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Re: Fel Crew
Just a notice peeps; giving you a post tonight, had exams for the past two days, but im making some epic level posts tonight!
That or a multitude of small ones, just to get things moving.
That or a multitude of small ones, just to get things moving.
Thu Mar 29, 2012 2:34 pm
Forum: Coruscant's Underworld
Topic: Coruscant's Underworld
Replies: 3772
Views: 220614
Re: Coruscant's Underworld
Yeah. It was one of those days. Silently, Dorian Delgrave, known as the Nightingale by night - no pun intended - trotted out of the underworlds sewers, exiting by way of an access tube that led to the streets above. Or as "above" as one could get in this place. He had shed his armored sui...
Re: Fel Crew
Just a notice peeps; giving you a post tonight, had exams for the past two days, but im making some epic level posts tonight! That or a multitude of small ones, just to get things moving. Yeah got to writing a short sentence for an idea I had, then it turned into a huge post. Guess thats how it wor...
Re: Fel Crew
Early morning; he'll have to go through his second shift which will be during the day time in my next post.
Sat May 19, 2012 10:53 am
Forum: Archived Requests
Topic: Archived Name Changes
Replies: 1966
Views: 89356
Mon May 21, 2012 9:40 am
Forum: Archived Threads
Topic: Question on inner energy research
Replies: 3
Views: 450
Re: Question on inner energy research
Eh, being a martial artist under the tutelage of the "old ways", I can say that your going to run into some problems in the star wars universe; primarily being that your going to have to establish that Chi exists, as well as linking it to a biological function. Personally, I know it exists...
Re: Fel Crew
There seems to be some business that needs to get done IC by myself; that said, I'll be leaving both Dorian and Noah behind to conduct my affairs on the planet - Dante will accompany you (crew) along with Daniel. Im ready to leave when you guys are ^_^, affairs are in order, and my posting should be...
Tue May 22, 2012 12:19 pm
Forum: Vandelhelm
Topic: OOC RP Planning and Dispute Resolution
Replies: 132
Views: 17802
Re: OOC RP Planning and Dispute Resolution
I want to support your take over and install Jace as head of the planet. My reasons for doing so: I want a friendly port, I want to establish a presence without having to take full responsibility, and I want a take of the profit. in exchange for all this I will help with security and help provide w...
Re: Open Orbit
It had been a long time...a real long time. But, finally, Dante Deveaux, heir to the assets of Arcturus, was returning home in force. Out of hyperspace, the following reverted to real space; 1 Nebula-class destroyer; "The Emissary" 1 Nebula-class star destroyer; "The Valiant" 1 ...
Re: Fel Crew
I just finished reading it...seems all semblance of union has collapsed within ten posts of a controversial issue being stated.
I just finished reading it...seems all semblance of union has collapsed within ten posts of a controversial issue being stated.
Re: Fel Crew
Busy weekend to say the least. I'll be posting tomorrow. Sorry for making you wait, Dante. We'll start our conversation and catching up soon. It's cool; gives me some time to work out what I'm going to say. Well as the newest member what do you do to get feed. waves then giggles at Kaali Eh, well a...
Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:18 pm
Forum: Smuggler's Run
Topic: Open Space and Asteroid Field
Replies: 194
Views: 64263
Re: Open Space and Asteroid Field
Silently, Dante listened to the man talk, occasionally nodding at Daniel's comments. Inwardly, Dante filed some of the information away - while Dante had not read the exact research papers in question par say, he HAD read a briefing on the subject. Certain names, such as this "Eye of Ono K...
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