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Refuge City

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Post Tue Jan 12, 2010 12:42 pm

Re: Refuge City

*The Helix-class light interceptor "Glorious" flies low over the city looking for a place to put down. It eventually lands just outside the city.*

*Just after landing Throt lowers the ramp and throws his long coat on over his slung rifle and pistol holsters. Looking himself over he nods to himself before departing. While the Xexto is walking away from the ship the ramp closes and locks, only for Throt to re-enter. Turning his attention back to the city he remembers exactly why he was here. During the flight he got a message that dis-pleased him. Several of the anti-matter injectors were shot and they didn't have enough spares to re-fit them all. He needs to find a new one for his reactor or the Red Plunder will need towing to a dry dock. That wasn't going to happen with his current state of affairs and plays on his mind as he walks the strangely empty streets.*
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Post Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:44 am

Re: Refuge City

*The streets were starting to get busier now as Throt made his way to where he thought he could get spare parts. He had asked the first person he saw for directions and the Bothan directed him to District 9. Throt was always cautious when visiting new places and this was no exception. His weapons were charged and his lower arms were gripping his pistols under his coat. He was ready for anything or so he thought.*
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Post Fri Jan 15, 2010 3:48 pm

Re: Refuge City

The ship lowers to the crater it was directed to the droid pilot taking controls as naturally as any flesh and blood pilot. As soon as the ship touches down, Vier and his guard turn and walk out the stairs, and towards the elevator, to take it down...

Post Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:31 pm

Re: Refuge City

You see a young Caamasi walking by with a small plant specimen in a test tube.
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Post Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:49 pm

Re: Refuge City

*GCCS personnel under General Brian Solo fanned out across the city, inspecting infrastructure and defenses and comparing the actual lay of the land to the maps they had acquired from the planet's former government. Once a more complete report had been compiled, they woudl sit down with the local Camaasi leaders and devise a plan for integrating the planet, it's government, and it's infrastructure into the fabric of the Galactic Coalition.*
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Post Thu Apr 14, 2011 4:35 pm

Re: Refuge City

*Defense staff have been alerted and all VIPs and hardware slowly evacuated. Any left will fare no better than the citizens crowded in the city. The Bantha and TIE exit flying in at a low hieght. The Acclamator I initiates release of The 1750 instant release canisters on the ship are released and emptied of the deadly fast working synox. The smaller ships drop in making some daring moves to drop their payload. As the final ship docks in the Acclamator I it trusts up and into orbit. The wake of this horrifying attack are yet to be determined*
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Post Sat Apr 16, 2011 2:28 pm

Re: Refuge City

*Within the city, the chaos after the initial deaths was starting to calm down. Medics, police, and ground troops relocated the dead to temporary tents, where identification took place. All buildings were searched for deceased and for survivors.*

*Caamas had survived worse attacks. The native Caamasians had almost been wiped out by a previous war. The makers of this toxins had left them immune to the effects of the toxin.*

*Within a day, freighters and shuttles with supplies began to arrive. Businesses and economics were important to keep running. The toxin did not affect any farm animals or pets. Food was unaffected. The mood of the survivors was rage at the loss of their loved ones.*
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Post Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:28 pm

Re: Refuge City

*The sith infiltrator came flying down to the city and slowed to a crawl above the city to find a reasonable place to set itself down. The occupant of the ship was being hunting and he didn't know if he was being followed now or soon and needed to find a good place to hide. This city, Refuge City, looked like a very promising place to hide. It was a populated place with a lot of alley ways and buildings to hide in. Gabriel could already start to plan where he would go in order to live for a bit.

While flying over the city, he couldn't find any place in the city to actually land the ship where wouldn't be easily spotted. The best plan of action for him to take at this moment was to land the ship outside of the city, in the outskirts. Flying over the city, Gabriel found the perfect area. It was a densely packed forested area outside of the city and his ship could easily fit through the canopy to land. The ship slowly descended through the hole in the canopy, big enough for his ship. THe landing gear extracted from the bottom of the ship and teh ship landed on the forest ground with a light thud, courtesy of the vegetation on the ground.

Gabriel got up out of his pilot's chair and walked to the back of his ship and began to grab his needed equipment before he left the ship, 5 land mines and a 4 thermal detonators and a small portable scanner along with his double-bladed saber and his two single-bladed sabers. He then walked down the ramp with hsi footsteps slightly ringing off the metal of the ramp. The forest around him smelled as such. The flowers sending out their spores presented pleasing, soothing smells and and the waterfall close to the landing area could be heard splashing into another pool of water. Gabriel could hear the different types of animals and birds going about their daily business. The jungle was a home to some of the most sparsely populated communities of animals.

