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Post Wed Aug 08, 2012 10:10 pm

Re: Hyperspace

*Having left the outer rim territories, Bet was happy to be closer to home. He little shuttle whirled through hyperspace toward its destination. She wasn't fully alone. With her was her Padawan, Dak. His knowledge in the Force grew swiftly, and he grew stronger each day. But today along their journey, something would change for him. Turning around from the pilot seat, she called out to him.*

Dak, hon, could you come up up here, please?

*She stood up smiling waiting for him. What was about to happen was usually done in the presences of other Jedi, but she figured Dak wouldn't mind this just between the two of them.*
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Post Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:38 am

Re: Hyperspace

*It seemed that Diabolus saw through my plan at distracting him with an object before attacking, as he had crushed it using the force with his mind, I had anticipated as much. This meant the rest of my attack was going to fail and I would need to change to defense. He brought his shield up just after I sprinted forwards to defend his head which I knew would give him the freedom of attacking with his sword. He pushed his sword out to me just before I had reached him, him thinking I wouldn't have time to defend and just collide with it,. But I brought my lightsaber up diagonally from the left side slamming it into His sword, aiming to drive it up towards his shield. Behind this attack I felt the anger and rage inside me, I hated not being on the winning side of my own attacks, now I would be. I know I had only one hand free and had to make it work, using my anger as fuel to Push Diabolu's arm up to his shield preventing him from slamming it down. This move would have brought me to the side of Him.

As I did this I grabbed my left side lightsaber with my left hand aiming drive it to Diabolus's right side which would now be open wide with his arm up and Ignite at the last second, penetrating his side. I knew I could struggle wit him being stronger than myself, but I really hoped on letting my emotions come into play in my attack*
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Post Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:50 pm

Re: Hyperspace

*This man was smart, he adapted to my attack with precision, strength and power. I can feel the emotions boiling within, focused into his attacks. They were not expected and as such my phrik sword blade slams toward my shield and with a loud bang of metal colliding with metal it was done. Only, Leraxsyn's attack was not finished, I can see, feel, this now and it was a smart move. Exploiting my weaknesses, he managed to see it and use it against me. I like this kid, he is worthy to be my apprentice.*

*The lightsaber hilt was heading to my side, but I couldn't move my weapon or shield to intercept them. And so I am forced to do something I normally wouldn't enjoy. Especially this soon in the battle, I let go of my sword from my right hand and go for a strike at Leraxsyn's own arm with the hilt about to penetrate my side. In perfect rotation it should hit his arm upward and outward, activating the blade behind my back. It is in this instant I would twist the shield so the length of it is parallel to the ground, and thrust the tip into Leraxsyn's torso.*

*It was all I could do at this stage, but it allowed me to twist my body to face him and leave me in a less awkward position. I have the advantages of racial speed and strength that outmatches a human, so it would be hard for him to even see what I was doing in this very close quarters combat. My right arm would no doubt be forced in it's position holding off my opponents own arm. But the shield is still free to move around, cause even if Leraxsyn tried to block with his lightsaber, he would find it shorted out.*
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Post Fri Aug 10, 2012 4:28 am

Re: Hyperspace

*My smart move that had exploited his weakness had gone to plan so far, pushing his arm up to the shield enabling me to strike at him from the side with my other saber. But just as I was about to ignite Diabolus has dropped his sword and made a strike for my arm hoping to knock it behind him to ignite there instead of in his side. True to what he hoped it happened and a shearing pain spread across my torso as his shield struck me at its tip end. I didn't see this move, too busy focusing on his first move, the speed in which he did this all was frightening, something I could not have done, I guess this is because he isn't human. Going back to the subject, I staggered backwards a little, my left hand lightsaber deactivated back on my belt, I grasped my torso the pain overwhelming, but the rage pulsated inside of me, spreading through me like the blood in my veins soon drowned the pain out. I let out a yell, the darkness exploding from inside me, the force moving round the room rapidly, bathing me in its power. I looked over to Diabolus, then laughed. I knew I had him in that last second and he did too, forcing him to do something he wasn't happy about.*

