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Open Terrain

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Post Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:13 pm

Open Terrain

*Dagobah is a swampy planet that has numerous jungles and small amounts of open water.*
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Post Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:25 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*Deep in the forests of Dagobah lies the Temple, where the man in the black and orange Mandalorian armor still resides in the Medical Wing, unconscious.*
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Post Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:23 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*Maximus wakes up groggily and looks around, unable to see clearly through his helmet. He takes it off, revealing the cuts and bruises on his face. He sits his helmet on the floor and sits back against a wall, breathing in deep, trying to remember what happened to him. Realizing that his wounds had been treated, he got up and grabed fresh supplies, redressing his wounds. Wen he was done, he looked over his armor, making mental notes of what needed to be repaired.*
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Post Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:28 pm

Re: Open Terrain

Xevok stepped out of his broken ship, the Stintaril's Nest, having heard a sound. He gripped his lightsaber with apprehension, his eyes darting back and forth around the display of flora. Crunch. Xevok's eyes focused on a fairly large bush.

"Excuse me, master Xevok," a female sounding droid piped up from behind him. "I noticed that you aven't made a holochess move in one hundred and twenty seconds. Does that mean, by default, I win?"

"Yeah, sure, whatever, Effour." Xevok whispered back. He didn't care about the game, he was losing anyway. He took a step forward.

"Excuse me for asking, master, but why are you whispering?" chimed F4, his only companion on this swamp of a world. F4 was a protocol droid that accompanied Xevok and Venode on their journeys around the galaxy, translating alien's speech and negotiating 'junk-for-junk' trades.

They had been stranded on Dagobah for four years. Four years. Venode had gone missing for three. Venode had been Xevok's Force mentor, teaching him simple techniques and how to move rocks, make friendships with the Dagobah animals, sense danger. Now he was gone.

"Because I think dinner's behind that bush," Xevok whispered back, irritated by F4's trivial talk.

"Is there anything I might do for you, master Xevok?"

"You could shut up for starters," Xevok responded softly and angrily.

"Very well. I'll be inside." F4 turned around, then an arm-sized lizard darted out of the bush, running across a small bog.

Xevok was ready. In a fraction of a second, his hand was on his DH-44 blaster, unholstered it, and issued three short blasts towards the creature. Miss. Miss. Miss.

"Kriff," Xevok cursed under his breath. "Way to go, Effour. You scared 'em. Now I'm gonna go hungry."

"My apologies, master Xevok. It was not my intentiooooooooooon," F4's voice trailed off as Xevok switched his power off. Xevok dragged the droid inside, closing the door behind him. The last thing he needed was another young dragonsnake finding his way inside the ship and destroying the bunk-area. On the plus side, Xevok reminisced, it was good eating.

Tonight, Xevok figured, just like last night, he would go without.
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Post Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:06 pm

Re: Open Terrain

Ath enters the Healing Wing of the Temple, He looks the man over and a smile comes to his face " Brother it has been a while, now what did you get yourself into now?"
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Post Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:31 pm

Re: Open Terrain

Yes, it has Brother.
*He coughs for a moment, and spits out blood, leading him to believe that his wounds were more extensive than he had thought.*

From what I can remember, I was attacked by space pirates. No warning, nothing. They just pulled my ship out of hyperspace and started firing. Before I could put up a fight, my ship was disabled, and I was already being boarded. Needless to say, however, I did more damage to them than they did to me.

*Smirks and laughs, ceasing instantly from more pain.*
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Post Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:58 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*Shrugging off the pain for now, Maximus pulled his datapad out of the hip slot in his armor. He checked the diagnostics of the armor that were routed directly to the datapad when it was in the slot, and reviewed the repairs needed. He then checked the status of a Corellian freighter he was supposed to rendezvous with. From the look of things, it was still a couple days out, which would give him time to heal a little bit more and maybe work on his armor.*
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Post Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:54 pm

Re: Open Terrain

" Well Then Serves you Right For Ditching me Ner Vod" Ath Chuckles " Well Brother My Servants will Help you out with what ever needs you have, If you like you can move up to the Peoples Palace a room will be made ready for your comfort,, I do suggest though that you get a bath because you smell like a back end of a Bantha. Ath laughs out loud.
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Post Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:55 pm

Re: Open Terrain

Thump. Xevok snapped awake, jerking himself upright in bed. Thump. Something was on the ship, he could sense it. He got out of his bed, grabbing his lightsaber and quickly fastening it to his belt next to his grapnel and DH-44 pistol.

He rushed to the door of the crashed corvette loudly, loud enough to startle the shut-down F4.

