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Open Terrain

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Post Fri Jun 25, 2010 8:27 am

Re: Open Terrain

*Descending through the cloud tops, Captain Darkrunner guides her ship towards the surface of Neimoidia, Close to Rainforest canopy tops she buzzes along.*

Post Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:31 am

Re: Open Terrain

*The shuttles that had come from orbit along with the cruisers headed for the outside of the city. Once landing the citizen's of neimodia all looked out onto them. Younger Neimodian's grabbed weapons, and held them nearby, some were lucky enough to have blasters. The others had whatever they could scavenge. Then the doors opened and an army emerged from the ships.*
10 Force Using Nagai (Master Level)
75 Nagai Warlords (Padawan Level)
1,500 Nagai Commando's
15,000 Nagai Marines
100,000 Nagai Soldiers

*The soldiers walked out onto the planets plains and looked around, their weird shaded eyes locked on the planets people. The people were pale and looked like dead humans, the Neimodian's grew scared seeing their weapons. One of the men stepped forward he had on armor that only a few others wore. He was most definitely a force user, it was apparent from the lightsabers on his belt.*

*The Neimodian's seemed a little more tense after he spoke, one of the younger males noticed the mans lightsabers and in a panic fired his blaster rapidly at Ozrei. The Nagai held one hand up and the bolts seemed to turn away from his hand. The Neimodian panicked and went to run for it, but it was to late. He found himself gasping for breath then, floating in the air.. Ozrei looked up at the boy, his face dark and almost lifeless. He let the boy go and he dropped back to the floor, gasping for breath that now filled his lungs. The people around them looked on more scared then they were before.*

*The Nagai looked up at her and she seemed to back away because of all of the eyes that were now on her. The force using Nagai then spotted one of the Duro slaves, he tilted his head a bit. They had been keeping him malnourished so that he would never evolve into the form they had come to. The nagai looked onto him with pity.*

*Ozrei approached the Duro who looked even more petrified then the others now. Ozrei grabbed him by the arm and held it up so that everyone could see.*

*Then it happened the same young man who shot at ozrei before burst out of a door behind him with a sword, Ozrei turned and pulled out a single saber, the young man swung for Ozrei's chest. However Ozrei moved very quick, he turned on his saber just in time to connect with the young mans sword then let the boys momentum get the better of him as he ran past Ozrei, Ozrei swung his blade around and cut right through the boys mid section. He had to be at least Eighteen, Nineteen years old. The boy's skin became cold, and he took one last breath before his torso fell from the rest of his body and blood poured out of both sides of him all over the floor.*

Post Tue Sep 07, 2010 11:38 am

Re: Open Terrain

*After watching the young boy die, the women and elderly panicked and ran, while the younger Neimodian's grabbed their weapons but they made sure that the women and children made their way deeper into the city. It was now time for the Nagai's hostile take over.*
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Post Sun Mar 13, 2011 2:36 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*War rages across the region surrounding Kaantay. The Nemoidian army marched outward from the city a month ago, moving from settlement to settlement in a rough spiral pattern, striking down as many of the occupying forces as they could, and then moving on, leaving the inhabitants to either hold their city or let it fall on their own. Meanwhile, another, smaller force, commanded by the former rebel leader Valen Ormsh, performs raids on Nagai holdings to keep them off balance, preventing them from coming together to counterattack.*
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Post Wed Mar 16, 2011 8:27 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*Valen Ormsh leans out the window of the repulsorbus as it crosses the bridge spanning a deep gorge. Unlike most Neimoidians he did not live with a constant fear of death, and the sense of vertigo he got from staring down into the ravine made him feel giddy. Ahead of and behind him more buses, twelve of them altogether, floated along in single file. Each one had been modified for military use, with metal plates welded on to the sides for added protection and two or three seats on each bus removed to make room for large tripod mounted blasters. The buses that held droids had all the seats removed and were standing room only.

Two objects streaked out of the woods on the far side of the gorge, and suddenly Valen's view was consumed with fire. Reflexively he ducked back inside the bus, just in time to avoid having his head split open by a piece of debris. His bus had just made it off the bridge before the explosion, and it hovered there, smoke billowing out from the smoldering remains of the bridge preventing him from seeing anything that was going on. The sound of blaster fire was unmistakable however, along with numerous explosions, all much smaller than the first. It was obvious a full scale battle had broken out only a few dozen yards ahead of them, and as the smoke began to disperse it became clear his forces were not winning. Four buses were in front of them, taking heavy fire from Nagai troops armed with a mix of blaster rifles and missile launchers. Realizing there was nothing he could do for them, Valen makes a quick decision. He runs to the front of the bus, pulling the stunned driver from his seat, and takes the wheel, making a tight U-turn and heading for the destroyed bridge. As they reach the gorge he hits the start-up thrusters, making the bus jump slightly in the air, and the heavy vehicle seems to hover suspended in midair over the gorge for a long moment, before touching down safely on the other side.

Without even looking back at the carnage on the other side Valen guns the motor, moving away from the battleground at top speed. Three more buses were left on this side of the bridge, all of them formed up behind their leader. The rest of the convoy must have been at the bottom of the ravine by now. For the first time since the uprising began, the Neimoidian forces had lost a major engagement.*
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Post Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:49 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*A small jedi craft lands on in the open plains, Rarah checks her laning systems and gets out of her craft*

So this is Neimoidia, looks peaceful

*Rarah makes sure she has all her gear and heads of in the direction of Kaantay*
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Post Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:40 am

Re: Open Terrain

*The Four All Terrain Rapid Deployment pods land in the open terrain squads of Stromtroopers exit and deploy into a battle formation backed up by AT-ST's, HAVw A5 Juggernauts and TX-130T fighter tanks*
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Post Sun Sep 11, 2011 8:28 am

Re: Open Terrain

*The Invasion force remains in position*
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Post Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:52 am

Re: Open Terrain

*The Invasion force maintain their position ready for any attack*
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Post Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:03 am

Re: Open Terrain

*The Invasion force continues to maintain its position*
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Post Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:28 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*The Invasion force continues to maintain its position*
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Post Mon Sep 26, 2011 1:38 am

Re: Open Terrain

*The Invasion force continues to maintain its position*
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Post Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:34 am

Re: Open Terrain

*The Invasion force continues to maintain its position*
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Post Mon Oct 03, 2011 3:04 am

Re: Open Terrain

*The Invasion force continues to maintain its position*
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Post Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:18 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*The Invasion force continues to maintain its position*
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Post Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:21 am

Re: Open Terrain

*The Invasion force continues to maintain its position*
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Post Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:45 am

Re: Open Terrain

*The Commanders of the Invasion force receive a message to take the planet and divide the forces and begin taking control of the planet*

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