I almost had you Princeps Diabolus. *Grinning as I said this.*

*I saw his sword in front of me, I reached out into the force surrounding me, and with a flick of me left wrist I enveloped the sword in the force and threw it directly at Diabolus, running at him again just after. Drawing and igniting my other saber I swung at him from above bringing the saber down to his head. I knew he would have to bring the shield up to defend, so with the right hand saber I lunged into him, aiming to penetrate his abdomen where hopefully he would be open.*
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Post Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:55 pm

Re: Hyperspace

*This entire duel was going interestingly. I managed to get the man, and luckily for him it wasn't where the cortosis was on the shield or he would of fallen where he stood. I grimace at the position he has gotten me in, I feel the force shift within the air. I can sense the disturbance and as such I leap into the air, shield and all, using a mixture of my brute strength and the force to mildly amplify it. I would therefore dodge the blade and his attack and land behind him. I slide the shield off my wrist as I leap causing it to impale into the ground beside me just before I land three meters behind Leraxsyn.*
Perhaps, but you are getting over confident. Control your emotions, not let them control you.
*As soon as my words exit my lips two lightsaber hilts appear in my hand, both matching and exquisitely beautiful. With a snap hiss they explode in crimson light giving my dark robes a red glow. It seems fitting, as suddenly the lights begin to flicker on and off. Using the force my mind had reached out to the lights and one by one they explode. My eyes penetrate Leraxsyn intensely behind my cruel mask until suddenly the entire cargo hold is black, lit only by the lightsaber blades glow that doesn't penetrate the darkness far.*
What happens when you lose your senses?
*And then, suddenly the darkness around me envelops me and my lightsaber blades were gone. Leraxsyn wouldn't find me in the force as I let the force suddenly dissolve me, but only in the force. My force presence is gone, and now Leraxsyn would find himself alone in the darkness. Suddenly a noise would resound behind him, and then to the left. Then right in front of his face, then to the right, but then left again. It would be disorientating to say the least.*
Here is the real test, how can you find me when your senses deceive you? This is the power of the force, this is the power of fear. Can you feel me closing near, can you sense that your life is in my hands?
*The voice reverberates around the room, there is no way to pinpoint it's location. I am in complete control here, and as such I activate my lightsaber and go for a strike at his head from behind him. As soon as the attack is completed or he acts toward it. My lightsaber would deactivate and I would be gone again. How could he fight against such a being as this? My sense of smell is what I use to pinpoint his location, something his human nostrils could never hope to achieve.*
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Post Wed Aug 15, 2012 4:49 pm

Re: Hyperspace

*It was unbelievable, Diabolus had completely dodged my attacks by jumping and ending up behind me and I whip my head around just as his two lightsabers snap hiss to life, glowing crimson red against his black attire. The lights started to flicker, I knew it wasn't normal as the ship wasn't going through any turbulence or any problems we knew of so that left the only other option of Diabolus using the force. The lights then started to explode one by one plunging me into deep darkness, with the only glow available from the dim light outside the cargo bay and the dim glow of the two lightsabers, which didn't penetrate far. I started getting paranoid, hearing a sound here, then over there and then to my left or right, disorientating me in each way possible. But I knew there were only few things in the room, cargo boxes and Diabolus. Fortunately I was facing the door where the little light was and rolled in that direction just as Diabolus took a swing to my from behind, leaving a big space between us as he disappeared again deactivating his saber so I would lose him. I stood in the door way of the light looking into the darkness, listening into the surroundings.*

*I lost his presence in the force, not sensing his signature. I couldn't hear him and didn't know his whereabouts. My eyes adjusted to the dark I stretched my senses into the force, searching for who I knew was meant to be there. I Managed to find Diabolus, who I knew would thought me not to do so. I touched upon an anomaly that differed to the surrounding aura, something in the way of the force, blocking the flow of the force. I knew the cargo was to my left so that meant the other only obstruction was Diabolus, manipulating the force to conceal himself, creating a disturbance. If I could break his concentration he would lose the cloak and I could attack him easily, surely that kind of ability would need high concentration. Now I had pin pointed him I was more at ease and feeling less disorientated.*

Whilst I may not see you, or smell you like I know you do me, I do know where you are. I can sense where you are even though I do not have your signature, I feel your movements in the force around me even though I do not see you.

