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Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:48 pm

Forum: Honoghr's Orbit

Topic: Open Orbit

Replies: 3042

Views: 116698

Re: Open Orbit

Its been a long time since Ive been called Admiral, my friend. And the NRN has some of the finest instructors around. You must be a pretty damn good pilot if you flew for them. Its where I cut my teeth as well. Im sure you already knew that though. You seem to know much about me. If you would like,...


Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:37 pm

Forum: Tournament #2

Topic: Zenchou Piteos v. Adieumus Mantango - Tournament 2 Round 5

Replies: 54

Views: 3880

Re: Zenchou Piteos v. Adieumus Mantango - Tournament 2 Round 5

The force blast subsided, and Adi surveyed the damage to his weapons. They were now fused together, a uselss heap of slag metal, a mere shadow of what they were. Feeling the burns on his right arm, and the seeing the singed synthskin on his left arm. The katanas, now useless were tossed aside. It w...


Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:10 pm

Forum: Nystao

Topic: Bubble and Squeak Cantina/Casino

Replies: 120

Views: 6569

Re: Bubble and Squeak Cantina/Casino

Chuckling at Syla's inebriation, Adi answered her question. The grissini breadsticks will be brought shortly, we already have em. And its a pleasure to meet you, Syla. This is my wife, Ice Matango, and Strider. He is an associate of a very old friend of mine. A server droid approached. Adi orde...


Mon Apr 20, 2009 7:40 pm

Forum: Archived Threads

Topic: Faction Badge

Replies: 15

Views: 878

Re: Faction Badge

If we could make it work, I agree with Judicar. If it was done tastefully, this would be a good way to reward the factions trying to make it legitimately, and make JvS a better place to RP.


Sat Mar 31, 2012 6:53 pm

Forum: JvS RP

Topic: A new direction for JvS Jedi

Replies: 1196

Views: 81339

Re: A new direction for JvS Jedi

Ok guys, Watchmen Nominations close tomorrow...I figure around the same time they were put up, so between noon, and 1 pm EST. We will need the current council members to decide what to do with them after that, along with picking the other three council members.

Lets not let this fizzle, folks!


Tue May 22, 2012 2:21 pm

Forum: JvS RP

Topic: A new direction for JvS Jedi

Replies: 1196

Views: 81339

Re: A new direction for JvS Jedi


Fri Sep 21, 2012 3:47 pm

Forum: JvS RP

Topic: Draykon Crew

Replies: 2818

Views: 153886

Re: Draykon Crew

That's Dirk Benedict, AKA Templeton 'Faceman' Peck from the A-Team. He can be anything or anyone he wants to be....

....Adrien has competition? I didn't know the bottom of the barrel -had- a competition.....



Mon Apr 20, 2009 5:48 pm

Forum: Nystao

Topic: Bubble and Squeak Cantina/Casino

Replies: 120

Views: 6569

Re: Bubble and Squeak Cantina/Casino

Reflecting for a moment on his time with his Quick Response Delta unit, when they were a mercenary unit, but he didnt feel the time was now for revealing that... Well, there is plenty of work around here. Im sure if you needed it, we could get you some. Adi looked over to Ice, taking all of this in...


Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:37 pm

Forum: Nystao

Topic: Bubble and Squeak Cantina/Casino

Replies: 120

Views: 6569

Re: Bubble and Squeak Cantina/Casino

As Ice munches happily, Adi too begins to eat. Between bites, he responds to Syla. Well, as I said, we wont touch it unless you ok it. Just an offer. And Im sure that we could use your skills in computers. We are still having issues after Archais attacked Nystao. We almost have it, but the comms ar...


Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:56 pm

Forum: Nystao

Topic: Bubble and Squeak Cantina/Casino

Replies: 120

Views: 6569

Re: Bubble and Squeak Cantina/Casino

Intrigued by the blinking hairdo, Adi raised an eyebrow. Ah, we havent quite been able to figure out WHAT the issue is. I was hoping you could figure it out. Its like, we have coms, they work fine, then they fizzle for a few hours. We havent been able to pinpoint what the issue is. Looking over at ...


Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:08 pm

Forum: Archived Locations

Topic: Jedi Temple Complex

Replies: 1485

Views: 46158

Re: Jedi Temple Complex

A speeder pulls up in front of the Academy complex. Out of the white vehicle, Adi and Ice step onto the ground. Inhaling deeply of the clean air, and sunshine, Matango smiles. It felt good, the aura of this place had changed much since his knighting here. The architecture, once sharp, and pointed, ...


Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:25 am

Forum: Archived Locations

Topic: L'Angele Noir Beach Villa-Faction vaction retreat

Replies: 175

Views: 9732

Re: L'Angele Noir Beach Villa-Faction vaction retreat

Returning the bow to both, Adi looked back to Zen. You have but one more trial to complete, my padawan, the Trial of Flesh. We will deal with that later, however. Right now, know that you are passing your trials with flying colors, Zen. You are surpassing all of my expectations with ease. You have ...


Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:46 pm

Forum: Red Dawn Medical Complex

Topic: Medical Complex/Emergency room

Replies: 291

Views: 11538

Re: Medical Complex/Emergency room

"...We were able to stop the bleeding Adi, and repair her broken body, but I'm sorry...we lost the twins. They had passed before we were able to get to them." Nadia paused and a few tears slid down her cheek " She was carrying twin boys...I'm so sorry Adi... " *Taking a deep bre...


Sat Mar 31, 2012 6:26 pm

Forum: Archived threads

Topic: Who: Lapay no Tal vs. Adi

Replies: 19

Views: 892

Re: Who: Lapay no Tal vs. Adi

mis-read, and didn't realize my opponent didn't have a cybernetic arm. Post changes reflect that. Please delete previous post. Thank you! Whatever had caused this surge of darkness that flowed around Lapay was disturbing...and sudden. Indeed, the saber had been removed from the equation, wh...


Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:27 pm

Forum: Grand Dukha

Topic: Grand Dukha Public Water Gardens

Replies: 427

Views: 24382

Re: Grand Dukha Public Water Gardens

*An encrypted message is sent only to Adi via Datapad.* Attention Adi Matango Care of Bonmi-Ki-Skeel LANsec operative Hey boss here are the materials needed for improving the defenses. 1. Materials for more surveillance i.e. the blind spots in RDMC to be watched by LANsec agent Skeel. 2. Phrik mate...


Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:08 pm

Forum: Red Dawn Medical Complex

Topic: RDMC Droid Repair Room

Replies: 17

Views: 2338

Re: RDMC Droid Repair Room

*An encrypted message is sent only to Adi via Datapad.* Attention Adi Matango Care of Bonmi-Ki-Skeel LANsec operative Hey boss here are the materials needed for improving the defenses. 1. Materials for more surveillance i.e. the blind spots in RDMC to be watched by LANsec agent Skeel. 2. Phrik mate...


Tue May 22, 2012 6:14 pm

Forum: Jedi Praxeum

Topic: Great Jedi Library

Replies: 878

Views: 38486

Re: Great Jedi Library

"Yeah, just a scratch. And the Library needs just a lick of paint." He shook his head as he quickly surveyed Adi's wounds. Dav wasn't a doctor or expert healer, but he had enough anatomical, biological, and medical knowledge to be an effective field medic and first aider. Adi'...


Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:03 pm

Forum: JvS RP

Topic: A new direction for JvS Jedi

Replies: 1196

Views: 81339

Re: A new direction for JvS Jedi

Not too big of a hurry i think. I could prolong it with my soon to be padawan Rinth a bit. Start the investigating and such. Since Dav brought up the idea of an joint Jedi Aid team to boost cooperation within the smaller orders, it has gotten a little more complicated. Organizing wise. If it is OK ...


Tue May 29, 2012 10:36 am

Forum: Tython's Terrain

Topic: Conclave Valley

Replies: 386

Views: 27198

Re: Conclave Valley

Before any of the Council was able to speak to Adieumus about his new duties, a woman Adieumus knew as the venerable Syren, and a massive mountain of fangs and muscle, stepped forward and singled out Dace. At one time, Adi would have simply told the woman to 'shut up, back off, and take it else...


Tue May 29, 2012 12:17 pm

Forum: Jedi Praxeum

Topic: Great Jedi Library

Replies: 878

Views: 38486

Re: Great Jedi Library

Dav smiled tightly at this, wrapping his improvised bandage around Adi's waist. Adi's analysis of the situation was exactly as his own, and where as he knew he could probably engage the foe up top, and possibly even do so without leaving himself open to the disadvantage too much, he also kn...

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