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Not a poll, but what's your alignment?

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Post Mon Jul 02, 2012 1:46 pm

Not a poll, but what's your alignment? ... 6405_n.jpg

Spot your charry's alignment, and tell why.

I'll start.

Garrek -Zero- Crux: In between Lawful Good and Neutral Good, leaning towards Lawful. The reason I say that is because he's devout to the Jedi way, yet he's willing to kill - ONLY when heavily convicted to do so. It's not something he takes lightly. Very high moral ethics code. Strong sense of both conviction and compassion.

Wes Leonhart: Neutral Good. He'll take sides based on his moral code, but subvert or circumvent laws if he deems it necessary to accomplish what he has in mind.

Seros Darklighter: ...oh dear.. *scratches head.*
*Ten minutes of deliberation later...*

I think I'll have to go with Chaotic Good. He's not above killing someone without them knowing it was him. He has a fairly upright sense of right/wrong, yet he's not beyond crossing over certain lines if he thinks it's worth the effort in the end. (i.e. drug use).
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Post Mon Jul 02, 2012 2:56 pm

Re: Not a poll, but what's your alignment?

Lawful Neutral
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Post Mon Jul 02, 2012 3:37 pm

Re: Not a poll, but what's your alignment?

Chaotic Evil.

Sinistra follows whatever keeps her head on her shoulders. She has some loyalties but nothing stronger than the desire to attain the goal she's after, whatever it happens to be at the moment. Will she sell out her friends? Yes. Will she defend them with her life? Yes. Will she kill indiscriminately? Totally. Moral codes mean nothing to her internal setting which fluctuates depending on her moods. You never know if she will keep her word or if it is all an elaborate game just to entertain her.
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Post Mon Jul 02, 2012 3:51 pm

Re: Not a poll, but what's your alignment?

I guess Tal would be Neutral/Chaotic Evil.

Always looking out for #1, first and foremost. Doesn't play well with others (at least those who don't do as he says). If he loves a woman (which is a big if), all other women are considered a commodity of sorts. A toy, pawn, part of the scenery, or a slave/servent. Uses Dominate Mind and Persuasion to the max with his sense of rife confidence, and isn't above unleashing hellish torments into the minds of those that oppose him..much less piss him off.

His passions and desires are pantamount to him, yet he doesn't wish to see the universe burn, as it were.

If it did, he'd have no pleasure left.
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Post Mon Jul 02, 2012 5:15 pm

Re: Not a poll, but what's your alignment?

Kirus: Chaotic Neutral

Iilas: Lawful Evil

K├â┬ói Ga├äÔäól: Lawful Neutral
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Post Mon Jul 02, 2012 6:41 pm

Re: Not a poll, but what's your alignment?

Diabolus - Lawful Evil
Zarothos - Neutral Evil
Zerachiel Korbin - Neutral Good
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Post Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:44 pm

Re: Not a poll, but what's your alignment?

Ha. Chaotic good handsdown.
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Post Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:51 pm

Re: Not a poll, but what's your alignment?

Lawful Good, old school Knight of The Old Republic here
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Post Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:11 pm

Re: Not a poll, but what's your alignment?

chaotic nuetral
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Post Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:38 am

Re: Not a poll, but what's your alignment?

[quote="Wanderer":l3h2tjs0]chaotic nuetral[/quote:l3h2tjs0]
Even I coulda guessed that one :P
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Post Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:33 am

Re: Not a poll, but what's your alignment?

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Post Tue Jul 03, 2012 4:56 am

Re: Not a poll, but what's your alignment?

[quote="Zarothos":1055iwjh][quote="Wanderer":1055iwjh]chaotic nuetral[/quote:1055iwjh]
Even I coulda guessed that one :P[/quote:1055iwjh]

i've got a jar of dirt ... 3igpSx.jpg
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Post Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:06 am

Re: Not a poll, but what's your alignment?

[quote="Seros Darklighter":1aguy5o1]

Spot your charry's alignment, and tell why.

I'll start.

[b:1aguy5o1][i:1aguy5o1][color=#0080FF:1aguy5o1]Garrek -Zero- Crux:[/color:1aguy5o1][/i:1aguy5o1][/b:1aguy5o1] In between Lawful Good and Neutral Good, leaning towards Lawful. The reason I say that is because he's devout to the Jedi way, yet he's willing to kill - ONLY when [i:1aguy5o1]heavily[/i:1aguy5o1] convicted to do so. It's not something he takes lightly. Very high moral ethics code. Strong sense of both conviction and compassion.