*As I was speaking, I started moving to to direction of where the anomaly was, where he was, I was certain of it. I ignited my right hand saber, its crimson red against my pale face, holding it up in front of me as I moved forwards, my knees bent slightly crouched a little to allow me to move silently.* ... ntinel.png OOC: Like this but one saber to defend across my chest diagonally.*

*I gathered the force around me, bringing it down into my left hand that hung loose to my side. I guessed I was about 4 meters away from Diabolus. I was still feeling the rage and anger nag at the back of my mind, I brought it forward concentrating on it with the force feeling them merge together in my mind and body, ebbing and flowing, controlling these emotions into a power I had never felt before, always letting these emotions get the better of me but not this time. I had managed to use these emotions as fuel and Feeling I was ready I raised my arm and sent out a force wave from my palm, aiming to catch Diabolus up close and send him fleeting across the room, not thinking of a way he could get out of it. But what I did know was that with the power I had sent out, a power I had never experienced, would leave me feeling drained, lightheaded and groggy. I would be open to attack, but I was banking on Diabolus not dodging this wave.*
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Post Wed Aug 22, 2012 2:12 am

Re: Hyperspace

*And then it was all gone. Impressive to say the least, and as such I now have to adjust. I face Leraxsyn and stop moving, the vibrations would make it hard to find me, though I release the hold of the force upon me. It is then that the force wave is projected toward me. Hurdling full force, I put both my hands in front of me and bend my knees. Letting the force bend around me, I let the force wave hit me and use the force to absorb it as much as I can. My entire body slides backwards toward the wall, a grin crosses my face under my mask. And then it was done, and I stand there panting like an animal.*
You impress me Leraxsyn Keiko-sho. You have raw power and the brains and talent in which could make you very powerful. That is enough combat for now, I have a proposition for you. How would you like to study under me?Be my apprentice?
*I walk slowly toward the younger man and attach my lightsabers to my belt. Walking past my sword I scoop it up and sheath it on my lower back. Finally reaching my shield I take hold tightly and break it out of the cargo hold's floor. The cargo hold was a little worse for wear, but still usable. Though it seems that if I let this boy attack me for much longer, I would end up in space along with him. Finally I stand before him, my cloak a little torn at the base where it had caught on the ground Leraxsyn had torn up when he pushed me.*
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Post Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:00 am

Re: Hyperspace

*Still in the darkness I knew my force wave hadn't effected Diabolus other than making him pant like a dog, but it did the job and impressed him. I deactivated my saber and clicked it to its place feeling that Diabolus was facing me now.*

Thank you Princeps Diabolus. I would be honored to study under one such as you, be your apprentice and learn the ways of the darkside.*I bowed slightly to Diabolus to show my respect.*

*An Apprentice again, maybe now I will fully utilize and learn my own power and strength from this Noghri, walk the ways of the dark side, become a man of power. A smiled flickered across my face just as I raised from my bow. I still felt the adrenaline from the fighting, but it was subsiding, and the emotions I had felt had diminished to nothing being drained from the force I used. The cargo bay was a little worse for wear but still it would be in good shape to use the next time Diabolus wishes to battle.*
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Post Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:57 pm

Re: Hyperspace

*As I am about to reply the ground shudders beneath us both, and I look toward the entrance. Time to go to the bridge and I begin to make my way toward it. It seems we had reached our destination, and it was time to change to our disguises. I look toward my new apprentice and motion for him to follow with my thick hand.*
Come, we have reached our destination. Here is where your training truly begins, this is where I learn how you go without the force to aid you. I recommend changing into something more protected. Mykyr is a dangerous place.
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Post Tue Aug 28, 2012 5:19 am

Re: Hyperspace

*I flinched as the ship suddenly shuddered letting us both know we had reached our destination and I followed my new Master out of the cargo bay entrance and looked up at him as he told me this would be where my training truly begins.*

Princeps Diabolus? Is this how you wish me to address you still or should I call you Lord, Master? Also is there any protective clothing aboard your ship which I can change into?

