Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:28 pm by Gabriel Angellos
*The sith infiltrator came flying down to the city and slowed to a crawl above the city to find a reasonable place to set itself down. The occupant of the ship was being hunting and he didn't know if he was being followed now or soon and needed to find a good place to hide. This city, Refuge City, looked like a very promising place to hide. It was a populated place with a lot of alley ways and buildings to hide in. Gabriel could already start to plan where he would go in order to live for a bit.
While flying over the city, he couldn't find any place in the city to actually land the ship where wouldn't be easily spotted. The best plan of action for him to take at this moment was to land the ship outside of the city, in the outskirts. Flying over the city, Gabriel found the perfect area. It was a densely packed forested area outside of the city and his ship could easily fit through the canopy to land. The ship slowly descended through the hole in the canopy, big enough for his ship. THe landing gear extracted from the bottom of the ship and teh ship landed on the forest ground with a light thud, courtesy of the vegetation on the ground.
Gabriel got up out of his pilot's chair and walked to the back of his ship and began to grab his needed equipment before he left the ship, 5 land mines and a 4 thermal detonators and a small portable scanner along with his double-bladed saber and his two single-bladed sabers. He then walked down the ramp with hsi footsteps slightly ringing off the metal of the ramp. The forest around him smelled as such. The flowers sending out their spores presented pleasing, soothing smells and and the waterfall close to the landing area could be heard splashing into another pool of water. Gabriel could hear the different types of animals and birds going about their daily business. The jungle was a home to some of the most sparsely populated communities of animals.
As soon as he was off of the ramp, he began to walk around the ship planting 4 of the 5 landmines in concordance to the directions of the compass around his ship, one pointing to the north, one pointing to the west, one pointing to the south, and one pointing to the east. Before he had planted each of the mines, however, he had made sure that the field of effect and activation of each mine was close to touching each other. He did this so that if anyone were to find his ship and they tried to board it, they would be turned into a burnt up husk, or worse, a scattered version of their body.
After everything was set, Gabriel proceeded into the populated Refuge City. Here he would make his way and hopefully hide from anyone trying to find him. But that was only if they were not experienced hunters. He continued to walk through the city until he foudn his first target for a hiding place, an abandoned apartment complex. He knew how parking garages were set up and figured this would be the best choice for a hiding place. He could easily climb to the top of the place and jump from building to building. Also, inside the building, there were plenty of rooms in which he could hide.
He walked into the building and up to the third floor. Examining each room as he walked down the hallway, he found the best room he could find. This room held one bed which was located near the window which looked over one of the main thoroughfares in front of the building. He walked over to the bed with his portable scanner in hand and laid down on the bed. He began to adjusted the range of the detection for the scanner ot be able to track movement on the stairs and throughout the hall way. He then laid down in wait trying not to fall asleep even though the bed hew as on was not very comfortable.*