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Post Sun Apr 03, 2011 12:06 pm

Re: Kaantay

The Corporal the resistance leader asked looks at his Sergeant who nods.

"Come with me." the Corporal says motioning the leader to follow him. The Private next to him mutters something about "babysitting" duty, but they bring the leader to the staging area headquarters, which is simply a command tent in the square. Inside a Captain is directing various other officers, as they are gathered around a table, piled with maps and statistics of the surrounding area and the blue bars that stand for Chandril Ravens troops. The Corporal clears his throat and the Captain looks up. He salutes the Captain.

"Sir, Cormak Dod, representative of the Neimoidian resistance to see you sir."

The Captain, an average man with brown hair, dismisses the Corporal and turns towards the Neimoidan.

"How can I help you today sir?"
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Post Mon Apr 04, 2011 3:07 pm

Re: Kaantay

*Cormak Dod allows himself to be led through the square. When they reach the command tent, he motions for his droid guards to wait outside, while his aide follows him in.*

"I came to discuss our plans for your forces in the conflict ahead. This city is our base of operations, and shoring up its defenses is a good start, but its a long way from securing us victory. The reason we hired your company is that we do not have the men to launch a major offensive. We caught the Nagai off guard at first, and they fled this area of the continent, but now the local Neimoidians of each city are content to defend their own homes, leaving us without much of an army."

*He pauses for a moment, glancing around the command tent.*

"So, how long before your men will be ready to deploy in enemy territory?"
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Post Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:03 am

Re: Kaantay

Several of the Captains officers laugh, but he silences them with a wave. The idea of Neimoidians defending anything without their droid armies or a purchased force is funny, but to the Captain of THAT purchased force it's quite a contract.

"The faster I can converse with my men and formulate the attack plan, the faster we can go on the assault. I'm securing most of my Battalion here to ensure a base of operations, but one-fourth escorted by the twin destroyers and our air squadrons will take the fight to the enemy. Is their anything else before I ask for any intel you may have on the enemy positions and continue my briefing?"
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Post Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:21 am

Re: Kaantay

*Cormak doesn't see what's so funny, and glares around the room flustered for a few moments before continuing.*

=Cormak Dod=
"The Nagai were not prepared for an uprising, they are still disorganized and in retreat. We want you to take their last major stronghold in this area, the city of Martain, so they do not have a chance to regroup. I'm afraid we don't have much information on their defenses there, we don't get many volunteers to scout that deep into enemy territory. We do have some information on their patrols and checkpoints surrounding the city."

*Cormak lifts his hand and his aide passes him a datapad, which Cormak then places on the table.*

"Its not much, but I had the information compiled onto this pad for you."

Post Sat Apr 09, 2011 8:14 am

Re: Kaantay

Of course they didn't expect an uprising.

*Entering the room from a darkened hallway, three Mandalorians - one in sage and gray armor, another in blue, red and gold, and the third whose gray armor looked as if it hadn't been taken out of the closet for centuries - and a drooling six legged creature stepped into the light so that they could be seen by those gathered.*

For you are Neimoidians after all. Your people haven't stood up for themselves in over a few centuries. Shab! Maybe even more then that.

*The middle man, the one who had been speaking, looked to the vicious looking leathery monster and patted it on the head before adding.*

Twas a surprise to us all actually. But, seeing as how you finally have, stood up for yourselves that is, we are willing to offer our, skills, to assist you in reclaiming your homeworld. For a price, of course.

*Kelborn looked the head Neimoidian in the eye, though the red eyed being would have a hard time telling as such through the T-visor of his helmet. Yeah, this was going to be a good job, no matter how short it was going to no doubt be.*
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Post Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:17 pm

Re: Kaantay

*Cormak looks around at the sound of a new voice in the tent, startled. All this fighting had caused him to become somewhat paranoid about an attempt on his life. Even when he realized these new arrivals were not here as enemies he was less than thrilled with what their spokesman had to say about his people. Still, they were Mandalorians, they knew they were too valuable to be turned away because of a minor attitude problem. At the very least he had to respect the fact that they were aware of their own worth. The Neimoidian would never be able to fathom their warlike mindset, but now the conversation had turned to money, and that was a topic he did have a firm grasp of.*

=Cormak Dod=
"And what, may I ask, do the Mandolorians believe their services are worth these days? We already have many soldiers, perhaps as many as we can afford, but if you are as good as your reputations perhaps we can do business."

Post Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:27 pm

Re: Kaantay

*As the Neimoidian spoke, Naast, the razor toothed leathery beast known as a Strill, looked to him and growled hungrily, hopping to its feet and reading itself to pounce. For a split second, Kelborn, the Mando in sage and gray armor, considered whether to stop Naast from ripping the leader apart. Sighing at the revelation that he wouldn't gain anything from the creature's death, he bent over and patted the pet Strill on the head and said.*

Easy my sweet Naast. maybe some other time, eh?

