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Perses Station - Mess Hall
He raised an eyebrow when she questioned his remark about wanting to keep the Force inhibiting collar. "Sentimental keepsakes can be very important throughout one's life. Some people take holo-photos; I like to keep instruments of torture. We all have our vices."
He had decided not to open up about the state of his mentality; it had never been a real hindrance to his ability to make decisions or perform in fieldwork before. Quite the contrary on some occasions. He figured it was ultimately inconsequential to the team and so not worth mentioning.
Inferno also grimaced slightly at what was being served in the Mess Hall. He generally wasn't a picky eater, but he hated fish, cooked or alive. If he wasn't in desperate need of something to eat, he definitely would have passed on the meal, but he was more than willing to suffer through this inconvenience if it meant losing the sickly feeling of being ready to pass out.
<<You're actually going to eat that?>> The voice in his head asked incredulously
"Gotta eat something, right?" He answered the voice in his head, but the statement was general enough that he could have been talking offhandedly to Neassa as well.
Having retrieved his tray and sat down with Neassa, Inferno attempted to make a face every time he took a bite of the Icefish. Her offers to make him feel more at home were well-received with a few bobs of his head in thanks. "I have a few things that I'd like to move in on my own time. So long as I have the room to accomodate what I need, I should be fine. Sparse living has been something I've always practiced out of necessity."
He inclined his head slightly, tilting it to the left to signify curiosity again, followed by another question. "Do you know many people we have lined up for this little buddy club of ours?"