"Excuse me, Master Xevok," it chimed.
"Not now," Xevok snapped. "Shut down."
"But I-"
"That's an order."
"As you wish, master." F4's photoreceptors dimmed as it shut down.

Xevok grabbed a pair of old night vision goggles from a hook attached to the wall and quickly strapped them on. Thump. He pressed a green button, sliding open the door. After he walked outside---it was nearly pitch black---he shut the door using a simple Force Push.

He scanned the exterior of the Stintaril's Nest, quickly locating the source of the noise: a leaf-tail. Leaf-tails, indiginous to Dagobah, were sloth-like creatures a third of a human's size. Their namesake came from their tails, which were shaped like big brown leaves. But their appearance was deceptive, they were very fast. Xevok needed food; he hadn't had any in the past two and a half days. His energy was waning; there was only so much metabolism-conserving meditations could do.

Xevok raised his blaster slowly, placing the creature in his sights. He pressed the trigger. Miss. The creature sprung off the other side of the ship, panicked. Xevok chased, Force-Leaping over the large ship.

He landed on the ground without breakign stride. He could sense the animal through the Force, sense its fear, desperation, anger. He ran blindly through the morass, the only light provided by his primal goggles. He couldn't even see the creature, only sense it through the Force.

The Leaf-tail zoomed through the undergrowth like a gaseous ghost, seeming to bypass any obstacle on the ground, rocks, vines, trees, elevated moss patches. When it came to a three meter expanse of water, it ran so fast it ran on top of the water.

Xevok pursued the creature for about a minute, finally catching up to it. He drew his blaster again, not wasting time to aim or think. He shot reflexively, nailing the animal in its wide tail. It flopped on the ground, writhing in agony. Xevok was only a few meters ahead when it regained its footing, running forward at a much slower pace. Xevok chased more, breaking through a bush and feeling his footing give way. He stepped in mud.

More accurately, quicksand.

Kriff, Xevok thought.
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Post Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:11 pm

Re: Open Terrain

Back end of a bantha is better than the back end of a bantha after Az has paid it a visit. And besides, I've been here for the past couple days. And I gotta say, you need to pay your janitors more.
*Chuckles again before stopping due to the pain in his side. Slowly and carefully, he rises, and limps out the door, headed towards the palace. When he arrived, he stripped his armor off and laid it out on a large table in his room. He undressed and jumped in the huge bath, letting the hot water run over him as he relaxed, something he hadn't been able to do in a long while. While he sat in the tub pondering the past few days and contemplating his next move, he kept his senses open, one of his customized blasters within arm's reach should he need it.*
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Post Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:32 pm

Re: Open Terrain

:: Hey Ath it's Namira Darkrain I am transmitting from Nirauan so Stop by If ever you get a chance. Guess what Brother i Found Thrawns Fortress so its located some where in Wild Space stop by and bring me a present okay? Your loving Little Sister Namira ::
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Post Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:17 pm

Re: Open Terrain

Ath seeing his brother was in Good Condition walks to the Menagerie he calls out to the Ardrexlian A Hybrid created from a Drexl, an Arkanian Dragon and a stardragon, Ath mounts Comet and the beast takes wing it flies to the summit of mount Yoda .
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Post Tue Jul 01, 2008 5:23 am

Re: Open Terrain

Xevok couldn't call upon the Force; he was too panicked. In all his four years on Dagobah, he had never seen or fell into any quicksand. To make matters worse, it was still the dead of night, and the only illumination came from a handful of slightly glowing plants strung high in the canopy.

The quicksand was up to his knees now, and he knew better to struggle. His lightsaber snap-hissed to life illuminating the area with a dim green glow. Xevok noticed his breakfast, dead, right at the edge of the pit. It wasn't falling in...yet.

The quicksand was up to his knees now. Xevok reached for a vine hanging, but when he pulled it, it simply broke in half. He decided to use his grapnel, pulling it from his belt. He aimed at a thick-looking branch a little way away, and threw. Miss.

The quicksand was up to his waist now, consuming his trusty DH-44 blaster pistol. Xevok wondered if it would work if he got out of this. It didn't matter much; he had spares in the ship. He threw the grapnel again, and it wrapped around the thick tree limb.

Xevok pulled, hearing the tree groan as if the branch were about to snap. But he pulled anyway, and, after fifteen seconds, was lying on the edge of the quicksand pit, out of danger.

Xevok pulled his DH-44 out, inspecting it. It still looked like it worked. Xevok walked to the other side of the pit and picked up the dead leaf-tail, slinging it over his back. With his lightsaber still ignited, he cut through a few bushes, trying to find his way back to the ship.

