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Search found 14 matches

Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:02 pm

Forum: Archived Topics

Topic: Welcome our new Little Sister... Nyx!

Replies: 20

Views: 15862

Re: Welcome our new Little Sister... Nyx!

Thank you, it's a pleasure to be here.

Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:41 am

Forum: Zaltin Corporation

Topic: President's Office

Replies: 2

Views: 1914

President's Office

Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:41 am

Forum: Zaltin Corporation

Topic: Lobby

Replies: 0

Views: 363


Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:42 am

Forum: Zaltin Corporation

Topic: OOC/Pricing/Products

Replies: 0

Views: 1014


Fri Nov 23, 2012 1:51 pm

Forum: Whills vs. GBA Staff

Topic: Akari vs Nyx

Replies: 12

Views: 1952

Re: Akari vs Nyx

Nyx looked around her, trying to Whill her eyes to adjust to the constant change in light. She squinted, trying to locate her opponent, silently cursing her siblings for convincing her this was a good idea. Where was he? She pulled out her smartphone and tried to use the light from the screen to fi...

Thu Nov 29, 2012 3:23 am

Forum: Archived Topics

Topic: Wtf,.get rid of this rodder

Replies: 19

Views: 3425

Re: Wtf,.get rid of this rodder

I took care of it. Thank you.

Wed Jan 02, 2013 6:00 pm

Forum: Opinion Polls

Topic: The Most Interesting Man(do) In the Universe

Replies: 38

Views: 6546

Re: The Most Interesting Man(do) In the Universe

38)Only beskar can cut beskar, the only thing that can cut Corr.... DONT BE STUPID NOTHING CAN CUT CORR!

39)Anybody can outdo the impossible, but nobody can outdo Corr.

Tue Nov 27, 2012 4:18 pm

Forum: Whills vs. GBA Staff

Topic: Akari vs Nyx

Replies: 12

Views: 1952

Re: Akari vs Nyx

Nyx heard the unmistakable bounce off in the distance, distracting her from her saber. Whilllllll Saaahhhhhnnnn! She exclaimed as he rolled to a halt just a few feet from her. What are you doing here? I didn't know you were invited! You mean, I don't have to do this alone? That means I will get thi...

Tue Nov 27, 2012 5:33 pm

Forum: Whills vs. GBA Staff

Topic: Akari vs Nyx

Replies: 12

Views: 1952

Re: Akari vs Nyx

Nyx sighed, and slipped off her boots and put on her ballet slippers. You know, I've won many of a dance competition in my time. Her hand slipped into the pocket of her robe and pulled out her sunglasses. She slid them up her nose and the five images of Akari merged back into one. First, don't call...

Wed Nov 28, 2012 6:36 pm

Forum: Whills vs. GBA Staff

Topic: Akari vs Nyx

Replies: 12

Views: 1952

Re: Akari vs Nyx

Nyx huffed in exasperation. Surely he knew she was much smarter than the average Goddess of the Night. I knew what a euphemism is, you noob. I just don't like to scuff my boots when I kick your choobies. And quite frankly, I thought the dance references were witty. Apparently you aren't so keen on ...

Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:54 pm

Forum: Whills vs. GBA Staff

Topic: Akari vs Nyx

Replies: 12

Views: 1952

Re: Akari vs Nyx

Nyx sighed. What was he going on about? I'm sorry Akari, but I can't reign in my crazy. Do you see what I do every day? I must be crazy to do- The ship shook and she stumbled to the side, and nearly dropped the lightsaber. The blade ricocheted off of the structure next to her and sparks lit up the ...

Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:59 pm

Forum: Whills vs. GBA Staff

Topic: Akari vs Nyx

Replies: 12

Views: 1952

Re: Akari vs Nyx

Nyx sighed. Her Force Push was futile. She saw his hand go out and start pulling her in. Really? She smiled at him and pulled a rope from the sleeve of her cloak. Zee had given her crap about grabbing the rope. Swore she wouldn't need it. Little did he know! She quickly threw the rope up and ho...

Mon Jan 14, 2013 5:34 pm

Global announcement: January Player of the Month

Replies: 0

Views: 320857

January Player of the Month

Congratulations, Nicademus Delvardus, you are JvS's January Player of the Month! "I am Nicademus Delvardus, fourth to hold this noble name. I am the son of an "Imperial to the core" family, a military father and a mother of speech, from Eriadu. Through much service and experience, I h...

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