As soon as he was off of the ramp, he began to walk around the ship planting 4 of the 5 landmines in concordance to the directions of the compass around his ship, one pointing to the north, one pointing to the west, one pointing to the south, and one pointing to the east. Before he had planted each of the mines, however, he had made sure that the field of effect and activation of each mine was close to touching each other. He did this so that if anyone were to find his ship and they tried to board it, they would be turned into a burnt up husk, or worse, a scattered version of their body.

After everything was set, Gabriel proceeded into the populated Refuge City. Here he would make his way and hopefully hide from anyone trying to find him. But that was only if they were not experienced hunters. He continued to walk through the city until he foudn his first target for a hiding place, an abandoned apartment complex. He knew how parking garages were set up and figured this would be the best choice for a hiding place. He could easily climb to the top of the place and jump from building to building. Also, inside the building, there were plenty of rooms in which he could hide.

He walked into the building and up to the third floor. Examining each room as he walked down the hallway, he found the best room he could find. This room held one bed which was located near the window which looked over one of the main thoroughfares in front of the building. He walked over to the bed with his portable scanner in hand and laid down on the bed. He began to adjusted the range of the detection for the scanner ot be able to track movement on the stairs and throughout the hall way. He then laid down in wait trying not to fall asleep even though the bed hew as on was not very comfortable.*
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Post Sat Oct 20, 2012 10:36 am

Re: Refuge City

[quote="Corr Vhett":22k6u6i8][action:22k6u6i8]Corr sighed as the smoke wafted around the cockpit, like death snaking its insidious fingers around grasping for mortals to lure to his realm. They were in space with nothing but vacuum around them, with the air recyclers drawing power to filter their exhales and she insisted on smoking...[/action:22k6u6i8]

"How many times have I asked you not to smoke in here..."

[action:22k6u6i8]It was a rhetorical question spoken in a mock-exasperated s they went through a routine that was almost ritualistic now. Corr wold chastise Sidara for smoke and Sidara would pointedly ignore him. It was one of those aspects of married life that the couple were already starting to develope. A normal procedure in their relationship. If a relationship where both participants roved the galaxy to hunt and destroy Sithspit could even be said to be normal...[/action:22k6u6i8]

"Unhealthy looking swamp too. They should get some of those [i:22k6u6i8]shable vongese[/i:22k6u6i8] shapers to come here and get rid of those toxins once and for all."

[action:22k6u6i8]As much as he hated the Yuzhaan Vong he had seen what their Shapers could do first hand to planets devastated by both their own weaponry and the common agents of the galaxy. The filthy aliens could work wonders though every planet Corr had visited that had been re-worked by the Vong had seemed alien and... unnatural.

He turned the chair so it faced Sidara, waving his hand to disperse the smoke from around his face.[/action:22k6u6i8]

"Why is it different this time? I'd have though this was more cut and dried than out usual adventures Sidika."

[action:22k6u6i8]He double clicked the comm absently as landing permission and co-ordinates came in and Sidara took them down towards [url=]Refuge City[/url:22k6u6i8] down below.[/action:22k6u6i8][/quote:22k6u6i8]

[color=#FF0080:22k6u6i8]Sid just gave him a look and continued to smoke her cigarette. She knew he disapproved of the habit, but what did he expect? Didn't he know how anxiety inducing he could be? He was a risk taker. Calculated, most of the time, but a risk taker none the less. Sid couldn't help but get stressed out on their missions. Smoking made her less likely to choke someone... he should thank her for doing it. [/color:22k6u6i8]

It's different, because... well now we are engaged. I think that it makes this feel different.

[color=#FF0080:22k6u6i8]She looked at him again, trying to decifer the look in his face. [/color:22k6u6i8]

I know... nevermind... it must be a female thing. Let me finish landing and we can get on with this.

[color=#FF0080:22k6u6i8]Sidara took the necessary measures to land their craft gently, with hardly a bump.
I get better at that every time, eh? [color=#FF0080:22k6u6i8]Sidara smiled at her love, and stood, stretching her body, letting the soreness from sitting evaporate from her body before she moved.[/color:22k6u6i8]

Ready, Corr'ika?
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Post Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:03 am

Re: Refuge City

*he grunted noncommittally as he rose from his seat too. He busied himself with arming the Tra'Vods counter measures and watched Sid stretch lavishly out the corner of his eye. He sighed. That was the problem with Mando women. They didn't display enough flesh when on the go. He pondered suggesting she limit her attire when but upon quick reflection decided that he didn't want his balls adorning the comm array.

