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Post Wed Sep 29, 2010 9:55 am

Re: Hyperspace

*He smiled and laughed, running his fingers down her naked back.*
"Aye, as much as I love this outfit, and I believe any independent investigations you perform will confirm that, I feel that is not quite what they would be expecting at this restaurant."
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Post Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:47 pm

Re: Hyperspace

*Nekao grinned, and squirmed till she was laying on him, her chin resting on her arms, on his chest.*

"I guess I should go get ready then."

*She planted a kiss on his lips before she rolled out of bed, sure to tug the sheets to the bottom of the bed as she walked, leaving him unconvered. She looked over her shoulder once, grinning playfully, before turning around the corner to shower.*

Post Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:00 pm

Re: Hyperspace

*Cuyan chuckled as she laid him bare.*
"Told you."
*When she left to use the master bathroom, he lit a cigarette and laid there for a moment, in a bit of pain due to his state. He smiled as thought of the evening he had planned, then got up and headed out of the master bedroom to use the other shower and bathroom.

When he got there, he attended to his difficulty while washing, untying his warbraids to wash his hair fully and completely. He then got out of the shower and combed his black hair, pulling it back into a small banthatail and making sure he was completely groomed. He took over an hour to make sure he was as attractive as he could be. Before wrapping a towel around himself and going out to the shuttle where his special purchase awaited.

He then returned to the bathroom and dressed, the suit had come with a tie, but he had no idea how one tied such a thing, and so merely left it off, leaving the top buttons on the black shirt open, wearing a golden waistcoat, black pants and a black coat. He then pulled on the fancy shoes and walked out to wait for her, making sure the ring was in his coat pocket.

He smiled, aruetiise at least knew fine clothing, and he knew she would be wildly surprised at him wearing a suit of dramassian silk instead of his hard beskar armor.

Also, she would find it much easier to take them off later, armor did often kill the spontaneity and wild throwing about of clothes so often shown in the holos.*
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Post Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:21 pm

Re: Hyperspace

*Nekao smiled to herself while she readied, and stepped into the shower. She washed as she usually would, and towel dried. She peeked her head out of the washroom - checking to make sure Cuyan wasn't around - then dashed out and grabbed her dress.

While she got dressed, she wondered what the evening would be like. She thought Cuyans dress request was a bit odd, and wondered if he'd be in his armor... She hoped he'd at least wear regular pants - he had once or twice...

After looking in the mirror, at the purple dress she'd chosen in replacement of the purple bra he wrecked, she decided to curl her hair. She applied a bit of make up, and wondered if Cuy would recognize her... She'd never been this dressed up, and just thinking about it made her cheeks flush pink. She felt a little goofy.

It took her a moment, but when her cheeks faded to their natural hue she opened the door and went in search of Cuyan.*

Post Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:28 pm

Re: Hyperspace

*Cuy heard the door open and turned in time to see her walk out. Her beautiful red hair was curled, and she wore a slinky purple dress that accentuated her breasts and rear. She also wore make up.

She was gorgeous.

Cuy gulped and felt another situation develop. He was a lucky, lucky, man. He smiled and looked at her love and desire in his expression.*

"Mesh'la, Gar mesh'la ner'kartaylii."
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Post Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:31 pm

Re: Hyperspace

*Nekao stood staring for a moment. He was in a suit. A real, genuine suit. And he looked wonderful.

But she caught his expression then, and remembered how different she looked. Her cheeks flushed, and she tentatively pushed her hair from her face.*

"I'm going to assume you're being nice - don't tell me if you're not... You look wonderful, very handsome.."

Post Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:37 pm

Re: Hyperspace

*He walked over to her and pulled her hard against him for a long kiss.*
"You should be able to tell that I mean it..."
*He winked and took her hand.*
"You like the suit? It had a tie, but I didn't know how to use it, so I went without."
*he let her hand go and spun around slowly to let her see.*
"You'll like this restaurant too, its supposed to be the best. I have never been, but everyone talks about it."
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Post Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:44 pm

Re: Hyperspace

*Nekao laughed and rolled her eyes as he pressed against her. Not really her first choice of reaction - but it worked. She grinned against as he twirled, and nodded.*

"You look very good. I think its more you style - without the tie."

