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Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:38 pm

Forum: Caross

Topic: Caross

Replies: 265

Views: 14283

Re: Caross

*Iniquitous is sitting on the roof of the tallest building in the city. looking over the vast terrain. He was patiently waiting for a friend, a comrade. Someone he hadnt seen in ages, his red duster pooled aroiund him, his hair floating around his head in the breeze*

Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:59 pm

Forum: Caross

Topic: Caross

Replies: 265

Views: 14283

Re: Caross

"How long will you be gone this time Brother?"

*he continues to stare out across the landscape, his one black eye shining in the light*

Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:16 pm

Forum: Caross

Topic: Caross

Replies: 265

Views: 14283

Re: Caross

*His gaze follows Pyros pointing finger, and he smiles. Everyone knew he loved the shadow, and this was perfect. his own travels the past year had been substantial. He had lost touch with his family, and his boy. He would need to find Dason, and see what the little brat was doing* "We all know ...

Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:41 am

Forum: Caross

Topic: Caross

Replies: 265

Views: 14283

Re: Caross

*He turns and nods at Pyros, who seems to bei n his own little world at the moment, and leaps from roof top to roof top, following the presence of his niece and Val. he hyadnt seen either of them in quite some time*

Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:50 am

Forum: Caross

Topic: Caross

Replies: 265

Views: 14283

Re: Caross

*He landed silently on the roof above the two below, force signature swalloed, and himself hidden in the shadows. Even Ariiha would have a difficult time finding him. He had been gone for well over a year, and now that he had returned, there were things he needed to make sure of*

Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:57 am

Forum: Caross

Topic: Caross

Replies: 265

Views: 14283

Re: Caross

*He drops a small black crystal into Val's hand from above as he looks at the two of them*

<<I will find you>>

*He fades into the Shadows*

ooc: Canada Day stuff witht he wife.

Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:20 pm

Forum: Xendorian Citadel

Topic: The Gatehouse

Replies: 779

Views: 34917

Re: The Gatehouse

"You not carrying any bombs? Cause I'd hate to have to kill you. Then, pretty much where ever you like"

Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:23 pm

Forum: Kuat's Orbit

Topic: Open Orbit

Replies: 2011

Views: 80850

Re: Open Orbit

Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:28 pm

Forum: Xendorian Citadel

Topic: The Gatehouse

Replies: 779

Views: 34917

Re: The Gatehouse

"Are you hitting on me?"

Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:31 pm

Forum: Xendorian Citadel

Topic: The Gatehouse

Replies: 779

Views: 34917

Re: The Gatehouse

"Oddly, i quit drinking. Mostly. The gardens will be fine"

Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:59 pm

Forum: Archived Locations

Topic: Snapping Septoid

Replies: 2803

Views: 138562

Re: Snapping Septoid

Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:12 pm

Forum: Archived Locations

Topic: Snapping Septoid

Replies: 2803

Views: 138562

Re: Snapping Septoid

Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:15 pm

Forum: Xendorian Citadel

Topic: The Gatehouse

Replies: 779

Views: 34917

Re: The Gatehouse

"did you bring my toys?!"

Thu Oct 09, 2008 12:13 pm

Forum: Garqi Academy

Topic: Dason Concordia's Penthouse Suite

Replies: 153

Views: 6544

Re: Dason Concordia's Penthouse Suite


"Trophies are unbecoming. We are not barbarians in this family. Your pride my son, will be your down fall if you do not learn to control it. And I AM your father whether you like it or not"

Mon Jun 01, 2009 11:27 am

Forum: +50 Wayland

Topic: Surface

Replies: 1706

Views: 43115

Re: Surface

"Its simple really. I dont like being wet. It annoys me. And mud is Sithspit."

Tue May 29, 2012 2:44 pm

Forum: Temple of the Ancient Order of the Whills

Topic: Central Courtyard

Replies: 125

Views: 12838

Re: Central Courtyard

"I suppose we are at opposite ends of the spectrum on that. I have lived a life of anguish, violence and chaos. Quiet contemplation is a boon to me and my soul. I think I am going to enjoy not killing everything all the time" He closed his eyes once more and took a giant breath, filling hi...

Tue May 29, 2012 4:03 pm

Forum: Temple of the Ancient Order of the Whills

Topic: Central Courtyard

Replies: 125

Views: 12838

Re: Central Courtyard

"Odd you should mention that. Thats pretty much exactly what her, some other Jedi, and someone I think's name is Eli....As for me, I plan on becoming the Scourge of the Sith. A total reversal. Should be entertaining at the very least..." He felt the sadness emanating from Eralam, and arche...

Tue May 29, 2012 5:06 pm

Forum: JvS RP

Topic: A new direction for JvS Jedi

Replies: 1196

Views: 81338

Re: A new direction for JvS Jedi

OOC conversation is all well and good. How3ever, sometimes, spur of the moment RP is ok. At least in my books.

As I have stated more than once, I am open to any and all RP all the time, no matter what, or who.

Tue May 29, 2012 7:53 pm

Forum: Temple of the Ancient Order of the Whills

Topic: Central Courtyard

Replies: 125

Views: 12838

Re: Central Courtyard

"As cliche as it sounds, it is in the hands of the Force no. I need this. Whatever the council decides, I will abide, even if it means my death. Aged though I may be....and no one truly knows my age...I still have respect for the people that gave me my chance so many years ago....I turned my ba...

Tue May 29, 2012 8:19 pm

Forum: JvS RP

Topic: A new direction for JvS Jedi

Replies: 1196

Views: 81338

Re: A new direction for JvS Jedi

I agree with Syren on damn near all of this. In chat it has been all kriff day about me being a Jedi and what needs to be done, and Syrens Post and Adi's response, both of which were done IC with no OOC bs.....Everyone else just jumped on the Sithspit wagon and started being a bunch of effing babies...

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