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Add Leadership
Could a Whill add Galdaart Fel to the leadership of the Smuggler's Ring please?
Re: Fel Crew
I know you all missed me terribly so I wanted to come by and see if the Fel crew was up for some friendly competition once I get things moving again with my crew.
Re: Outlaw Pub
[npc name=Cyrus Odai:2eckkw8e] A very shady man walks into the bar a worn out leather jacket and a black t-shirt with blue jean. He has a light goatee and long whiskers in the form of a beard. His movements are direct as he walks straight for the bar and then behind the counter, sliding his jacket o...
Re: The Feedback thread!
I was just wondering because there are some people that I would like to nominate for the same category, posts won't be difficult to find.
Re: Force powers
Moved from the private council to the councilors area for discussion. Transparency and all.
Re: JvS Alignment Chart
I suggested something similar to this in the private council a while back, what it turned into was a discussion of what powers are restricted to PC's only and a break down of each power into sections and then into tiers, I've moved it to the councilors area for reference . In addition, I don't know ...
Wed May 23, 2012 2:41 pm
Forum: Archived Threads
Topic: A company as a faction
Replies: 14
Views: 1068
Re: A company as a faction
Gabe, I admire what you are trying to do here, I really do, but having it listed as a business and a faction is not necessary. I'll give you a few examples. Red Dawn Medical Center - it isn't a faction, it's a business, a very well known business that has a very strong group of devoted writers and a...
Re: Beskar
I want to say no since to me it doesn't seem like Mandalorians would have near perfect armor and miss a flaw that big. But given the lack of canon references I'm going to say if you have a set of armor and want to make it magnetic then go for it...or if there is someone willing to let you pull out a...
Thu May 24, 2012 4:07 pm
Forum: Archived Threads
Topic: Droid Constrcution Times
Replies: 6
Views: 568
Re: Droid Constrcution Times
So if I get an order, that would be of higher priority that system 8493-A's anual order of 30,000 droids, such as perhaps an order from a faction of 70,000 every two years, would I be able to cut down production time? (Though probably at a higher construction cost due to profit's lost on the order ...
Re: Draykon Crew
Alright I've posted, everyone but Hannah, Nika, and Adriana are on the ship...Ryder and Ace should probably get back to the warehouse before we take off. Other than that, we're pretty close to being set to go.
Tue Jun 05, 2012 2:07 pm
Forum: Archived Topics
Topic: Sithies 2012 Ceremony Presenters Needed
Replies: 25
Views: 13026
Re: Sithies 2012 Ceremony Presenters Needed
I'll present an award as well, I mean you obviously want the biggest stars available to present, such as myself ;)
Re: Thor vs. Iron Man
NT...never mention Superman again especially when compared to any Marvel character. I hate Superman with a passion. The more you know... lmao. Would it be a bad idea to mention Batman, who at one point in the comics literally had files on how to defeat practically every single character in the DC U...
Wed Sep 26, 2012 10:51 am
Forum: Archived Threads
Topic: ATTENTION Player's Guild
Replies: 0
Views: 595
ATTENTION Player's Guild
To everyone that has posted topics/questions: On behalf of the entire Player's Guild Council and former GRPEC, it is with our sincerest apologies that we have not answered your questions more quickly, we would like you to know that we have not forgotten about you and we fully intend on answering you...
Wed Sep 26, 2012 11:49 am
Forum: JvS RP
Topic: Re-Emerging From The Shadows...
Replies: 5
Views: 589
Re: Re-Emerging From The Shadows...
Hey Z, long time no see. You still doing Legacy? We finally started posting...still not open to the public though.
Re: Nystao Public Spaceport
When the smoke started to invade Adrien's space he became annoyed...well as much as he could be annoyed at smoke, it wasn't like it had a mind of it's own He started to wave it away, trying to clear the air Strange smoke it was, it didn't have the same smell or even look as typical ...
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