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Tue Sep 28, 2010 3:03 pm

Forum: Archived Threads

Topic: A Character Review

Replies: 6

Views: 313

Re: A Character Review

Oh, I know that full well. But consider: From an IC perspective, the chassis was meant for a different metal entirely. I think (not sure, I'll recheck) I wrote this in the backstory; at the time of construction, neuranium was the only metal he had enough of to use to keep the machine somewhat up to ...

Fri Oct 08, 2010 8:15 am

Forum: The Sehthi Jamdaadh Towers

Topic: The Restaurant & Bar

Replies: 1043

Views: 40560

Re: The Restaurant & Bar

By her invitation, then. The man waved off yet another drink at the bar and confidently strode towards the group, keeping his eyes on the woman and a smile on his face. Eventually coming into their part of the bar, he stood off to the side, still allowing the trio to finish their business before he...

Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:53 pm

Forum: The Sehthi Jamdaadh Towers

Topic: The Restaurant & Bar

Replies: 1043

Views: 40560

Re: The Restaurant & Bar

"Wow, Baldy. You're as smart as you look. I'm impressed." The man simply smiled as he shot back at the bald one's presumptuous joke with a cold, calculated precision. He couldn't read the newcomer's thoughts. Not due to any ineptitude on his part (though the armed man would...

Sat Oct 16, 2010 8:06 am

Forum: The Sehthi Jamdaadh Towers

Topic: The Restaurant & Bar

Replies: 1043

Views: 40560

Re: The Restaurant & Bar

"Thank you, milady. I would greatly appreciate any assistance you or your friend could provide, and await what results you can offer me. You both have my assurances that you will be handsomely rewarded." Aherk bowed his head as he finished, holding his tongue from once again pointing out h...

Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:20 am

Forum: Archived Threads

Topic: Its Aliiiiiiiiive!

Replies: 31

Views: 1745

Re: Its Aliiiiiiiiive!

Covers Weapons: 0
Covers Just Self: 1 (KR)

Tue May 01, 2012 9:02 pm

Forum: JvS RP

Topic: Fel Crew

Replies: 4142

Views: 253842

Re: Fel Crew

Why would he? Child support's a nemoidian in this day and age.

Mon May 21, 2012 6:56 am

Forum: Archived Threads

Topic: Beskar

Replies: 22

Views: 2528

Re: Beskar

I never see it used as a magnetic material, so off the bat I'd say no. Even if it is a ferrous metal, there's not a single use of it as a magnetic force in canon.

As an example, Iron Man's armor isn't made of iron, but Gold-Titanium Alloy Man doesn't quite roll off the tongue, does it?

Mon May 28, 2012 7:53 pm

Forum: JvS RP

Topic: Fel Crew

Replies: 4142

Views: 253842

Re: Fel Crew

Hear tell Dazac was looking for me?

Sat Oct 16, 2010 9:06 am

Forum: The Sehthi Jamdaadh Towers

Topic: The Restaurant & Bar

Replies: 1043

Views: 40560

Re: The Restaurant & Bar

Agrippa's whole spiel had relied on one incredibly crucial factor; that the man he was trying to insult with acidic spit and hopelessly empty threats actually cared at all. Clearly, Agrippa Krall had no idea exactly who he was dealing with. He had to give him credit; clearly his helmet's au...

Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:20 am

Forum: Archived Threads

Topic: Its Aliiiiiiiiive!

Replies: 31

Views: 1745

Re: Its Aliiiiiiiiive!

Glad you PM'ed him. I was about to give him the green light. Seeing as how it's genetically engineered to be somewhat akin to an ysalamir, using those genetic codes to neutralize the force, an ysalamir provides a 10m bubble around it. Ten meters is a HUGE distance. For those not versed in the metric...

Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:59 am

Forum: Opinion Polls

Topic: The Patent Office

Replies: 23

Views: 2715

Re: The Patent Office

I liked - and in some ways, still like - the concept. Those that want to manufacture should be allowed to, and those that want to participate in the battles among the stars that gave Star Wars its name should be permitted to do so. I mean, just because I can't really see myself doing something like ...