[b:1aguy5o1][i:1aguy5o1][color=#BFBF00:1aguy5o1]Wes Leonhart[/color:1aguy5o1][/i:1aguy5o1]:[/b:1aguy5o1] Neutral Good. He'll take sides based on his moral code, but subvert or circumvent laws if he deems it necessary to accomplish what he has in mind.

[b:1aguy5o1][i:1aguy5o1][color=#008000:1aguy5o1]Seros Darklighter:[/color:1aguy5o1][/i:1aguy5o1][/b:1aguy5o1] ...oh dear.. [action:1aguy5o1]scratches head.[/action:1aguy5o1]
[narration:1aguy5o1]Ten minutes of deliberation later...[/narration:1aguy5o1]

I think I'll have to go with Chaotic Good. He's not above killing someone without them knowing it was him. He has a fairly upright sense of right/wrong, yet he's not beyond crossing over certain lines if he thinks it's worth the effort in the end. (i.e. drug use).[/quote:1aguy5o1]

my bad, here it goes:

[b:1aguy5o1][color=#FF0000:1aguy5o1]Wanderer[/color:1aguy5o1][/b:1aguy5o1] -Chaotic Neutral - Jar of Dirt ... fdirt!.jpg

no but seriously, Wanderer can best be described as anti-hero. he doesn't believe in absolute good or evil. one day you can be fighting alongside the good guys and the next they can be the bad guys. he doesn't like limiting himself to one supposed side. He is also a firm believer in the idea that if you do something it's got to be big and out there and better than the next guy
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Post Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:08 am

Re: Not a poll, but what's your alignment?

[quote="Wanderer":kp7c4rot][quote="Zarothos":kp7c4rot][quote="Wanderer":kp7c4rot]chaotic nuetral[/quote:kp7c4rot]
Even I coulda guessed that one :P[/quote:kp7c4rot]

i've got a jar of dirt ... 3igpSx.jpg[/quote:kp7c4rot]

Here's what i say to your [url=]Jar of Dirt[/url:kp7c4rot]!!!
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Post Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:39 am

Re: Not a poll, but what's your alignment?

Major= Lawful Evil.
What you want is good; what you don't is evil.
Follow the law, use loopholes in it, and exploit the tendencies of government.
Spread racist xenophobia in order make humans stronger.

Diva= Chaotic Evil.
Living things are unhappy, so death is a way to care for them, and ease pain.
Laws propagate sadness, and government causes misery: destroy them both.
Fight around your victim's toy chest: apply equal force and destroy them with their choice methods to demoralize and humiliate.
Death of the galaxy = true beginning of peace.

Police Girl= Lawful Neutral.
Follow the law, and follow the orders.
Prosecute those who offend the laws of the city, regardless of circumstance: whether poor or good.
The rich and powerful have connections with the law, so do not trifle with them.
Try to be a decent person, and stay alive.
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Post Tue Jul 03, 2012 3:37 pm

Re: Not a poll, but what's your alignment?


Rannard Crux: Lawful Good. Much like Garrek Crux (unrelated), except he's more reserved about actually killing. Severely incapacitating is his prime M-O in battle, unless he's flying. Then it's fair game, hardly avoidable. He's like Reynolds in Firefly in regards to terms of engagement (i.e "If I kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me, and you'll be armed."), except Rannard's loyal to an organized code.

In fact, in order to BE a Crux, you'd have to have a natural leaning towards Lawful Good.

..Oh, and Major..if Seros EVER ran into you..he'd attempt to kill you outright, simply for the fact that your charry's racist. He..kind of has a soft spot for them. :P
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Post Tue Jul 03, 2012 10:03 pm

Re: Not a poll, but what's your alignment?

She is not racist, she just knows humans are quick to be racist and uses that to motivate followers. I mean, her best friend was a Barabel, soo...

Anyway, have Seros come and try. I'm sure the Major would relish cutting offensive crosses unto his body if he fails to kill. Maybe make out a little bit too.
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Post Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:08 pm

Re: Not a poll, but what's your alignment?

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Post Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:15 pm

Re: Not a poll, but what's your alignment?

I don't keep track!

*hides her notebook*


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Post Wed Jul 04, 2012 1:30 am

Re: Not a poll, but what's your alignment?

Neutral Sithspit Stirrer

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