Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:47 pm by Adrien Draykon
Correction, borrowed. Stealing implies taking without intent to return, *He smiled and cocked his head slightly to the left* and I was gonna give it back. *His tone was cocky and flirtatious, especially the last part. But he knew that being cute wasn't going to get him out of this situation, the fact was she had the drop on him and she had the upper hand at the moment.
He thought he could see a glimmer in here eyes that was something familiar to him, something dangerously seductive in the way she looked at him, but being a Jedi that couldn't be possible right? But there was just something about her that made him want to take full advantage of this situation and see how bad a Jedi could really be.
Then she spoke up again. He was happy his little ploy worked, she thought they were headed to Tatooine, though when the ship finally drops out of hyperspace she's going to want answers, but he decided not to lay down his hand just yet* Again, I'm not a thief. *He lowered his hands with a smirk on his face**He found the blatant lie to be somewhat humorous, he was indeed a thief, he'd stolen plenty in his time and was fixing to steal this ship and plenty more to get back to his crew**His eyes rolled up and to the right as he saw that she wasn't buying it* Ok so maybe I steal things from time to time, point is, I needed a ship and yours was available. *He pushed off the wall and shook out his hand a little, the antitoxin was working but the pain was still there* Names Adrien Draykon, *then he decided to have a little fun, see if he couldn't get some rumor started**He brought his hands up and made quotations in the air* the "Smuggler King," as some would say.
*He let his hands fall to his sides as he continued* Anyway, I got into a spot with some pirates, your guards ran some interference, and I took your ship to escape. Simple as that. *He leaned on the operating table and looked at her**His mind wandered momentarily but soon after he was done speaking he had a question for her in turn* And come to think of it, why exactly does a Jedi have an armed escort, much less four? In all the time I've been hopping from planet to planet I've never seen that, not once.