Posts: 121
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Re: Docks
*Mid-way into Week 2, and the drive reactors - which had received priority status over the other repairs due to their centralized location within the vessel - were nearing completion. Exterior hull sections that had been removed and reconstructed were also nearly complete, save for the dorsal section of each vessel, which had taken the most damage due to the primary weapons being centrally-located there. Those were also being extensively-overhauled due to the severe amount of overuse and damage. The largest and most problematic issues were the jointed sections, where the heavy turbolasers rotated on their weapons platforms. The conduits had been thoroughly-worn, and every conjoining section was sufficiently-weathered. Despite operating in zero-gravity, each component still had to touch somewhere, and that affected their wear-and-tear significantly if used like that over time.*
*However, now each ship would soon be sporting newly-refurbished cannons on each section of the hull. Each would operate like new, and were practically new guns themselves. The design and repair teams were pleased with their accomplishment. Despite being handed refuse, the crews pulled together and made them into jewels. Big, shiny jewels that would soon be back to devastating planets and enemies alike. There was one minor setback, dealing with the implementation of Rapier's main engineering deck. The interface terminals were having difficulties with connectivity, due to a circuit mismatch throughout the entire engineering section. Replacing them would take the remainder of the week, thus pushing them behind schedule a bit. However, they would still be finished in time to assist with the implementation of the gravity-well projectors on the Dark Web. Proper testing of engines would take place at the end of the week for both vessels, providing that there were no further mishaps in engineering.*
Dark Web: 68% Repairs Complete
Rapier: 70% Repairs Complete*
*However, now each ship would soon be sporting newly-refurbished cannons on each section of the hull. Each would operate like new, and were practically new guns themselves. The design and repair teams were pleased with their accomplishment. Despite being handed refuse, the crews pulled together and made them into jewels. Big, shiny jewels that would soon be back to devastating planets and enemies alike. There was one minor setback, dealing with the implementation of Rapier's main engineering deck. The interface terminals were having difficulties with connectivity, due to a circuit mismatch throughout the entire engineering section. Replacing them would take the remainder of the week, thus pushing them behind schedule a bit. However, they would still be finished in time to assist with the implementation of the gravity-well projectors on the Dark Web. Proper testing of engines would take place at the end of the week for both vessels, providing that there were no further mishaps in engineering.*
Dark Web: 68% Repairs Complete
Rapier: 70% Repairs Complete*