*I felt my way around my lightsabers making sure I had them, I didn't want to come across danger on Mykyr, a place Unknown to me.*
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Post Wed Sep 12, 2012 7:46 pm

PB-950 patrol boat, Kachina - Cockpit

[npc name=Hyatt Ashton:2lrdloms][narration:2lrdloms]While Raimundo appears to mull over all that Hyatt has said, the native Corellian looks out the forward viewport as, [i:2lrdloms]the Kachina[/i:2lrdloms] having left Corellia's gravity well, he takes their ship into hyperspace and watches as the stars stretch out and then give way to the swirling blue interior of a hyperspace tunnel.[/narration:2lrdloms]

[narration:2lrdloms]As Hyatt checks his instruments and then activates the ship's autopilot,[/narration:2lrdloms]

[quote="Raimundo Darkwater":2lrdloms][action:2lrdloms]Shaking his head, Rai broke from his daydreams,[/action:2lrdloms] [color=#00FFFF:2lrdloms]"I'm good. So we just have to figure out why the attack took place, where the hostages are, and if they're going to do a follow up attack?"[/color:2lrdloms][/quote:2lrdloms]

[action:2lrdloms]Leaning back in his seat, Hyatt nods with a smile as he confirms,[/action:2lrdloms] "Just so, [narration:2lrdloms]then adds,[/narration:2lrdloms] We will also, I imagine, explore the option of attempting to rescue the captives should the opportunity arise. [action:2lrdloms]Reaching up to tighten the bit of leather cord that he used to secure his shoulder length hair into a ponytail, Hyatt says,[/action:2lrdloms] As for precisely [i:2lrdloms]how[/i:2lrdloms] we'll be going about those things, that we'll learn once we're on Mon Calamari in, [action:2lrdloms]he consults his instruments and frowns slightly,[/action:2lrdloms] six or seven hours. [action:2lrdloms]Rolling his neck and shoulders as his nature is not such that being stuck aboard a ship and being idle is an inviting prospect and he already feels restless, Hyatt says,[/action:2lrdloms] We can use the time however you'd like; the lower main deck has cabins if you'd like to meditate, a galley if you're hungry and the cargo hold is large enough to accommodate any training you'd feel up to. I could also give you the information that I was provided about the attack if you're interested in taking the time to review it; though I suspect our briefing will include a summary of what is known about the attack and the players involved."[/npc:2lrdloms]
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Post Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:10 pm

Re: Hyperspace

"I think a meditation would be great right now," *The Cerean smiled as he stood up from his seat,* "Wake me up when we get there will you?"
*The Cerean then left with a bow.*
*Taking his time, since there was going to be a lot of it during their trip to Mon Calamari, Raimundo took a stroll through the corridors of the patrol boat, adapting his mind to the layout of the ship's design. Finally, completing his third circuit of the ship, the padawan stopped at the cabins located in the lower deck.*
*Entering an empty room, Rai shut the door, keeping it unlocked and walked to the center of the room. He sat down and put himself in a cross-legged position. He closed his eyes and focused on his breathing.*

*In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. The jedi's breathing slowly evened out, his mind contracting to a small shimmer of light. Soon, he was out like a light, his thoughts resting on the approaching mission, and the skills that would needed for it to be accomplished.*
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Post Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:58 am

Re: Hyperspace

*Adrien relaxed for the first time since he had left the hospital. He'd been beaten, had his crew stolen, his business was probably in the hands of that impostor, now he had pirates with a grudge after him, and to top it all off he didn't have a decicred to his name now. He was in the very spot he was right before he joined the Organization, out of luck, out of money, and out of options, with one major exception, he didn't even have his brother this time around, so he was actually worse off than he thought. Suddenly the pain of the dart came back into his mind and he knew he had to take care of that* Frackin bongos. *He muttered under his breath as he made the walk to find the medbay, he held his arm once again trying to slow the poison. He found it relatively quickly but where he knew his way around a cockpit very well it was more or less lost inside a medbay. He assumed he needed antitoxins but he had no idea where those where. He fumbled around for a while trying to find them before he found one, though he wasn't sure where exactly to apply it so he searched to see if there were some sort of directions. Finally he just stuck it in his arm close to where the dart had entered his body and hoped that that would do the trick*

*It seemed to work fairly quickly, the pain started to fade and he could concentrate on something other than how bad it hurt for once. It wasn't quite like the Devoronian blood poison that he had endured but it hurt pretty damned bad all the same, though it was more bearable*
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Post Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:13 am

Re: Hyperspace

*She moved silently through the hallways of her ship, looking for people and droids although she could only feel the presence of one. If they were force users, there could be more of them. The slight cursing and the sounds of rummaging in the medbay drew her attention and she made her way there, not drawing attention to herself.

