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A haphazard topic.
Now, before you start hammering away on the keyboard "No no no no", allow me to extrapolate and dig deeper into this topic. First off, a LOT of us remember the horrible rifting days of 1.0...I'm sure quite a few of us remember individuals popping in and out of existence left and right, bypassing planetary shields, and attacking someone instantly from behind. What I am suggesting is a VERY toned down, VERY strict, VERY rigid, and VERY difficult IC variant of what has now become a widely established power. Lets remember, that back in the day fold space was banned not only because of the rampant abuse, but because of the few sources backing the power up. Now that time has gone on, we have a multitude of sources that back up the EXISTENCE of the power, as well as some pretty clear canon guidelines and rules of how the power works, what it's limits are, and how it works. ADDITIONALLY the site itself has matured with the advent of extensive guidelines and rules...rules that cover EQUALLY sensitive issues such as beskar use, obtaining rare technology, and etcetera.
I'd encourage the councilors to read the in depth limitations of the ability that I'm proposing, the learning process, and the logic behind it. Thank you.
[quote:1xax3ig5]First off, fold space would be a extremely difficult power to learn; simply to learn the most basic form of the technique, there should be an in depth story line in which the character in question learns directly from the Aing-tii. Now, this story line should be made up of high quality posts, VERY high quality posts, and should number rather high as far as post count. I don't have a suggestion as far as how many posts, and would rather leave it up to you councilors. ALL of this though, is just to learn the most BASIC form of fold space. This basic form, is essentially the ability to shift something in question into a different dimension...something that wiki labels as [url=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Dimension_Shift:1xax3ig5]dimension shift[/url:1xax3ig5]. Now, in order to eventually learn FOLD SPACE, you have to master DIMENSION SHIFT. Here's the reasoning for this; fold space at its base was the ability to shift items into another dimension, and then recall them. This is basically the cornerstone of Aing-Tii abilities - as they were able to even teach non force sensitives this power. It can be extrapolated, that fold space is a MASTERED form of this power - as instead of recalling something in and out of space at the same POINT in space, you are actually MOVING the shifted item [i:1xax3ig5]through[/i:1xax3ig5] space. The very fact that a non force sensitive can pop something in and out of existence with little effort almost completely backs up this theory; and for the sake of allowing the power on the site, I'd petition it has to be learned that way.
[b:1xax3ig5]Tier 1: Dimension shift[/b:1xax3ig5]
Dimension shift may be used in order to shift an object into a different dimension. By this, I mean that the power could shift a item, but can ONLY be recalled back to that EXACT point in space. In otherwords, you can't shift something into a different dimension, travel half way across the galaxy, and then shift it back into existence. To use this power, the user must be within arms reach of the object to be shifted, the item to be shifted cannot be in motion (of any degree), the ENTIRE item has to be shifted (What I mean by this, is that the ENTIRE mass of an object has to be shifted. I remember people using this ability to severe limbs and such in the olden days - there isn't ANY canon precedence for that. For pure fairness, the entire mass has to be moved; INTRINSICALLY (IE; molecularly) it cannot be connected to the rest of the mass your moving.), and the item in question cannot exceed .5x.5 meters. To use this power at the tier one level, it will be VERY taxing insofar as concentration (not necessarily on force use) - with the concentration needed to shift something at the tier one level being incredibly high. Distractions of any kind (loud noises, conversations, something in force sense) is enough to potentially break the users concentration.
[b:1xax3ig5]Tier 2: Dimension shift[/b:1xax3ig5]
Tier two dimension shift is achieved after X amount of "training" posts specifically in which the users is training in the power. At tier two, dimension shift become easier concentration wise, with unexpected loud noises, disturbances in the force, or deliberate interference of the power by others needed to break a users concentration. To use this power, the user must be within arms reach of the object to be shifted, the item to be shifted cannot be in motion (of any degree), you must move the ENTIRE mass, and the item in question cannot exceed 1x1 meters. It should be noted that with the increase in size, comes an increase of force expenditure.
