Mon Jan 21, 2013 12:34 am by Seros Darklighter
[color=#00BF80:2iqzfcvt][i:2iqzfcvt]Seros, still having his mind picked by an unknown...well, whatever it was poking at him, telling him something was a bit off or weird about him separating himself from this motley crew...exited the Loronar, letting Oz and Fel work out their transaction. Fel was probably the most decent man he'd met in the past month, even before he got to Coruscant, despite his attempt on Kaali's ship. That was somewhat understandable on his part..and on Kaali's.
It seemed like her to want affirmation, so a flyby to sense his presence again, just to make sure, wasn't foreign to her character at all. It was a small facet of the precaution he took in requesting her to remain stealthy, but at least nothing happened. Couldn't be too safe out here. Black Sun had their hands everywhere, especially in prime black market hotspots like this. If they tracked or saw him at all, he wouldn't want Kaali anywhere near him, even if they had chances of winning a fight together. They'd add her name to whatever list they had to draw Seros in.[/i:2iqzfcvt][/color:2iqzfcvt]
[narration:2iqzfcvt]Coming down off the ramp, Seros was about to head off to the main markets on the other side of the massive lucrehulk's interior, completely opposite his position...until he heard a frantic, gut curdling plea he knew all too well, come from the other side of the ship, even echoing off the metal bulkheads almost half a mile high...[/narration:2iqzfcvt]
[quote="Jace Stealer":2iqzfcvt][size=150:2iqzfcvt][i:2iqzfcvt]"MEDIC!"[/i:2iqzfcvt][/size:2iqzfcvt][/quote:2iqzfcvt]
[action:2iqzfcvt]Bolting to his left, Seros sprinted around the landing gears, finding a short-haired man leaning over whom couldn't be mistaken for anyone else but Dante. Seros hesitated in his trek only but for a second, remembering Dante's warning and threat back in the bridge of the Loronar..but he was unconscious, and his companion now had direct discretion. Good enough for Seros.[/action:2iqzfcvt]
"What happened?!"
[action:2iqzfcvt]Taking to his knees, he intentionally let his momentum skid him across the hangar floor to stop next to them. While he looked to Dante's paling face, immediately pressing his index and middle finger to (where) his main artery (should) would be, on most humanoid species, he smelt something distinct..yet a tinge familiar lingering in the air about them.[/action:2iqzfcvt]
[color=#00BF80:2iqzfcvt][i:2iqzfcvt]Slow pulse. Too damn slow for Seros' liking, but a pulse nonetheless. No breathing. His head ran a million miles an hour as[/i:2iqzfcvt][/color:2iqzfcvt] [color=#008000:2iqzfcvt](Jace) disclosed the fact of an aerolized agent erupting from the cargo box[/color:2iqzfcvt] [color=#00BF80:2iqzfcvt][i:2iqzfcvt]next to them. That could have been one of a thousand toxic agents, and it was obvious (Jace) didn't know what it could have been, but Seros' only concern was getting that agent OUT of Dante's system and restoring his vitals to operable condition. Closest medbay? Back in the Loronar.[/i:2iqzfcvt][/color:2iqzfcvt]
[action:2iqzfcvt]Seros maneuvered himself to lean over Dante's head and chest, avoiding strain on Dante's arms. Whatever breath Dante had, he needed to use, and hanging him by his arms to carry him up the ramp was not the best way to do that, nor to hang him over the shoulder. Good thing (Jace) was here.[/action:2iqzfcvt]
"Grab his legs. Let's keep him level and breathing as we carry him up the ramp."
[action:2iqzfcvt]Seros held Dante up by the back, supporting his lungs, letting his limp head rest on his left shoulder, and (Jace) did well with his part.[/action:2iqzfcvt]
[narration:2iqzfcvt]Passing a very solemn Faith, and a now [url=]inquisitive[/url:2iqzfcvt] [url=]pair[/url:2iqzfcvt] of passengers in the main lounge, Seros ignored the immense burning in his arms from holding Dante's hefty person in such an awkward position, and felt the retorting burn in his muscles when they finally settled him down onto the nearest bed.
