Posts: 169
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Re: Hyperspace
She says with a mildly seductive air about her as she looked at the bed and traced the pattern in the stitches of the mattress through the sheet.
"So you like women? I'm not sure I would have guessed that offhand."
Well I assumed, but you don't need to know that. Your job, the armor, strong silent type. Not that it's a bad thing, just interesting.
"I also wouldn't have pegged you for a talker either, you seem so---all business."
And of course I'm sure I seem like all play, my marks always thought that, now their wallets are a lot lighter and I'm here on the most important mission on the galaxy, go figure. But someone has to do it right, and while the boys all just sit around measuring their little soldiers I get the job done. I wonder if you've ever noticed that it's women who get the real work done in the galaxy after the boys have had their fun destroying it? I should focus more on the conversation, and I'll have my answers soon enough.