Finished with arming the anti-intruder cannon and other nasty surprises for the foolhardy thief or saboteur he turned to his fiance.*

"Oya! Lets do this."

*He pulled his buy'ce off his belt and settled it over his head, once again becoming the faceless hunter.Leading the way to the Skiprays hatch he disengaged the lock and stepped down onto the planets surface with Sidara close behind. The hatch slid back into place at a command via his HUD interface as the two Mandalorian's looked around.*

*There wasn't really much to see here. Refuge City was, in effect, an over grown mining camp that had catered to the Bothan Mining operation seventy clicks or so to the South where the furry bipeds had tried to salvage materials left after the devastation the may or may not be pertinent in this storyline. Seen as this writer operates in a timeline where the devastation would have happened in the past, and that takes everything canon as fact on the site, we have to assume its still there to some degree.

I digress...

A variety of species wandered the street just outside the spaceport, from Wookies to Chaldra Fan, and it had a muted bustle of a Capital city. In effect it was just like a hundred other places the two veterans had seen.*

*There was a speeder rental at the spaceport and Corr inclined his head to indicate Sidara should see about some transport with the Bothan who ran the place while he trolled the planets cmputer systems via his HUD for any information on their quarry.*

:: List of new ships in... Nothing jumps out by name... ::

*His voice was sounding over the comm channel they both shared, Sidara hopefully having donned her helmet by now, as the line of information scrolled over his view of the Bothan looking at them with an expression that mixed terror with disdain.*

:: Aha! Sith Infiltrator landed six hours ago. If this guys trying to hide flying around in a specialised ship ike an infiltrator is pretty freaking stupid. ::

*He stored the information on the ships hangar and looked around to get his bearings. It as unlikely that the mark would still be there but he wanted to swing by for a look so he folded his arms and tried to look menacing, not difficult when your Corr, to freak out the Seeder vendor.

He fooking hated Bothans...*
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Post Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:03 am

Re: Refuge City

*he grunted noncommittally as he rose from his seat too. He busied himself with arming the Tra'Vods counter measures and watched Sid stretch lavishly out the corner of his eye. He sighed. That was the problem with Mando women. They didn't display enough flesh when on the go. He pondered suggesting she limit her attire when but upon quick reflection decided that he didn't want his balls adorning the comm array.

Finished with arming the anti-intruder cannon and other nasty surprises for the foolhardy thief or saboteur he turned to his fiance.*

"Oya! Lets do this."

*He pulled his buy'ce off his belt and settled it over his head, once again becoming the faceless hunter.Leading the way to the Skiprays hatch he disengaged the lock and stepped down onto the planets surface with Sidara close behind. The hatch slid back into place at a command via his HUD interface as the two Mandalorian's looked around.*

*There wasn't really much to see here. Refuge City was, in effect, an over grown mining camp that had catered to the Bothan Mining operation seventy clicks or so to the South where the furry bipeds had tried to salvage materials left after the devastation the may or may not be pertinent in this storyline. Seen as this writer operates in a timeline where the devastation would have happened in the past, and that takes everything canon as fact on the site, we have to assume its still there to some degree.

I digress...

A variety of species wandered the street just outside the spaceport, from Wookies to Chaldra Fan, and it had a muted bustle of a Capital city. In effect it was just like a hundred other places the two veterans had seen.*

*There was a speeder rental at the spaceport and Corr inclined his head to indicate Sidara should see about some transport with the Bothan who ran the place while he trolled the planets cmputer systems via his HUD for any information on their quarry.*

:: List of new ships in... Nothing jumps out by name... ::

*His voice was sounding over the comm channel they both shared, Sidara hopefully having donned her helmet by now, as the line of information scrolled over his view of the Bothan looking at them with an expression that mixed terror with disdain.*

:: Aha! Sith Infiltrator landed six hours ago. If this guys trying to hide flying around in a specialised ship like an infiltrator is pretty freaking stupid. ::

*He stored the information on the ships hangar and looked around to get his bearings. It as unlikely that the mark would still be there but he wanted to swing by for a look so he folded his arms and tried to look menacing, not difficult when your Corr, to freak out the Seeder vendor.

He fooking hated Bothans...*
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Post Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:13 pm

Re: Refuge City

Sid checked her braid and slid her helmet over her head so she could keep contact with Corr. She made her way over to the Bothan.

Oi! You. I need to rent a speeder.

She noticed the glint in his eye. She was used to getting the run around because she was female. Little did they know, she wasn't one to mess with.