*She glanced at the time and shrugged a bit.*

"Time to go then?"

Post Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:53 pm

Re: Hyperspace

*He smiled and nodded.*
"Yes it is, let's go.
*He led her by the hand out to the pad where the speeder waited. He opened the door for her and helped her in, before going to the pilots side.

He leaned over and kissed her, then placed his hand on her leg absently and they sped off to the restaurant.

When they arrived he pulled up on to the pad in front of it, getting out and helping her out as well. Bright Neon letters spelled "NOVA" and the sounds of soft music could be heard from within. He tossed the keys to the Valet and was handed a ticket as the valet took off. He offered Nekao his arm and smiled.*

"We're here."
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Post Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:01 am

Re: Hyperspace

*Nekao smiled as she stepped out in front of the restaurant. She took Cuyans arm and followed him into the dimly lit restaurant. She squeezed his arm a bit, excited, already enjoying the look of the interior.*

Post Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:09 am

Re: Hyperspace

*They approached the maitre'd and Cuy smiled.*
"Smith, party of two."
*The togruta maitre'd checked her datapad and smiled.*

*She led them to a fine table in the corner, which had candles and a vase of flowers on it.*

*Cuyan looked at Nekao and considered a moment.*
"Aye, thank you."

*She bowed slightly and walked off, Cuy taking Nekao's hand on top of the table.*
"Do you like it?"
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Post Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:16 am

Re: Hyperspace

*Nekao grinned and squeezed his hand when they were seated. Their table was tucked away in a corner, the flowers fresh and giving off a light scent, the candles providing just the right amount of light.*

"Yes, very much.. Mr Smith."

Post Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:21 am

Re: Hyperspace

*He smiled and leaned over to kiss her.*
"I am very pleased. I thought you would."
*the sommelier arrived a few moments later with a small folder in his arms.*

*Cuyan considered a moment.*
"Yes that sounds lovely. Bring the bottle."

*The sommelier bowed slightly and left, leaving Cuy and Nekao to look over the menu.*
"Anything look good to you?"
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Post Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:00 pm

Re: Hyperspace

*Nekao chuckled and skimmed the menu, and pointed to the pasta, though there was lots that looked good.*

Post Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:23 pm

Re: Hyperspace

*Cuyan looked at the menu where she pointed and thought that it did sound good. But he had had a hankering for fish of late, and it is often hard to find on remote stations like The Nexus, so he decided to order some. The waiter arrived to take their orders only a moment later.*

"My lady will have the pasta and for me the seared fish filet."
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Post Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:10 am

Re: Hyperspace

*Viago looked out through the at the streaking lights of hyperspace outside the ship. They were on the outskirts of the known universe, far from the core and their posts. But it didn't matter anymore, their posts were long gone, along with their Emperor. Warning lights flashed to tell them they were coming out of hyperspace soon. The light freighter shook slightly but with an annoyed look from Viago it went back to being steady. *

"You know there are going to be many of the scum out this far from the core. "

Post Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:23 am

Re: Hyperspace

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Post Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:43 am

Re: Hyperspace

*Stretching out his shoulders, Lange blows out a heavy breath, pushing the smoke out of his face. Looking at their coordinates Lange points at one of the nearby planets, rolling the foreign sounding name around in his head. *

"I doubt we'll find another, but you're right, we don't even have enough credits to get my ship repaired. I don't care if we work with them, but I won't work under one of the subhumans. So who do you think will pay better, the pirates or security forces? "

*Grabbing up his gear from around the cockpit he starts strapping it on, grumbling under his breath.*

Post Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:59 am

Re: Hyperspace

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Posts: 23


Post Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:13 am

Re: Hyperspace

*Debating on a throwing knife or a hold out blaster Lange merely grunts his assent. Deciding on the knife, he stands straight inspecting his reflection in the viewport. Almond shaped and colored eyes stared back at him, the mop of brown hair reaching down to his eyes. His posture was slouched, imitating the various low lifes he'd encountered since the fall, with a menacing look on his face and battle scarred weapons in key positions to be easily accesible. *

"Sernpidal seems as good as any place, should we go wreck a few bars until someone offers us a job? "

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