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Post Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:22 pm

Re: Mondder

*Zoran, or as the mandos called him, the Illusive Man, had been quiet for a few months slowly growing his forces with every cruel act the mandos did in retaliation. He had many smugglers stealing mando supplies to arm his forces and was preparing for something huge. He gave out orders to his captains and commanders, and they left the conference room. Zoran turned and looked at the hologram of Mondder, thinking to himself that soon it will be free of the mandos tyrannical war. Zoran began meditating to build up his strength, he would need it in the days to come.*
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Post Sat Jul 09, 2011 3:14 am

Re: Mondder

*The soldiers go through searching again. They find some smugglers trying to steal mando weapons, so they capture them and interrogate them.*

*in a single deft action, he takes his sidearm by the barrel and slams the butt down onto the man's hand, repeatedly until it shatters every bone. As he screams, the Captain grabs the man by the hair and pulls his head back.*

*He kicks the man in the gut, bowling him over. The other smuggler looks on in fear, but the captain continues to work the other man over: He slams his feet onto the kneecaps, he drives his elbow into the eyes sockets, and to finish him for this round, he holds his foot down onto the throat.*

*The man is shocked into silence, and with that the Captain turns his head towards the first. After sputtering out some blood from his mouth, he finally spoke.*

*With a smile on his face he knelled over the first smuggler, reared his head back, and drove the spikes on his helmet into his skull. He sputtered and shook, convulsing, and then collapsed. As the other man called out in fear, he took out a bottle of oil, and poured it over the limbs and torso. Taking a match, he lit it, dropped down to face him directly, then let it go. As it fell it hit the oil, and suddenly he was a blazing inferno. His screams bellowed out in the room, and the agony in his eyes screamed just as loudly. But he only gazed into a black view piece. Once he had burned, dying 15 minutes later, the Captain assembled a team. Within an hour, a company of troopers were blasting down the door, and killed everyone inside. Moving downstairs, they find the stolen weapons. Now they only needed to find anymore there.*
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Post Sat Jul 30, 2011 1:46 pm

Re: Mondder

*The report hits the desk of Zoran of the storage facility raid. A minor setback in the scheme of things but still a loss. Zoran still would not be stopped. He prepared his men for their mission and they went through the final prep work before they headed out. The Illusive Army as it was called these days had cells all over the city. The army would strike tonight.*
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Post Sat Jul 30, 2011 10:48 pm

Re: Mondder

*The continuous sweeps of soldiers move out, literally searching the entire building top to bottom. Each room gets 20 to 30 minutes or so, larger rooms more so. They will find them. And until they do the army is on constant guard, red alert.*
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Post Mon Aug 01, 2011 10:34 pm

Re: Mondder

*The Illusive Army launched its assault on the city. The cells in the city each had a different target in mind. Zoran's cell had about a thousand strong and was headed for the headquarters of the mando administration. Zoran personally lead the charge upon the building as some of his men began to capture the buildings surrounding the admin building.*
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Post Sun Aug 14, 2011 6:27 pm

Re: Mondder

*The enemy army moves in fairly well. There are mounting casualties. Then the Mandos strike back.

Using top of the line military equipment and training, they began to push back hard. Numbering close to 50,000, they begin massing, surround, and flanking the enemy. And to add to it, those around the administration building are suddenly being attacked by not only the commando droids and elite droids protecting them, reinforcements were called in. 5 light vehicles, berserkers none the less, move in and begin doing their best to mow down the enemy, or chop them into bits. Anyone who flees is going to be hunted down.

It will end today.*
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Post Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:21 pm

Re: Mondder

*The Mando retaliation was intense but expected, Zoran continued to rally his troops and puch forward through the admin building. As Zoran cut through some security droids, his men began fortifyed the entrance way to protect their rear flank. Elsewhere through the city, Zoran's commanders lead the rest of the armies to capture key targets such as hangers, arsenals, barracks, vehicle depots as well as AA guns.*
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Post Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:53 pm

Re: Mondder

*The mandalorians do not give up, they do not surrender. Even the few targets that fall are being recaptured by companies of men, litterally the tens of thousands of marauder's are now mobilized along with hundreds of vehicles, and droids. 5 meter tall Mecha-war Marauders charge against the enemy, and are neigh unstopable by their personal firearms. The sky rains mecha-war droids, and hounds tear through the streets at top speed, gatling guns firing anti-tank rounds on full blast.

And then, the real threat comes out.

