Posts: 527
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Not a poll, but what's your alignment?
Spot your charry's alignment, and tell why.
I'll start.
Garrek -Zero- Crux: In between Lawful Good and Neutral Good, leaning towards Lawful. The reason I say that is because he's devout to the Jedi way, yet he's willing to kill - ONLY when heavily convicted to do so. It's not something he takes lightly. Very high moral ethics code. Strong sense of both conviction and compassion.
Wes Leonhart: Neutral Good. He'll take sides based on his moral code, but subvert or circumvent laws if he deems it necessary to accomplish what he has in mind.
Seros Darklighter: ...oh dear.. *scratches head.*
*Ten minutes of deliberation later...*
I think I'll have to go with Chaotic Good. He's not above killing someone without them knowing it was him. He has a fairly upright sense of right/wrong, yet he's not beyond crossing over certain lines if he thinks it's worth the effort in the end. (i.e. drug use).