What she found was a disheveled man, injecting something in his arm and looking rather like he had just gotten out of a fight. Unfortunately for him, he had just jumped from the frying pan into the fire.

The thrum of a silver lightsaber broke the silence as she ignited it directly behind him, pointing it at his back. She was not in a particularly friendly mood as one is likely to be a tad upset when they wake up kidnapped. Her voice is cold and authoritative, although she is still attired in a blue tunic and brown pants, looking very unSithlike to say the least.*

"Freeze. Turn around slowly with your hands where I can see them."
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Post Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:31 am

Re: Hyperspace

*Now that was a familiar sound, the ignition and hum of a lightsaber blade, Adrien could see her out of the corner of his eye but what was more noticeable about her than her choice of weapons was that she, at least out of the corner of his eye, appeared to be quite beautiful. Now Adrien had a choice here, he could cooperate and do as he was told, or he could be difficult and do what he pleased. Given the day that he had and her apparent affiliation with the Jedi Adrien quickly made up his mind**He froze in place not moving a bit* Now which is it? Do you want me to freeze or do you want me to turn around? *He spoke with a cocky tone**A smirk came across his face as he waited for a response**He knew it was probably too good to be true that he had gotten this ship free and clear, of course there had to be someone on board and of course they just had to be a Jedi, but Adrien had a few cards to play if the cocky retort didn't go over so well.

To a lot of people this sort of situation might have been somewhat terrifying, a Jedi who got the drop on you isn't exactly the most relaxing situation, but to Adrien it was just another great moment to add to his already stellar day, plus it wasn't like he hadn't been in this position before. He remained cool and collected, and he did have his sidearm still available to him if he really needed it*
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Post Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:37 am

Re: Hyperspace

"I suppose 'freeze' is a tad cliche. How about you turn around and keep your hands away from that blaster. We wouldn't want things to get messy."

*Irritation was evident in her voice but there was still an element of calmness and control that spoke loudly that he might have stolen the ship, but this 3-Z only had one captain and it was the woman with the saber. Her eyes were stern as she sized him up. He probably wasn't trained force user, he didn't feel like it to her anyway. Probably just a thief. Make that her new toy. There were some new torture techniques she was looking to try out on an unwilling subject. At least she didn't have to worry about anyone missing him. Guys like him were rarely missed if they befell an awful fate.*

"Perhaps you'd like to tell me who you are and why you stole my ship?"
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Post Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:56 am

Re: Hyperspace

Very well. *He removed the needle from his arm and tossed it away before he put his hands up and turned slowly to face the Jedi**He was a little surprised to see how attractive she actually was, even moreso than what he had seen out the corner of his eye. Her irritation wasn't lost to him, it was an emotion that he was well acquainted with and he had a knack for getting people there. She was being territorial, that much was certain, but this wasn't the first time he had stolen a ship...and it probably wouldn't be the last*

Stole? *He laughed and leaned on a the wall behind him* Is that what you think? I've never stolen a thing in my life. *That was a lie and probably a rather obvious one, Adrien was actually rather good at stealing things, ships included* I was simply borrowing the ship and was going to return it once I got where I was going. I was even gonna fill it up and leave you a nice thank you note.
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Post Wed Oct 03, 2012 12:41 pm

Re: Hyperspace

"Correction, stole. Borrowing implies consent between two parties. Obviously, I don't consent."

*He was cocky and charming, and younger. Once again the cougar bares its fangs and she takes note of his dashing features. Dashing for a disposable plaything, but handsome nonetheless. She had a choice, as he had no idea who he was talking to. She could play the part she was dressed for or she could reveal exactly what she was and put an end to this foolishness. Either way, they were headed to Tatooine, she might as well let this play out. She couldn't reverse course or alter the destination in the hyperspace tunnel anyway.