Facing Zoranmarre, are 5 clone generals. Each equipped with a beskad blade or a MMWR in hand. They don't hesitate, they merely go into action: one fires a grenade from his MMWR behind Zorranmarre to cut off his allies. Two come from the side with their swords, another the other two begin firing at him with their blaster rifles.*
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Post Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:27 pm

Re: Mondder

*Zoran was cut off from his allies, for now. He expected this attack but not so soon. He deflected the blaster bolts towards one of the bladeweilders as he prepares to go toe-to-toe with these generals. He slices low to the bladeweilder on the right as he uses force push on him to keep him offbalance, the spins while couching to cut at the legs of the other bladeweilder*
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Post Sat Aug 20, 2011 1:25 am

Re: Mondder

*The blade wielders keep charging. Their beskar armor takes the shots to the chest with out much too much damage. But the first blade wielder is thrown back by the push. As Zorranmarre is turning to slash at the second, the 3 MMWR wielding generals move forward, focusing all their fire on him. The second blade wielder blocks the blade with his beskad, holding the blade in place as much as possible so he would be shot to pieces.*
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Post Sat Aug 20, 2011 1:49 am

Re: Mondder

*Zoran uses his free hand to force pull the second bladeweilder off his feet and roll out of the way of the shots. Meanwhile his men are not only trying to get through the debris to help but fighting their way through the surrounding rooms as well. Zoran decides to use a tactic he has used since his time as a sith lord. He begins to emit an extremely powerful aura of Force fear that while wouldnt make the mandos run, would make them second guess their swings and shots, makes them unsure about themselves. Zoran quickly tosses a grenade at the three gun weilding generals and then charged the first blade weilder.*
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Post Sat Aug 20, 2011 1:53 am

Re: Mondder

*Elsewhere around the city, several of the cell's targets begin to be captured back by the mandos, yet they manage to hold on several of the targets, namely the AA batteries. From orbit Zoran's fleet that has been sitting quietly up there begins to descend upon the city bringing more professionally trained clones plus droids into the fight, as wll as a large amount of air support for th ground cells.*
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Post Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:46 pm

Re: Mondder

*The immense numbers of mechs now turn their attention more skyward. While the AA buildings may be taken, the Mandalorian Defender Guns are not, and are being held by a company each, several elites, atleast 5 commando droids and a medium mech. They begin blasting away at the incoming fleet, each shot capable of destroying an ISD and a half.

One general throws the grenade with the force at the incoming troops, and the rest continue to push back at the soldiers. The generals are losing the advantage but continue to fight on anyways.*
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Post Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:17 pm

Re: Mondder

*Zoran and his troop continue to push the generals harder and harder. The explosion from th grnade kiled 6 men but the rest continued over their bodies towards the generals. Zoran began using his troops as a distraction to try and kill the generals as they are secondguessing which on to strike.*

*Out side the larger ships begin to retreat after the mando guns go off and fell one of the bac's, meanwhile the smaller fighters and bombers continue to dodge and fire upon the mando forces on the ground*
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Post Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:09 am

Re: Mondder

*Hundreds of missiles begin firing into the air as many of the mechs turn their guns skyward. But casualties are mounting.

The first general is stabbed in the gut in a weak point. But as he gasps he lunges out by reflex to grab the hands of Zorran. Another general points a gun at him and shouts to the soldiers coming at them.*

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Post Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:55 pm

Re: Mondder

*Zoran instinctively slices the grasp at his hands befored the general even grabs him. He turns to face the one pointing the gun with his saber up in a defensive position. He uses his anger to increase the power of the Force Fear and shouts to his men.*

"Keep charging! Even if they kill me, take your freedom, kill the mandos and rid the planet of their regime!"

*His men are inspired by their hatred of the mandos, and keep charging to fight the generals.*

*outside the many missiles take out some of the lesser experienced pilots, but the more experienced ones continue their assault upon the mandos outside. On the ground more and more citizens begin joining in the resistance against the mandos. They push to wipe out many of the anti-air positions as possible.*
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Post Fri Jan 27, 2012 12:12 am

Re: Mondder

*The soldiers from around the city have now amassed and begin to hunt down the enemy resistance. They charge through the streets, through buildings, on top of buildings, in the sewers, in every conceivable place they hunt them. The big guns continue to blast at the ships in the sky. The mechs are taking casualties however their combined numbers are much larger than the attacking fighters and bombers. In addition Mecha-War Hawks, air superiority fighters designed for atmospheric flying, begin to swoop in on the enemy, numbering 250.

The generals make a final charge against Zorran. They charge, firing their blasters, one attempting to slash with a lightsaber. Anything to finish the fight.*
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Post Fri May 18, 2012 4:41 pm

Re: Mondder

*With the final shots, the man is dead. The enemy soldiers are routed and are hunted down. The Mandalorians clean shop and now begin the rebuilding process.*
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Post Mon May 21, 2012 5:52 pm

Re: Mondder

*The destruction of the city turns out not to be too bad. Repairs are made and debris is cleared. The Mandalorian law is being enforced heavily here.*
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Post Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:49 pm

Re: Mondder

*With repairs done the city begins to move forward. Life begins to settle down, and the Mandalorians begin to dig in here. Schools are shut down for now, but soon they will be put back up.*

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