*At its master's word, Naast calmed down and laid down at Kelborn's feet, disappointed look on its sharp face. Crisis averted, Kelborn looked back to the Neimoidian and said.*

I'm sure we'll exceed your expectations, which are no doubt pretty low. Give me a moment to discuss price with my colleagues here will ya?

*Switching to the private link between he, Adenn, the Mando in blue, red and gold armor, and Sol, the Mando in ancient gray armor, Kelborn asked.*

:: So, what do you guys think? ::

:: Not what I meant. ::

:: Agreed. Then price. I was thinking a little less, Adenn. seventy-five perhaps? ::

:: Very well then. ::

*It was absolutely silent on the outside of the three Mando's helmets until Kelborn turned back around and said to the Neimoidian.*

We'll do whatever you need, for one-fifty.

*Obviously he couldn't just say one number, thats never how these things worked. Bartering and negotiation was how the galaxy worked.*
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Post Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:37 pm

Re: Kaantay

*Cormak edges back from the Mandolorian's beast a little, clearly made nervous by its presence. Nevertheless he doesn't allow himself to be distracted from the matter at hand, which was, of course, money. He pauses for a moment to consider the offer. One-fifty for three Mandalorians sounded like a bargain to him; too much of a bargain. He had to be sure they weren't planning to alter that number in the future.*

=Cormak Dod=
"All right, but that's all you get. No expense accounts, surcharges, nothing, fair enough? And of course, you'll understand if I'd rather pay you after your work is complete."

*Cormak was hoping there wouldn't be any arguments from the mercenaries. He had already decided he thoroughly disliked them, and besides that they were downright scary. The sooner he could pass them off to a subordinate and make them someone else's problem the better.*

Post Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:27 am

Re: Kaantay

*Kelborn raised an eyebrow at how quickly the Neimoidian had accepted their offer before realizing he hadn't made himself as clear as he should have.*

Hows about this, you give us half now, half when the jobs done. Oh, and that'll be one-fifty each, little Naast included.

*At the mention of its name, the slobbering monster that lay at Kelborn's feet lifted its head and looked up at him as if expecting something of him. Bending over to pat it on the head affectionately, Kelborn continued.*

Otherwise the rest of that sounded pretty good to me, right vode?

*Kelborn got a slight nod from both Adenn and Sol at the exact same moment.*
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Post Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:46 am

Re: Kaantay

*The expression on Cormak's face sours upon hearing the Mando's reply, and he takes another half-step back from the strange beast at his feet, now standing with his back to the Chandril Captain's desk.*

=Cormak Dod=
"This is an outrage! Fifty each is generous, now matter how much prestige you think that armor carries! I could almost hire a platoon for as much as you want individually. As for your pet, if it can keep out of trouble I'll make sure it is supplied with meat, but no credits!"

*Naasts' presence was doing nothing to help Cormak's manners, but despite everything he was still thinking hard and fast about how much he could afford to spend on these men. Perhaps ninety apiece, but even that would be stretching it thin.*

Post Wed Apr 20, 2011 6:59 am

Re: Kaantay

*Nasst let out a low growl of disappointment, disgust, and fury at the Neimoidian's response, drawing a barking laughter from its master. Kelborn dropped to a knee beside his beloved pet and began stroking the back of its neck, cooing softly to call the young still down.*

It's alright Nas'ika, the red eyed coward didn't mean it... *Tilting his helmet up slightly to indicate that he was looking up at Cormak.* ...did he?

*When Nasst started calming down and sat on his leathery rump, black eyes piercing into the Neimoidian as if begging for him to do something worth getting eaten for, Kelborn stood and said.*

One platoon of worthless, glory seeking mercs versus three highly trained, highly skilled warriors and the fiercest hunting beast in the galaxy for the same price.

*With a short pause for effect, Kelborn continued.*

One hundred, each. Nasst still included unless you want those supplied meats to be yourself.
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Post Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:35 pm

Re: Kaantay

*Now that his attention has been brought back to it Cormak is once again visibly disturbed by the presence of the beast on the floor, attempting to move further from it and actually shoving the captain's desk backwards several inches in the process of edging away.*

"That's quite enough! I have put up with your petty insults for the sake of your people's reputation as warriors, but I will not be threatened in my own city, and I will most certainly not submit to this... this highway robbery you call a fair fee!"

*His voice, up until now squeaky and distressed, takes on a much firmer tone.*

"Seventy thousand apiece, and I don't want to hear another word about that..." *he practically spits the word out*"thing."

