Praetorite High Command. Duty came above personal desire.* *As a molleung worm emerged from the underside of the drop ship, Yuuzhan Vong raced up the ramp, hurling nang hul behind them with little regard to aim. Even so, several of the vonduun skerr kyrric clad brutes were dragged down by the masses, sheer numbers taking their toll yet again.*

"Move you maggots!" *Snarled Cretin.* "No, not the actual maggots. I meant...oh, never mind."

*And as quick as it came, the trema was heading orbit side, dipping and dodging bug fire all the way to orbit. From there it was a quick darkspace jump straight to Sekot.*
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Post Fri May 25, 2012 7:18 pm

Re: The Crash

*The Prar House Commando's stuck in the depths of the Damutek rushed past Clay's commando's, through the sphincter and down into the hole in the floor, landing in the Killik tunnels. They rushed through the caves in a similar direction to what the Yuuzhan Vong had chosen. They broke to the surface seconds after the Yuuzhan Vong escaped. The lead Commando then activated a beacon, alerting the Chiss forces to their location

Then, like the cavalry charging in to utterly destroy an enemy, the Drach's Sword appeared above the horizon behind the Killik forces. maser fire and torpedo's rained down upon the Killik lines as it passed over head and landed behind the Prar House Phalanx. This brief respite gave the Prar House Phalanx time to pull back and retreat up the ramp into the Drach's Sword, as the ship's weapons pelted the Killik forces.
Meanwhile a small group of transports were dispatched and picked up the Prar House Commando's who had exited the Killik tunnels, returning them to the ship*

*Colonel Dawn exited the Király Holló the moment it touched down inside the Drach's Sword and raced to the bridge. By the time he got there the last of the troops had boarded the Ac'siel II class Star Destroyer*

*The ship's captain nodded to Colonel Dawn as he raised the ramp and immediately the ship began to lift off the ground, before it's engines engaged and propelled the ship up into orbit*

*The GCBASS soon followed the Drach's Sword up into orbit*

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