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Thu May 24, 2012 1:53 am

Forum: Non-Star Wars

Topic: Should I reboot 'You're Banned!' or not?

Replies: 2329

Views: 107376

Re: Should I reboot 'You're Banned!' or not?

Banned for reading peoples profiles.

Thu May 24, 2012 2:26 am

Forum: Non-Star Wars

Topic: Should I reboot 'You're Banned!' or not?

Replies: 2329

Views: 107376

Re: Should I reboot 'You're Banned!' or not?


Banned for being so easily startled. What? Don't you like my double chin?

Thu May 24, 2012 3:35 am

Forum: Zarra

Topic: Zarra

Replies: 171

Views: 13145

Re: Zarra

Tea and sandwiches Hath looked like a genie that had been let out the bottle and forced into uniform. Before his staff let him come, they had groomed him into shape and fitted him into best uniform, a minor feat. The Blue and White brigadier's uniform was immaculate: his peaked artilleryman'...

Thu May 24, 2012 4:46 am

Forum: Non-Star Wars

Topic: Should I reboot 'You're Banned!' or not?

Replies: 2329

Views: 107376

Re: Should I reboot 'You're Banned!' or not?

Banned for being easily disturbed. I personally can sleep through anything.

Thu May 24, 2012 4:51 am

Forum: Non-Star Wars

Topic: The Count to 1 Million

Replies: 716

Views: 98224

Re: The Count to 1 Million


Thu May 24, 2012 5:48 am

Forum: Zarra

Topic: Zarra

Replies: 171

Views: 13145

Re: Zarra

You could have waited for me before you got started, Hath.. Said Darcy, with the flowery condescension that was a picture of who he was. Darcy, the Warmongering Industrialist. He made his fortunes from the NOE and their endless wars. Physically, his immense height would have made him imposing, but ...

Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:46 am

Forum: Archived Requests

Topic: Archived Name Changes

Replies: 1966

Views: 89359

Re: Request a Name Change

Transform me: Mardotte St Cyr

Fri Jan 11, 2013 12:35 pm

Forum: JvS RP

Topic: The Bloodrage Pirates

Replies: 2010

Views: 106154

Re: The Bloodrage Pirates

I get the feeling that you're doing too much plundering and not enough running. So, look me up if you ever want to try things with an authority figure...

Fri Jan 11, 2013 10:00 pm

Forum: JvS RP

Topic: The Bloodrage Pirates

Replies: 2010

Views: 106154

Re: The Bloodrage Pirates

I'm sure there are no shortage of Imperial worlds that are soft targets. I could play the hapless ground forces and just when you think all is well *bam* Star Destroyer up choobies.

Thu May 24, 2012 8:45 am

Forum: Cato Neimoidia's Orbit

Topic: Open Orbit

Replies: 228

Views: 20591

High Orbit

Aboard the Aurora [npc name=Helmsman:38vztj3y]Attention: Venerator-class Destroyer Resolution has entered orbit. Orders? Captain Tryst, a male Harch, listened to the hailing message watched dispassionately as the Jedi entered the system. The old lingering pride of the Confederacy made him smart at ...

Thu May 24, 2012 8:52 am

Forum: Zarra

Topic: Zarra

Replies: 171

Views: 13145

Zarra Senate

After the dissolution of the CIS, Cato Neimoidia fell to pieces. It turned from loaner to beggar - to no fault of its own. War was harsh on the losers. In an effort to stabilize the government and prop up its economy, a senate has been formed, covering four blocks of prime estate in the center of Z...

Fri Jan 11, 2013 6:54 am

Forum: Sullust's Orbit

Topic: Open Orbit

Replies: 406

Views: 23773

Re: Open Orbit

Orbit One second there was nothing; the next - a gigantic Star Destroyer exited hyperspace, bearing into Sullust's orbit. This particular one gleamed with a burning intensity, such as that had not been seen since the Empire was at its hight. It sailed as smoothly as an iceberg, daring Sullust t...

Fri Jan 11, 2013 7:00 am

Forum: Byllurun

Topic: Byllurun

Replies: 622

Views: 31215

Re: Byllurun

The pods streaked through the atmosphere, fired their afterburners to slow their landing and touched down in the city center. These rapid landing vehicles would probably kill most civillians, but not the Stormtroopers Marines inside. It had not taken more than 15 minutes from landing to regroup. Th...

Fri Jan 11, 2013 7:10 am

Forum: Byllurun

Topic: Byllurun

Replies: 622

Views: 31215

Re: Byllurun

[npc name=Marine:9c48wg0f] We've found him. Bag and tag him The marine whispered into his radio. He fanned his team out and took aim, but held off. He had to be alive and the trooper wanted backup before he did anything. [npc name=Marine:9c48wg0f]Agree to accompany us and the Captain will unders...

Fri Jan 11, 2013 12:57 pm

Forum: Byllurun

Topic: Byllurun

Replies: 622

Views: 31215

Re: Byllurun

Darth Tysabaar attacked the marines and deflected bullets as they shot at him, he jumped and cut through two of them as he landed. They collapsed and their bodies sprawled to the side. The marine leader was still thinking about thumbing the trigger when he saw that the Sith was about to jump them. ...

Fri Jan 11, 2013 1:22 pm

Forum: Sullust's Orbit

Topic: Open Orbit

Replies: 406

Views: 23773

Re: Open Orbit

Bridge of the Vanguard There was a large tactical display on the bridge of the city below, detailing the squads sweeping through the streets and the widening search radius. The shuttles were still inbound and Captain Mardotte was sincerely hoping that he did not need to use whatever was in them. [n...

Fri Jan 11, 2013 2:09 pm

Forum: Byllurun

Topic: Byllurun

Replies: 622

Views: 31215

Re: Byllurun

The marines temporarily ceased fire, weighing the options. There were a few options, like gassing the Sith or trying to rush him with their batons. While they were still thinking, new orders came in. Cautiously and wordlessly, the marines began to back away and once they were 10 meters away, they d...

Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:58 am

Forum: Byllurun

Topic: Byllurun

Replies: 622

Views: 31215

Re: Byllurun

Although more marines had arrived, it was quickly becoming a slaughterhouse as communication and co-ordination broke down. The marines were fleeing in all directions, firing blindly into the rolling clouds at the unknown terror that was there. Shouts of fear smothered the channels, making things on...

Sat Jan 12, 2013 7:29 am

Forum: Byllurun

Topic: Byllurun

Replies: 622

Views: 31215

Re: Byllurun

Emerging from the lurid smoke was the stubby barrel of a grenade launcher that had landed the stunning blow. The wielder, Tuulia Kwaad gave a grin that was hidden from sight by the rebreather she wore. Although a Yuuzhan Vong, she was the product of applied Imperial science. Meaning that she was ab...

Sat Jan 12, 2013 7:52 am

Forum: Sullust's Orbit

Topic: Open Orbit

Replies: 406

Views: 23773

Re: Open Orbit

The Vanguard The shuttle with Tysabaar broke through the atmosphere and docked with the enormous Destroyer in orbit. The medics declared that he would recover soon and gave him an injection to make sure that he would be awake when they dragged his his currently limp form to the bridge which made an...

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