But which way was back?
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Post Tue Jul 01, 2008 1:42 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*Maximus awakes with a start, his blaster instinctively in his hand. He loks around and sees that noone is there, and climbs out of the tub. Drying off and getting dressed in some clean clothes, he walks over to the table where his armor was. There were still holes in his armor where he had sustained injuries, but as of now he had no replacement armor nearby, so this armor would have to do. He grabbed the helmet and looked inside, making some small technological adjustments to the viewport. He put the armor on, the helmet last, and checked the viewport to make sure that it was working properly and that he could see out of it. It was enough for him to maneuver properly, and he would fix it more later. Leaving the Palace and heading to the temple, he commed Dagobah's Ship Repair center.*

::I need my ship fixed ASAP.::
=Repair Center=
::Understood. We have already begun, and will be finished shortly.::
*Maximus walked up the steps to the temple and sat on the top stoop, meditating and opening himself to the Force.*

<<Ath, you better not think of leaving. I'm going with you.>>
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Post Tue Jul 01, 2008 2:55 pm

Re: Open Terrain

Ath on Comet turns around and heads back to where Max was

<< " Meet me at the Hanger you can use one of my Decimators Brother, i am thinking you over heard the transmission and wish to see Namira then do you not?" >>
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Post Tue Jul 01, 2008 5:15 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*Smiles inside of his helmet, although noone could notice.*

<<You know me to well, Brother.>>

*Maximus rises and walks to Ath's hangar building, where he stands and waits for Ath, checking his blasters on his hips, and the katana in the sheath build in to the back of his armor, with the handle protruding at his waist on the right side, where his right hand had easy access. He then walked to where his Firespray was being repaired, and from the looks of things, it was almost complete. Nodding to the Head Mechanic, he walked up the ramp and into his ship. He walked past a couple other mechanics to the back cargo hold, and to the locked container against the wall. He removed his weapons and the datapad inserted in the armor, and set it all aside. He then removed his armor, including the helmet. He held his hand up to the sensor on the locked container as it opened, revealing his second suit of armor. He removed it from the container and put it on, replacing the weapons and datapad from his old armor, then put the old, damaged armor into the container and locked it. He then left his ship again, nodding to the Head Mechanic once more as he stepped off the ramp. He strolled back to the enterance to the hangar, and removed his helmet to reveal his black hair, black beard, and scarred face while he waited for his Brother to show.*
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Post Tue Jul 01, 2008 8:27 pm

Re: Open Terrain

Ath lands Comet he turns the Corner and enters the Hanger Bay

<< You are One Desperate son of a Gun Brother[/Force_Speak]

Ath Changes Quickly and then he climbs into his Sith Decimator,

[Force_Speak]Well lock and Load Ner Vod To Wild Space we Go >>
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Post Tue Jul 01, 2008 8:28 pm

Re: Open Terrain

Aths Sith Decimator Rises Slowly to the Air Then Blasts its way into space his Fighter Jumps into Hyperspace.
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Post Tue Jul 01, 2008 8:33 pm

Re: Open Terrain

<<Speak for yourself>>

*Maximus hops into a Decimator and lifts off, following Ath.*
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Post Wed Jul 02, 2008 4:48 am

Re: Open Terrain

Xevok spent the next hour wandering. He had only a rough idea on how to get back, but in the near-total darkness, that idea didn't help an iota. Any moonlight or starlight that was unfortunate enough to arrive at Dagobah would be muffled and blocked out by the towering tree canopies that seemed to rise into the heavens.

The only things that provided light were the green glow of his ignited ightsaber, and a strange but common phosphorescent plant that lay scattered about Dagobah. It had a green stem that shot up a meter above the ground, ending in a small blue flower which glowed dimly.

Eventually, Xevok conceded that had had no idea where he was going. So, he sat on a wet rock and waited for dawn. When some light returned to the jungle planet, he still didn't know where he was. Xevok had another plan.

Accipipteros were large reptavians indiginous to Dagobah. Measuring up to three meters long in some cases, they resided at the top of the canopy, preying on smaller creatures. Xevok had only seen about ten in his stay here.

He opened himself up to the Force, searching for an accipiptero in the canopy. After a few minutes, he located one, though he could not see it. He focused on it, sending friendly feelings through the Force, calling upon it.

<< Come on, friend. I won't hurt you. I just need you to perform a task for me. >>

The accipiptero swooped down, slowly circling Xevok. it descended a bit more, settling on a tree branch, where it sat, perched, gazing curiously at Xevok.

<< I need to get on your back. You are going to fly me to my ship, friend. >>

Xevok was surprised to see that it actually worked. The accipiptero flew down next to Xevok, who climbed on top of its scaly, smelly back. With a huge flap of its wings, they both took flight.

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