Hey, pretty lady. I got what you want. I will give you a speeder... good price... good price.

He slid over a paper he had written the amount he would charge her on it.

Sid shook her head.

:: For Force sake, Corr. This guy must think I am an idiot. He's trying to charge me twice what he usually rents these pieces of junk for. It's my boobs. I swear. You'd not get this run around. ::

No no... You don't have what I need. What I need is someone that isn't going to wookiee me around on the price of this speeder. Now you know as well as I do that you are trying to overcharge me because I am a woman. So before my fiance joins me, maybe you want to give me a new figure.


Lady, you are putting me over a barrell here. I am disappointed that you'd think I would do that to you. But here.. here, I work you a deal, because I like you.

He pushed a new figure toward Sidara.

:: Man, this guy is a hard learner. He went down a quarter of the way. He really doesn't want to play this game with me today does he? ::

I don't think you understood me. So let me be frank with you. My fiance. He's pretty badass. He's not going to like that you are trying to cheat me out of his hard earned money. So, let's say, third time's a charm. Now, what is the REAL price to rent a speeder from you?

The Bothan shook his head.


Lady... lady... I am going to take a hit on this.. but a pretty lady like you, should be treated so well. Here, here. This is as low as I can go.

Sidara looked at the paper he slid to her. It was still slightly more than she wanted to pay, but it was good enough.

That's better buddy. I will take one.

Sidara slapped the credits on the table and took the keys that he handed her.

It was a pleasure doing business with you.

:: Okay, Corr'ika. I've done your bidding. Let's roll. ::
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Post Thu Nov 01, 2012 2:15 am

Re: Refuge City

*He was still checking data when Sidara announced that she had concluded the deal for a speeder with the Bothan. He had been vaguely following the conversation s he perused information on Refuge City and had to chuckle at her running commentary that sounded inside his helmet. Relaxing his stance from his folded armed menace he strode forward, ignoring the fawning vendor, and accompanied Sid to her speeder of choice, a faded blue SoruSub V-35 Courier.

Once seated Corr killed is data stream and starting the engine, engaging the repulsors with a deft hand. The Speeder rose a meter into the air and drifted forward lazily. The engine whined a little but it seemed that it was in adequate shape for their purposed. As he guided the craft into the street he glanced at Sidara and spoke.*

:: I have no contacts on this hole so we're gonna have to do this the old fashioned way. We'll check out the ship I located and see if we can track this barve from there. ::

*He increased the speed, moving along side he row of hangar bays and weaving in and out of traffic like a baws.*

:: If we can't locate him then I'm sure we can arrange for him to come running back to his mode of transportation. He may be here to hide though I doubt he'd willingly become stranded here. ::

*Sith infiltrators were custom designed so he thought it unlikely that the mark would willingly give it up.

He increased speed again as they moved into the outskirts moving over desolate swampland until he reached the area where the City's ATC had last tracked the the target ship. He slowed the speeder and finally lowered it to the ground as his sensors began detecting a mass of metal and dormant electronics to the east.

He nodded to Sidara and they exited the speeder. Making their way through the foliage they stopped at the edge of the clearing and looked at the sleek vessel...*
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Post Thu Nov 01, 2012 2:28 am

Re: Refuge City

Sid got off the speeder and took a few steps closer to the ship. She narrowed her eyes behind her helmet and took in the details of the craft.

:: Well isn't she pretty, Corr'ika? ::

She moved slowly along it's edge, careful not to touch it, keeping her distance, but looking for anything out of the ordinary.

:: What did you say his name was. What's his deal again? ::
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Post Thu Nov 01, 2012 2:50 am

Re: Refuge City

*As Sidara moved forward a little Corr stayed where he was, frowning behind his visor. Something didn't feel right and it took a moment for the vague feeling to grow and resolve itself into the sense of impending dread that always preceded a catastrophe. It seemed to grow with each step Sidara took until he stepped forward and held out a hand, grabbing Sid in the invisible grip of the Force, her right foot in the air bout to be set on the ground.

Pulling his arm back he spoke very quietly as he slowly approached to stand a few meters behind her, further from the ship than she was, but in line with the hull..*

:: Put your foot back where it was and don't move... ::

*He activated the scanners in his buy'ce and flicked through several settings until he found what he was looking for. Several red splodges marked the ground around the ship, one of them directly in front of where Sidara stood.*

:: Sid... Set your buy'ce scanner to alpha-five... ::
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Post Fri Nov 02, 2012 2:30 pm

Re: Refuge City

Sid stopped in her tracks. She recognized that tone. He was very serious and felt that she was in danger. She put her foot back and did what she was told.