Within a full minute, they had Dante stripped of his clothes, most of his disguise, save some skin pigment (due by permission of Jace, having since claimed Dante had no more need of it..whatever the hell that meant), an IV with bacta hooked in, monitor wires placed over his vitals to monitor him, and fresh oxygen supply flowing into his nostrils. Seros asked Dante's compatriot the questions he needed to ascertain the problem as he scurried about the proper tasks.[/narration:2iqzfcvt]
"What's your name, friend? What kind of gas was it? Color? density?"
[action:2iqzfcvt]he pulled up Dante's eyelid with his thumb, shining that small examination flashlight onto his eyes that annoys the living poodoo out of anyone conscious, sitting in the seat for a routine checkup. He immediately noticed the membranous eyelids, trademark of the Firrerreon species.[/action:2iqzfcvt]
[narration:2iqzfcvt]Seros took a noticeable pause, with a slight recoil to his shock and amazement.[/narration:2iqzfcvt]
[color=#008080:2iqzfcvt][i:2iqzfcvt]"..No way."[/i:2iqzfcvt][/color:2iqzfcvt] [narration:2iqzfcvt]Firrerreons were only species he read about, because the few of them that were scattered across the galaxy had the fortune of not being on their homeworld when the Empire gassed them all to hell before glassing the planet. Dante's compelling need for a disguise made all the more sense now. Didn't know if he was hiding from Imperial idealists or someone else, but Firrerreons tended to be made a target for something or another. wasn't any of his business. (Jace) asked for his help, so he would simply give it. The affairs of this group weren't his concern. He'd make sure he lived stably enough to be rehabilitated, then leave.[/narration:2iqzfcvt]
[action:2iqzfcvt]Seros leaned in again, to inspect Dante's eyes once more, ignoring (Jace's) very possible observation of Seros' double-take on his patient.[/action:2iqzfcvt]
[color=#008080:2iqzfcvt][i:2iqzfcvt]"Bloodshot, like an addict."[/i:2iqzfcvt][/color:2iqzfcvt] [color=#00BF80:2iqzfcvt][i:2iqzfcvt]Seros mused. Dante's pupils seemed to be fluxing between small and dilated, which meant Dante's visual perceptions were probably going haywire, would he be conscious...which he wasn't. A hallucinogen. Definitely a neural agent. Jace Stealer, after giving his own name, then described the gas being 'yellowish,' and 'moderately dense, just shy of a light fog'. That meant the trap was meant for the one opening it, not a small crowd or group. Jace was fine, and well within witnessing distance to have given Seros such vivid detail. Seros also knew Jace wasn't disclosing everything entailed, but he appreciated that, to be honest. He told him what Seros needed to get the job done..if he could do it. Things were still very bleak at this point.[/i:2iqzfcvt][/color:2iqzfcvt]
"Name's Seros, mate." [color=#00BF80:2iqzfcvt][i:2iqzfcvt]Introduction was awkward, but Seros didn't let it bother him, all things considered. He figured Jace wouldn't need to know his name for a lengthy future together anyways.[/i:2iqzfcvt][/color:2iqzfcvt]
[action:2iqzfcvt]Having done everything in his power to help relieve the toxin from Dante's body, Seros didn't look at Jace before stating his next objective, just before he independently headed out the door of the medbay.[/action:2iqzfcvt]
"Gonna go check the box, see if I can find out what we're dealing with here. Lock the door til I get back." [action:2iqzfcvt]And out he went, brimlined expression beading on his next location around every bend and corner, both dis-acknowledging the presence of other passengers, yet simultaneously telling them NOT to stop him for inquiries.[/action:2iqzfcvt]
[color=#00BF80:2iqzfcvt][i:2iqzfcvt]Down the ramp, straight to the box..slowing his steps as he approached, looking about scrutinously. From Jace's description of the scenario, it didn't seem that someone remote-activated the trap, but if anyone was watching from a distance, they'd probably be gone by now. Still, never hurt to be sure. Nothing or no one out of place.