Post Sat Apr 23, 2011 6:44 am

Re: Kaantay

*Kelborn's grin was sinister beneath his helmet as he eased down beside Nasst, petting it affectionately and said.*

Ok Nas'ika, back off a bit. Go nuzzle uncle Adenn. Oya!

*With the excitement of a young child, the strill leaped to its feet and rushed to Adenn, rubbing against him affectionately like an attention seeking feline. With Nasst away from the fear stricken Neimoidian, Kelborn stood and said.*

Seventy-five thousand apiece and you'll never have to actually lay eyes upon my sweet Nasst again.

*At the mention of its name, Nasst snapped its head around to look at Kelborn from under Adenn's hesitant strokes of affection, obviously not knowing whether Nasst was suddenly going to bit his hand off, or just sit there and take the praise it was receiving.*
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Post Sat Apr 23, 2011 12:56 pm

Re: Kaantay

*Cormak straightens up, smoothing his shirt, composure apparently regained.*

=Cormak Dod=
"Very well, seventy-five."

*Turning towards his aide, he barks at the younger Neimoidian.*

=Cormak Dod=
"You! Show these men to headquarters, I'm sure Ormsh will be able to put them to good use."

*The aide nods and walks outside, waiting for the Mandolorians at the tent's entryway.*
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Post Sun Apr 24, 2011 2:47 am

Re: Kaantay

[quote="Thok Bard":37l2fn31]=Cormak Dod=
"Darth Laele it is. You are still angry with me?"

[action:37l2fn31]It was hard to tell if this was meant as a question, or a simple statement of fact. At that moment the two Neimoidian soldiers exit the ship, after what seems like far too short a time for a proper search, but Cormak does not appear to realize this.[/action:37l2fn31]

The ship is fine, sir. I'll be happy to fly it out, if you're looking for a pilot.

[action:37l2fn31]The soldier was eager to get away from this assignment, and why not? The waypoint was a high-risk post with no real opportunity for advancement; a bad job all around.[/action:37l2fn31]

"Alright, good work. What about it, do you two want to fly the ship in yourselves or hop on the bus with me?"[/quote:37l2fn31]

[action:37l2fn31]Terrak thinks briefly before shrugging and turning to Laele.[/action:37l2fn31]

I'm fine with the public transport, what do you say Laele? I figure these guys won't ding up the ship too bad, especially if they have strong senses of self preservation.
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Post Sun Apr 24, 2011 2:59 am

Re: Kaantay

*Approaching the group once more, the Chiss scowled and glanced back at the freighter. Then she returned her luminescent glare to Terrak with a shrug of her own.*

"It's your ship."

*She leaned closer to the eager Neimoidian volunteering to fly it.*

"...but the booze aboard it is mine, and there had best not be a drop of it missing."

*Laele continued past Terrak with a sideways glance and climbed aboard the bus. She was actually rather surprised that he had allowed someone else to fly his ship, particularly with the way he had seemed so possessive of it and its access code when she had been contemplating taking it for herself. Or perhaps that was a bluff against her admittedly unsubtle threats. She brushed her thumb against her lower lip as she thought that one over.*
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Post Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:20 am

Re: Kaantay

*Swinging his rifle out of the way, Terrak makes his way towards the bus. Climbing aboard quickly he finds a seat and begins inspecting his Relby while waiting for Laele to follow and the bus to depart.*
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Post Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:32 am

Re: Kaantay

*Laele remained silent during the trip. It seemed they could not have traveled far at all before reaching their destination point, the central landing zone where the Neimoidians had gathered their force. The bus pulled in smoothly , hovering just above the freshly cleared area as a pair of guards waved them through.

As the vehicle slowed to a stop, Laele leaned against one of the viewer ports to assess the area. It looked to be mostly made of pavilions and tents, and those soldiers who did not have a specific task seemed edgy and uncertain. It would never do to let a soldier have enough free time to think about what was happening to them. All in all, it was not the worst camp she had ever laid eyes on, but it did not exactly instill much confidence, either.*

"Looks like we're not the only mercenaries here..."

*She had spied a few ships that certainly screamed hired guns, at any rate. She pushed away from the viewer and stepped off the bus, once more pulling her cowl over her head to shade her eyes.*
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Post Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:43 am

Re: Kaantay

*Terrak gives a quick, sarcastic laugh.*

I certainly hope not. I'm good, but even I can't lead a two man revolution. So, how long you figure before we can start slotting enemies? I get restless sitting around in camps.
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Post Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:49 am

Re: Kaantay

*She waved her hand out towards the border of the camp as she walked away from the bus, calling out over her shoulder.*

"Why wait? Go on out there and have yourself a good time, see how many you can take out before I catch up to you."

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