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Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:15 am

Forum: Non-Star Wars

Topic: Previously, on AMC's The Walking Dead... - SPOILERS

Replies: 23

Views: 6174

Re: Previously, on AMC's The Walking Dead... - SPOILERS

Enough with all this talking, this page is now under my Ricktatorship! (Is not named Rick) In my absence to the warmer areas of the world I missed two episodes but I just watched them and amen. Frack Shane, maybe now we can meet some of the cool characters. Is it possible that Tyrese is T-dog becaus...

Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:55 pm

Forum: Galactic University of Commenor

Topic: Introduction to the Force for Non Force Sensitive

Replies: 43

Views: 4570

Re: Introduction to the Force for Non Force Sensitive

Felix scowled he had heard whispers that the Vong where not affected by the force but he had chopped it up to either some sort of Vong tactic or war time paranoia that never left. Chuckling at what Nem said, the solider could actually see it happening in his head and as morbid as it was he still fo...

Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:59 pm

Forum: Tython's Orbit

Topic: Open Orbit

Replies: 928

Views: 43454

Re: Open Orbit

Minutes after the count dropped out of hyperspace an Imperial shuttle carrying one man dropped out as well. Its lone occupant, an Inquisitorial Knight for the Fel Empire thumbed the controls down towards the planet. His visit to the planet of the whills was not without reason, he had heard tell of ...

Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:05 am

Forum: Tython's Terrain

Topic: Open Terrain

Replies: 782

Views: 39243

Re: Open Terrain

the Imperial shuttle streaked through the atmosphere looking for somewhere to land when he saw a makeshift landing pad in the middle of no where. A few ships were parked there many of them appearing to have been there for a long time but one was new and it looked like a person was by it. Xeonon adj...

Tue May 22, 2012 5:35 pm

Forum: New Escrow

Topic: Spaceport

Replies: 324

Views: 20357

Re: Spaceport

Shinn looked at Xeonon apologetically. "While the AGE remains hidden by the Fel Empire though I am free to assist however, I can only offer services to Aargau sense it is the system hiding the AGE." Xeonon nodded, he understood that position but it was still a pretty good offer. That's ok...

Tue May 22, 2012 5:56 pm

Forum: New Escrow

Topic: Spaceport

Replies: 324

Views: 20357

Re: Spaceport

Well Hazel... He did his best to pull his information from his vast knowledge of planets. If I remember it correctly it's entire population is made of clones or offworlders. Its in a grid form for their housing and it's very stagnant both economically and genetically. Very dull without us on it. We ...

Wed May 23, 2012 3:51 am

Forum: New Escrow

Topic: Spaceport

Replies: 324

Views: 20357

Re: Spaceport

Your right, I may trust lord Fey but there is always the chance he is recording this. Let us go to the temple of ancients to talk some more.

Wed May 23, 2012 3:56 am

Forum: Temple of the Ancients

Topic: Entrance Hall

Replies: 431

Views: 17600

Re: Entrance Hall

So this ladies and Gentleman is the home base. I hope you enjoy it. Safe and a fair garrison can answer any questions I can't but the council chambers is where we should go. I have something to tell you in secret.

Wed May 23, 2012 1:24 pm

Forum: Temple of the Ancients

Topic: Entrance Hall

Replies: 431

Views: 17600

Re: Entrance Hall

Well Shinn it was more If you guys wanted to do it, but it's not a necessity. I do have one matter I must attend to shortly I could get an early start on.

Wed May 23, 2012 4:06 am

Forum: Khomm's Orbit

Topic: Above the Planet

Replies: 298

Views: 47986

Re: Above the Planet

A woman with a mousy sounding voice came onto the comm after a few moments of silence. Hello Deary and welcome to our little corner of heaven. If you are looking for a good cloning facility you can finding right near the spaceport were you land. Here is the place you may land here and the cloning f...

Thu May 24, 2012 12:12 pm

Forum: Archived Threads

Topic: Droid Constrcution Times

Replies: 6

Views: 568

Re: Droid Constrcution Times

If I may. Are the clone construction times the same as there is no time for them.

Thu May 24, 2012 1:05 pm

Forum: The Capital/Spaceport

Topic: Cloning Facility

Replies: 146

Views: 19979

Re: Cloning Facility

[npc name=Megwynne Stormbinder & Zan'tet'suken:2xzigeol] Meg and Zan together approached the Cloning facility. Looking around for any personel to speak to about who to see concerning getting a clone body made. Upon seeing the duo approaching the compound Og-12342373 smiled and approache...

Thu May 24, 2012 1:43 pm

Forum: Temple of the Ancients

Topic: Entrance Hall

Replies: 431

Views: 17600

Re: Entrance Hall

Thu May 24, 2012 1:46 pm

Forum: Solomon's Mines

Topic: Level 1. the Mines

Replies: 16

Views: 9265

Re: Level 1. the Mines

Mining continues on time for the Droids as their mission was simple and had not been unchanged for a while. It was very monotumus in action and would drive any organic insane. The sound of thousands of Droids cutting through stone the screech of boulders breaking into smallermore maneuverable piece...

Thu May 24, 2012 5:54 pm

Forum: JvS RP

Topic: A new direction for JvS Jedi

Replies: 1196

Views: 81338

Re: A new direction for JvS Jedi

Thu May 24, 2012 6:30 pm

Forum: Vulpter

Topic: OOC RP Planning and Dispute Resolution

Replies: 327

Views: 31654

Re: OOC RP Planning and Dispute Resolution

Well what now? Kaine is gone and uhm that kinda throws a wrench in this. Since that plan is gone I can just have my guys go suicidal in a frenzy after the "death" of Ronan. Keeping a few ships for future rps.

Tue May 29, 2012 1:01 pm

Forum: Echo Base

Topic: Echo Base

Replies: 1290

Views: 50449

Re: Echo Base

You know, you don't need to be rude. I could make this babysitting job fun, or I could make it really annoying.

Fri Sep 21, 2012 2:46 pm

Forum: Temple of the Ancients

Topic: Landing Platform

Replies: 160

Views: 13949

Re: Landing Platform

Flying over the airspace of the Temple reserved for the knights and others of the Empire, which was rather empty due to the time he had chosen to depart with only the odd ship flying by. Just as they were leaving the atmosphere he looked over to her with a bemused look. I will leave that part up to...

Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:58 pm

Forum: Opinion Polls

Topic: Demi Gods Beware!

Replies: 4

Views: 651

Re: Demi Gods Beware!

Camp Half Blood, Gods of Olympus

Books by Rick Roidran. Or something like that.

Tue May 29, 2012 1:14 pm

Forum: The Capital/Spaceport

Topic: Cloning Facility

Replies: 146

Views: 19979

Re: Cloning Facility

I'll be contacting him shortly, ultimately it is up to the buyer as it is their person they are looking to recreate. Xeonon hitched his thumb and motioned at the other two. At this point he was glad that he started wearing a glove over the top of his mechanical hand knowing the distaste Mira would n...

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