Kneeling down next to the crate, the top had indeed swung open, revealing another unopened container inside. Seros' curiosity was just shy of brimming over, to be honest..but he also knew the benefit of ignorance outweighed the consequences. He kept his focus on everything the popped open, depressurized capsule fastened to the inside of the crate's inner wall. Seros hardly needed to run his gloved finger across the inner surface of the capsule to inspect the fine yellow dust laced over and around it. The smell was pungent enough, and that sense of familiarity came flooding back to him. The memory was fresh enough anyways.
His hand found its way to the little black box slide-clipped to his utility belt. Popped the vinyl top loose, and pulled out one of the yellow colored vials. Looking about again, keeping the vial close to his person between himself and the crate so no one could see, he twisted the cap off carefully, and lightly wafted a sniff.[/i:2iqzfcvt][/color:2iqzfcvt]
[narration:2iqzfcvt]Same scent.
Interesting, and nothing short of ironic in the least.
Seros wasn't entirely sure how he felt about that, considering his own predicament. Was there a connection to Dante, this trap, and whomever wanted Dante dead? As far fetched as that would have seemed, Seros was somehow becoming less and less inclinced to believe in mere coincidences, but even then, it was useless to ponder right now. He had a dying patient to attend to.[/narration:2iqzfcvt]
[action:2iqzfcvt]Again, glancing about one last time, he replaced the vial back into its respective slot in the black box, and rose to his feet, making his way back into see Jace.[/action:2iqzfcvt]
[color=#00BF80:2iqzfcvt][i:2iqzfcvt]Seros' heavy, deliberate steps could be heard well before he got to the door of the medbay, and the locked door flung open. Jace had been waiting there for him. Good man. Saved Seros from knocking.[/i:2iqzfcvt][/color:2iqzfcvt]
"Aerolized deathstick fumes." [color=#00BF80:2iqzfcvt][i:2iqzfcvt]he exclaimed to Jace. Looking to the monitor station, Seros saw that Dante hadn't died..yet. His vitals were faint, but stable. A miracle in and of itself, really. Seros practically spoke the progression of his thoughts aloud as he hastily continued his efforts to rehabilitate. That tended to comfort most patient's friends or family in times like this.[/i:2iqzfcvt][/color:2iqzfcvt] "Never seen anyone aerolize it before, but I can imagine how they did it." [color=#00BF80:2iqzfcvt][i:2iqzfcvt]he proceeded to a the closest drawer on the far side of the room, at the edge of the counter, pulling out a syringe, filling it up with a clear liquid, flicking the air bubbles out of it.[/i:2iqzfcvt][/color:2iqzfcvt] "I'm supplying Dante with a fresh supply of oxygen, along with the bacta. Should help keep him hydrated as well as speed up circulation. ..Help run the drug out." [color=#00BF80:2iqzfcvt][i:2iqzfcvt]he pulled the syringe out of the IV's tube as he finished speaking, turning to Jace once more, trying to keep the subtle evidence of personal experience in his voice quelled as he bent down on the side of the bed to retrieve a bedpan.[/i:2iqzfcvt][/color:2iqzfcvt]
"...He's probably going to need this in about an hour or so." [color=#00BF80:2iqzfcvt][i:2iqzfcvt]he set it down on the end of the bed, in between Dante's motionless feet, heels resting on the end of the mattress. He 'was' Firrerreon. As tall as they were elegant and confident. The males anyway. Females were just as short as an average human. Seros still found it hard to believe he was looking at what he considered to be a gem. But like most fashioned gems, this one's edges were sharp, and the observer was likely to get cut in some way or fashion. He wanted to stay and practically study the man while he was unconscious. Take notes and jot whatever he could down for his records and experience..but he had Kaali to find. That simply wouldn't do.[/i:2iqzfcvt][/color:2iqzfcvt]
[action:2iqzfcvt]Turning to Jace once more, he gave a solemn farewell before heading out.[/action:2iqzfcvt] "Best'o luck to ya, mate."