He didn't seem dangerous, at least anything she couldn't handle. In a display of lulling him into security and playing to the fact that she was wearing what looked like Jedi clothes and carrying a silver saber, she lowered the saber and deactivated it, although she kept the hilt in her hand for now.*

"It looks like until we reach Tatooine, we're stuck in this ship together. Usually thieves work in pairs when they steal a ship. You're alone and nursing a wound, telling me you took measures out of desperation. Not to mention you look like you just shot your way out of a fight. So what's your name, pretty boy?"
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Post Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:47 pm

Re: Hyperspace

Correction, borrowed. Stealing implies taking without intent to return, *He smiled and cocked his head slightly to the left* and I was gonna give it back. *His tone was cocky and flirtatious, especially the last part. But he knew that being cute wasn't going to get him out of this situation, the fact was she had the drop on him and she had the upper hand at the moment.

He thought he could see a glimmer in here eyes that was something familiar to him, something dangerously seductive in the way she looked at him, but being a Jedi that couldn't be possible right? But there was just something about her that made him want to take full advantage of this situation and see how bad a Jedi could really be.

Then she spoke up again. He was happy his little ploy worked, she thought they were headed to Tatooine, though when the ship finally drops out of hyperspace she's going to want answers, but he decided not to lay down his hand just yet*
Again, I'm not a thief. *He lowered his hands with a smirk on his face**He found the blatant lie to be somewhat humorous, he was indeed a thief, he'd stolen plenty in his time and was fixing to steal this ship and plenty more to get back to his crew**His eyes rolled up and to the right as he saw that she wasn't buying it* Ok so maybe I steal things from time to time, point is, I needed a ship and yours was available. *He pushed off the wall and shook out his hand a little, the antitoxin was working but the pain was still there* Names Adrien Draykon, *then he decided to have a little fun, see if he couldn't get some rumor started**He brought his hands up and made quotations in the air* the "Smuggler King," as some would say.

*He let his hands fall to his sides as he continued* Anyway, I got into a spot with some pirates, your guards ran some interference, and I took your ship to escape. Simple as that. *He leaned on the operating table and looked at her**His mind wandered momentarily but soon after he was done speaking he had a question for her in turn* And come to think of it, why exactly does a Jedi have an armed escort, much less four? In all the time I've been hopping from planet to planet I've never seen that, not once.
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Post Sat Oct 20, 2012 8:36 pm

Re: Hyperspace

*Damnit. Well this would take some creative spinning and quick thinking to get out of this mess, but if she could talk the universe into thinking a million lies were true, she could slip a few past this "Smuggler King". And if he called her bluff, well, he didn't really need to continue to breathe. She smiled like a nexu as she stepped over to a terminal on the wall by the door. She turned herself so that she could enter the information and see what, if any information she could pull from her databases on Adrien Draykon. The hilt was moved to her left hand as she skimmed through the menus with her right hand, her eyebrow arched in a playful expression.*

"Not everyone who carries a lightsaber is a Jedi, Mr. Draykon. This is the saber of an Imperial knight. It once belonged to my late husband and I find it makes people nervous enough to leave me alone. As for the armed escort, those belonged to the security staff at the spaceport. I was waiting for an audience with Adiemus and Isis Matango. But where are my manners, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Gaysa Corsai. This ship you are borrowing is my antique 3-Z. It's an heirloom."

*It didn't sound so badly, it didn't explain why she needed an escort but if pushed, she could find some answer that would satisfy him. She couldn't find anything in her databases about Adrien Draykon, and since they were in hyperspace, all communications would be offline anyway. Instead she initiated a scan of the ship's systems to see if he had done anything to jack the transponder or change anything in the controls. It would take a few minutes to spit out the answers. Better get to know her passenger for the moment.

Part of her wanted to rip him open and take out her frustration and weariness on his body; to pay for the borrowing of her beloved ship. But not yet. She wasn't through batting him around.*

"What happened to your arm? And is there any chance that we are being followed?"

*The idea of having to outrun pirates until she could connect with some of her heavier artillery wasn't a thought that pleased her at the moment.*

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