[b:1xax3ig5]Tier 3: Dimension shift[/b:1xax3ig5]
Tier three dimension shift is achieved after X amount of "training posts" specifically in which the users is training in the power. To use this power, the user must be within arms reach of the object to be shifted, the item to be shifted cannot be in motion (to any degree), you must move the ENTIRE mass, and the item in question cannot exceed 2x2 meters. (The dimensions as far as what can be shifted, are determined by taking the largest known item to be transferred using fold space - an Aing-Tii sanhedrim ship - and then dividing the total length of the ship (300m) by the number of crew members (150). It is assumed that it takes 150 Aing-tii working together to transport a ship of three hundred meters in size - by dividing, we achieve a length of two meters for each aing-tii that they are responsible for shifting. This (2m) represents the maximum dimensions that any single individual may shift, with anything larger than this being to large for any single persons force tolerance.) At tier three, dimension shift is considered to be a mastered ability; shifting items .5x.5 is effortless, and takes relatively little energy, 1x1 items take moderate concentration and moderate energy, 2x2 take considerable concentration and energy.
[b:1xax3ig5]Tier 1: Fold space[/b:1xax3ig5]
To use tier one fold space; you must have attained tier 3 of fold space, you must be within 1 meter of the item to be shifted, you cannot shift something thats in motion, and you must shift the ENTIRE mass. Tier one of fold space requires absolute concentration, with a titanic effort being needed to MOVE an object once it has been shifted. At tier one, users must apply their knowledge of fold space, and then apply it to their OWN universe - rather than shifting an item to an alternate universe, users must learn how to manipulate their own universe for shifting purposes. Results at this stage should be Rped as haphazard - intense concentration is needed, with .5x.5 items needing absolute concentration; distractions of any kind (loud noises, conversations, something in force sense) is enough to potentially break the users concentration. At tier one, a user may move an object up to 250m away; HOWEVER, while distance is easily achieved, CONTROL is [i:1xax3ig5]not[/i:1xax3ig5]. Tier one RPers should expect to see objects that they transfer to appear randomly in the vague direction of concentration. Tier one fold space also requires a great expenditure of force energy - the manipulation of your natural universe should not be be viewed as easy as shifting something into an ALTERNATE universe. Sizable amounts of energy are needed in order to fold and ripple space within the users own time space continuum.
[b:1xax3ig5]Tier 2: fold space[/b:1xax3ig5]
At tier two, you must have achieved "X" amount of training posts to attain tier two status. To use this power, you must be within five meters of the intended item, the item may be in moderate motion (tossed, but not thrown), and you must shift the ENTIRE mass. Tier two practitioners have grasped the basics of manipulating their own universe, and are now capable of shifting items at a distance, and at low velocities. Concentration is still greatly needed however, with unexpected loud noises, disturbances in the force, or deliberate interference of the power by others able to break a users concentration. At this tier, users are capable of shifting something 1x1 meter, up to 500m away - practitioners are now able to more finely tune the direction of shifted items, and are capable of shifting something within a ten meter radius of the intended target.
[b:1xax3ig5]Tier 3: fold space[/b:1xax3ig5]
At tier three, you must have achieved "X" amount of training posts to attain tier three status. To use this power, you must be within ten meters of the intended item, the item may be in accelerated motion (As if thrown), and you must shift the ENTIRE mass of the item in question. Tier three practitioners have grasped the intricacies of manipulating their own universe, and are now capable of shifting items at a distance, and at fast velocities. At tier three, users are considered masters of the ability, and are capable of shifting something that is 2x2 meters up to 1,000 meters away. Concentration is still needed; .5x.5 items are relatively easy to shift, with limited concentration and energy being needed to shift, 1x1 items are moderately harder, with 2x2 items needing the most concentration and energy. At the T3 level, practitioners are capable of finely directing the item in question within a meter radius of the intended target. It should be noted that at T3 a practitioner is capable of moving themselves from point to point. Concentration is still needed however, and deliberate efforts of others to sabotage a shift can go disastrously awry.[/quote:1xax3ig5]
This is the general petition. In it's entirety, this should COMPLETELY eliminate most if not the GMing issues of the past...especially with limitations on distance. This would be a VERY hard move to learn, especially as it's set up now...this would ensure that (hopefully) only those with superior maturity and qualifications would be able to use this power. Additionally, the number of those who successfully train through this regimen, would (or should) be added to a roster - a list if you will, of those allowed to use the power. This ensures that councilors have viewed the Rp to back up the powers, and that they are cleared with other players as well.
I submit this to your inspection...I honestly want to see some Aing-tii RP pop up; there's interest in the race and force tradition, but most stay away from it because of the "hot topic" nature of their powers. I think this is irrational, especially given the maturity and regulation that this site has now. If their abilities can be tempered with rules and regs, I think this might help the race form as an actual playable race in our universe. If you have any questions, go ahead and ask - if it helps to get this looked at (as I know this is JUST a petition) then I'll gladly contribute.
- Dante the Deceiver