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Tue Nov 06, 2012 1:37 pm

Forum: JvS RP

Topic: The Hoth Cartel and selling illegal stuff

Replies: 24

Views: 2586

Re: The Hoth Cartel and selling illegal stuff


This is a little message of sorts to the Hoth Cartel. We the Injustice League of Corellia are looking to make a trade.
We have three crates of deathsticks and are happy to trade them for their worth in blasters.

Name the place to meet for exchange.
Alreet or No?

The ILC.

Tue Nov 06, 2012 1:39 pm

Forum: JvS RP

Topic: The New Jedi Assault Team

Replies: 12

Views: 1112

Re: The New Jedi Assault Team

Change of plans. Character is being recycled.

Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:20 pm

Forum: Corellia's Orbit

Topic: Above the Planet

Replies: 3196

Views: 193529

Re: Above the Planet

Amongst the spatted white marks that made up the star heavy sky, sat in waiting, is 'the Dirty Shizno' . A tatty CR90 Corvette that looked like it had washed up on the shores of Kashyyyk just after the destruction of the Empire. It's engines seemed in tact and apart from a desperate pai...

Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:39 pm

Forum: JvS RP

Topic: The Hoth Cartel and selling illegal stuff

Replies: 24

Views: 2586

Re: The Hoth Cartel and selling illegal stuff

Perhaps in the future we could discuss further deals. Right now we need the trade. Where in wild space can we make our first meet?

Thu Nov 08, 2012 11:12 am

Forum: Corellia's Orbit

Topic: Above the Planet

Replies: 3196

Views: 193529

Re: Above the Planet

Obsidian moved away from 'Ray in case she decided to go all up side his face on him for no reason. It seemed to be her motif even though he couldn't quite explain where her moodiness came from. She was force neutral yet some element of her, perhaps her heart, seemed riddled with the dark si...

Fri Nov 09, 2012 6:21 pm

Forum: Subterrel's Terrain

Topic: Open Terrain

Replies: 282

Views: 12760

Re: Open Terrain

Fri Nov 09, 2012 6:50 pm

Forum: Subterrel's Terrain

Topic: Open Terrain

Replies: 282

Views: 12760

Re: Open Terrain

I am unsure, but I did notice some interesting mines back there. I wonder if their is anything of worth?

Do you think it is worth checking out?

Sat Nov 10, 2012 2:01 pm

Forum: Subterrel's Terrain

Topic: Open Terrain

Replies: 282

Views: 12760

Re: Open Terrain

Perhaps we should take the fighters. I don't fancy taking a day or two's walk to get there.

Thu Nov 08, 2012 12:02 pm

Forum: Corellia's Orbit

Topic: Above the Planet

Replies: 3196

Views: 193529

Re: Above the Planet

In his mind he imagined the sticky situation he might be caught in with Ma'Taeor. After several moments of disgust and amusement he shook his head clear and fell back to reality with a swift thud. Pulling up the release clamps for Araya Milano's shuttle craft, Obsidian signaled his readines...

Thu Nov 08, 2012 2:47 pm

Forum: Corellia's Orbit

Topic: Above the Planet

Replies: 3196

Views: 193529

Re: Above the Planet

I'm receiving instructions... Gravalyn lept back as his communicator activated and he received the coded transmission from his contact. The commlink was sporadic with information. Meeting on Subterrel... drop in open terrain... no body-guards. Oblivion turned to his crew and ordered them to enter th...

Fri Nov 09, 2012 4:32 pm

Forum: Corellia's Orbit

Topic: Above the Planet

Replies: 3196

Views: 193529

Re: Above the Planet

Obsidian smirked at his friends ambition. He moved towards Pepe and signaled for him to move out the seat. Obsidian swiftly closed in on his friend and rested his hand upon his shoulder. Brother, my Jawa is my life. He makes me so happy. Please, please don't kill him. The Dark Jedi assembled himsel...

Fri Nov 09, 2012 5:20 pm

Forum: Corellia's Orbit

Topic: Above the Planet

Replies: 3196

Views: 193529

Re: Above the Planet

Oblivion rushed to the control panel and jumped up, one foot on the panel and one leg straight. He pointed out towards the stars and his eagerness caused his hood to fall off. To Subterrel bey, we fly to the wild region of space where the bounty is great and the bloodshed frequent. Oblivion strappe...

Fri Nov 09, 2012 5:56 pm

Forum: Subterrel's Orbit

Topic: Open Orbit

Replies: 211

Views: 11707

Re: Open Orbit

Obsidian held out his hand and scanned the planet through the force. He felt no threat of defense, no signs of ruling or anything. He felt safe here, at least at the moment. Turning to his brother-at-arms he pointed on the navigation console to an open area of space. Leave the ship in orbit with Pe...

Fri Nov 09, 2012 6:13 pm

Forum: Subterrel's Orbit

Topic: Open Orbit

Replies: 211

Views: 11707

Re: Open Orbit

The tiny shrew-like hooded technodwarf grumbled in his high pitch pesky language. The Jawas were a slightly insignificant race to most humanoids however deep down in side they held a great capacity for revenge. Pepe would never hurt another living being but he would kill one painlessly, his own iro...

Sun Nov 11, 2012 4:01 pm

Forum: Subterrel's Terrain

Topic: The Mines

Replies: 151

Views: 23470

Re: The Mines

Gravalyn's x-wing landed just shy of the mining pit. He jumped out of his vessel and proceeded to scan the area. To his right he saw his brother Ma'Taeor, picking his robes like a magpie picking at threads of a nest. It reminded Obsidian of a different time, one where Ma'Taeor picked at...

Sun Nov 11, 2012 4:29 pm

Forum: Subterrel's Terrain

Topic: The Mines

Replies: 151

Views: 23470

Re: The Mines

As they made their way down through the darkened mine shafts it seemed some automated systems began to slowly activate. Dimly lit lights began to illuminate the area and revealed a deep and steep pathway leading down into the heart of the old operations. Gravalyn turned to his companion and held ou...

Sun Nov 11, 2012 4:55 pm

Forum: Subterrel's Terrain

Topic: The Mines

Replies: 151

Views: 23470

Re: The Mines

Obsidian knew from experience that most assailants attacked because they were over-confident, had no choice or worst of all they knew something that the other party didn't. As Obsidian reached for his lightsaber, three more Kaminoan attackers appeared behind him. Firing their blasters out towar...

Sun Nov 11, 2012 5:22 pm

Forum: Subterrel's Terrain

Topic: The Mines

Replies: 151

Views: 23470

Re: The Mines

His fighting abilities may have been pale in comparison to Ma'Taeor but what he lacked in brute force he made up for in power and will of the force. Standing to his feet, he reached out at the rousing Kaminoan and began to charge his deadliest powers. Obsidian used his dark side powers of drain...

Sun Nov 11, 2012 5:55 pm

Forum: Subterrel's Terrain

Topic: The Mines

Replies: 151

Views: 23470

Re: The Mines

Summoning his demon to his side, Obsidian reached for his lightsaber. Igniting the purple blade he held it out to his abomination which so willingly bowed before him. Launching the blade across the creature it cut in two and erupted into a dark force surge of energy. Over on the floor, away from th...

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