Tue May 01, 2012 8:31 pm

Forum: Tatooine's Terrain

Topic: Beggar's Canyon

Replies: 550

Views: 22047

Re: Beggar's Canyon

KR-04's dismissal of the unstable terrain had proven to be a grievous tactical error. As had been the amount of pressure he had channeled into the hydraulics in his leg. Neither consideration was ever valued very highly to the droid's tactical computer, save for situations arising approxima...

Sat May 05, 2012 10:59 am

Forum: Tatooine's Terrain

Topic: Beggar's Canyon

Replies: 550

Views: 22047

Re: Beggar's Canyon

KR-04 could have easily held Vidalu Na'an fast. Had it been deemed tactically necessary, she would not have moved a centimeter, let alone throw herself onto the rocks behind and below her position. But she was half-blind. She was in agony. Holding her would have only prolonged her suffering and...

Wed May 02, 2012 9:15 pm

Forum: Tatooine's Terrain

Topic: Beggar's Canyon

Replies: 550

Views: 22047

Re: Beggar's Canyon

KR-04 had retracted his working leg when his sensitive audio receptors picked up movement not far behind him. It would be irresponsible to assume wildlife made the sound; local fauna in a desert climate at this time of day would either be underground or too large to be so quiet, and would have like...

Sun May 06, 2012 11:16 am

Forum: Tatooine's Terrain

Topic: Beggar's Canyon

Replies: 550

Views: 22047

Re: Beggar's Canyon

Far weaker though it was, the barrel of the scattergun was still very much made of metal, and thusly still very durable. The shell that had been fired, while mitigated, was not completely stopped. Furthermore, the barrel of the weapon would still be searing from the heat of the round flying through...

Sun May 06, 2012 2:33 pm

Forum: Tatooine's Terrain

Topic: Beggar's Canyon

Replies: 550

Views: 22047

Re: Beggar's Canyon

KR-04's foot position had not been nearly as sufficient to withstand a Force Push of that magnitude as it had been previously. Advancing on Vidalu Na'an, the droid was suddenly shoved to his side, crashing into the canyon wall. While still upright, and the impact had been relatively insigni...

Sun May 06, 2012 3:12 pm

Forum: Tatooine's Terrain

Topic: Beggar's Canyon

Replies: 550

Views: 22047

Re: Beggar's Canyon

"Don't you dare." KR-04 primed his right hand for attack. His photoreceptors did not leave the eye of the advancing target. "Don't you dare come for me again." There was no sound logical reason or tactical need to approach her. Already, Vidalu Na'an was coming close, far clo...

Sun May 06, 2012 3:39 pm

Forum: Tatooine's Terrain

Topic: Beggar's Canyon

Replies: 550

Views: 22047

Re: Beggar's Canyon

Vidalu Na'an's green blade shot through KR-04's photoreceptor, one of the droid's few weak points, providing a direct link to the central processing unit. The reintroduction of the electrically-charged green blade forced the droid into violent convulsions, simultaneously tightening ...

Fri May 11, 2012 7:13 am

Forum: Archived Threads

Topic: Crystal Cave?

Replies: 24

Views: 1458

Re: Crystal Cave?

Sorry I'm late to the party, gents. Personally, I'm on the fence about using them or permitting their use. As Dav said, cutting through one of the big anti-saber metals is pretty huge, even if that's the only anti-saber metal it can cut through. On the other hand, when everybody and their dog is usi...

Sat Dec 22, 2012 1:02 pm

Forum: Opinion Polls

Topic: Temorarily Lifting the Ban on Superweapons?

Replies: 57

Views: 7655

Re: Temorarily Lifting the Ban on Superweapons?

Tricky question. Personally, I - like always - am up for shaking up the status quo. Folks are very much complacent with how things are, which to me is why nothing ever changes and why RP on the site has gotten stagnant. So a superweapon? I'm all for that. And not just some dinky backwater planet, ei...

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