Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:00 pm by Cuyan Ha'rangir
*Cuyan chuckled as she laid him bare.*
"Told you."
*When she left to use the master bathroom, he lit a cigarette and laid there for a moment, in a bit of pain due to his state. He smiled as thought of the evening he had planned, then got up and headed out of the master bedroom to use the other shower and bathroom.
When he got there, he attended to his difficulty while washing, untying his warbraids to wash his hair fully and completely. He then got out of the shower and combed his black hair, pulling it back into a small banthatail and making sure he was completely groomed. He took over an hour to make sure he was as attractive as he could be. Before wrapping a towel around himself and going out to the shuttle where his special purchase awaited.
He then returned to the bathroom and dressed, the suit had come with a tie, but he had no idea how one tied such a thing, and so merely left it off, leaving the top buttons on the black shirt open, wearing a golden waistcoat, black pants and a black coat. He then pulled on the fancy shoes and walked out to wait for her, making sure the ring was in his coat pocket.
He smiled, aruetiise at least knew fine clothing, and he knew she would be wildly surprised at him wearing a suit of dramassian silk instead of his hard beskar armor.
Also, she would find it much easier to take them off later, armor did often kill the spontaneity and wild throwing about of clothes so often shown in the holos.*