:: Alright, Corr'ika. It's done. What do you see? ::

Sweat trickled down her spinal column. She tried to regulate her breathing and combat the effect of the adrenaline spike she just experienced. Quite frequently she would brush off what Corr told her, and her stubborn side would shine through, but this time was different and she knew better than to push this time.

:: Corr'ika? Are we in danger? ::
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Post Fri Nov 02, 2012 3:25 pm

Re: Refuge City

*Corr sighed with feeling at her questions. He had managed to get the stubborn woman to wear her buy'ce but getting her to learn how to use it effectively was turning out to be an uphill struggle. He could understand her dislike of the three-sixty vision, it did take some getting used to, but he wished she would use the expansive range of visual aids the visor offered.

As he continued to survey the landscape around the ship he raised his left-hand gauntlet, right hand tapping a few keys on the interface there, and sent an overlay of what he saw to Sidara's buy'ce heads-up-display. The image would superimpose over her view in a muted orange, red showing where the mines lay, one right in front of her.*

:: There's a mine a few paces in front of you and another over there... ::

*He gestured absently as he continued to study the layout. The red fields that indicated the activation zones interacted so that there was very little space to move in between them and Sidara had somehow managed to walk between two of the near-overlapping fields. The proximity alerts on each mine were touchy and she was extremely luck she hadn't set off either the southern or western mines. Still, being where she was and attired as she was, it was probably that she would survive even the impacts of both mines.

Survive but not without injury.*

:: Your one pace away from activating the mine a few meters in front of you and, if you stepped either side, you will detonate the southern-most mine... ::

*His analysis completed and he stepped forward slowly, skirting the edge of the danger zone until he was only a few paces to Sidara's left. He raised his right hand and flicked on his laser sight on the dart shooter, pointing it at a spot on the ground.*

:: Come here and step where I indicate. ::

*He kept the red dot on the indicated spot. She would have to turn and step at the same time, careful not to move too suddenly or shift her weight too dramatically.*
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Post Sat Nov 03, 2012 5:13 am

Re: Refuge City

Sid froze for a moment. She inhaled slowly in through her nose and exhaled out through her mouth. Damn she wanted a cigarette, but she was trying to cut down. She knew that Corr didn't like it.

:: Well, for Force sake... I suppose using my buy'ce to it's fullest capacity would be warranted, wouldn't it? ::

Sid shut up. She needed to listen to Corr carefully, or he'd only be getting parts of her back. She was careful not to move too quickly or shift her weight, in fear that she would blow them both up. She tried to keep her breathing even and ignore the sick feeling in her stomach. She was covered in sweat. Damn this beskar'gam. She wanted it off and to let her skin breath.

Finally, after what fell like an age, she was standing next to Corr, with all of her limbs in tact. She didn't want him to know how freaked out she was from the experience. How could she be so stupid to move like that without checking first? Never again. And it was time she depended on her buy'ce more to keep her safe. She didn't just have herself to think about any longer.

:: I'm sorry Corr'ika. That was stupid of me. It won't happen again. ::
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Post Sat Nov 03, 2012 5:37 am

Re: Refuge City

*Corr smiled behind his visor and gestured a shrug-like wave, dismissing the event as done and dusted.*

:: "Kih'parjai, cyar'ika." ::

*He cast one last look at the ship then turned away, hitting a few more keys on his gauntlet. Gesturing for Sidara to follow he walked a few more paces from the ship, giving themselves some distance should he accidentally trigger the mines. His scan had been thorough and, unless there was a shielded compartment on the ship, knew there was nobody here. There was no point in playing with the mines for the sake of an empty ship.

Turning back to the Infiltrator he raised his gauntlet and fired a beacon at the ship, aiming for the base of the tail fin, tucked out of sight from a casual observer. The device would inform him of any developments here while he was about other inquiries.*
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Post Tue Nov 13, 2012 3:45 am

Re: Refuge City

Sidara was surprised sometimes with how patient and calm he could be with her. He was a warrior, has always been a warrior and he took these missions very seriously. Sid reminded herself to be more careful, as it wasn't just about her any longer.

Her finger twitched for a cigarette, but she resisted the urge to light one up. She was really trying to quit for him. It would be a long road, and not easy, at that.

Sidara followed Corr, taking care to keep close to him. She didn't want to set off any mines that may have been planted along the perimeter of the ship. She knew he had scanned the area previously, but she did it again, just to be sure. She heard him set off the beacon and stopped. Now they would wait.

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