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Open Terrain

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Post Mon Jun 23, 2008 1:28 pm

Open Terrain

*Geonosis' terrain was a mixture of rocks, deserts, mountains, mesas, and buttes.*
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Post Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:21 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*Fireworks go off in Zeon City while a parade goes through the city.*
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Post Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:04 pm

Re: Open Terrain

Celebrations also oocur in Kote City, as the new eddition is finally here
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Post Mon Jun 30, 2008 9:09 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*Worker Droids build a SLD-26 planetary shield generator which then projects a shield around the IPBM launch platform construction site in orbit*
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Post Tue Jul 01, 2008 11:09 am

Re: Open Terrain

Here is the link for Zeon City's page:
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Post Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:29 pm

Re: Open Terrain

OOC: Nice! and due you mentioned Kote city! keep rockin man.*
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Post Fri Jul 04, 2008 3:24 pm

Re: Open Terrain

All incoming ships must dock at the Geonosis Station in orbit for ship inspection and personal clearance. All weapons will be checked to insure the security of the people living on Geonosis.
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Post Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:58 pm

Re: Open Terrain

These are the Geonosis Ground Defenses under my command

4,000,000 DH-01 Battle Droids
4,500,000 Reserve Troops
3,000,000 Stormtroopers
1,500,000 Shadowtroopers
250,000 Commandos

5,000 B-2 Saber-class repulsor tanks
1,500 AT-STs
250 AT-ATs
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Post Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:23 pm

Re: Open Terrain

[NPC]:: Zuab Zanzalot! I am the Vce-CEO of the Bakkon Curos Corporation! I am representing the CEO, who is temporarily occupied! I am understanding that you are in an unenviable political position right now! Is this correct? ::[/NPC]
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Post Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:36 pm

Re: Open Terrain

I moved this to orbit
Last edited by Gorlan Zeraal on Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:36 pm

Re: Open Terrain

[quote="Bad Company":2s3mm42a][NPC][comlink:2s3mm42a]Zuab Zanzalot! I am the Vce-CEO of the Bakkon Curos Corporation! I am representing the CEO, who is temporarily occupied! I am understanding that you are in an unenviable political position right now! Is this correct?[/comlink:2s3mm42a][/NPC][/quote:2s3mm42a]

This is correct
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Posts: 277


Post Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:05 pm

Re: Open Terrain

An Immortal (reproduction of General Grevious, lacking some skill but of same build and abilities, 10,000 had been produced in the first universe and served as the Geonosian Royal gaurd as well as ambasadors and other high ranking offices) stands within a heavily fortified base high in the mountians in the northern polar regions and oversees the finishing touches of the shield generator and the Ion Cannon that have been constructed on the site. Several Magna Gaurd patrol the site, while many Geonosian engineers scurry around the base ensurring that all fortifiacions and equipment meet Zeon regulations. An identical scene unfolds in the mountianous Southern polar regions where a back-up generator and a second Ion Cannon are erected to ensure the safty of the corporations and the people based upon Geonosis and under the protection of the Zeon Empire.
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Post Mon Jul 14, 2008 11:12 pm

Re: Open Terrain

[quote="Lord Machiavell":1ny12rvh]An Immortal (reproduction of General Grevious, lacking some skill but of same build and abilities, 10,000 had been produced in the first universe and served as the Geonosian Royal gaurd as well as ambasadors and other high ranking offices) stands within a heavily fortified base high in the mountians in the northern polar regions and oversees the finishing touches of the shield generator and the Ion Cannon that have been constructed on the site. Several Magna Gaurd patrol the site, while many Geonosian engineers scurry around the base ensurring that all fortifiacions and equipment meet Zeon regulations. An identical scene unfolds in the mountianous Southern polar regions where a back-up generator and a second Ion Cannon are erected to ensure the safty of the corporations and the people based upon Geonosis and under the protection of the Zeon Empire.[/quote:1ny12rvh]

The Whills said we can't have planet shields...only city or station shields.
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Post Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:43 pm

Re: Open Terrain

[quote="Lord Machiavell":ohue27dj]An Immortal (reproduction of General Grevious, lacking some skill but of same build and abilities, 10,000 had been produced in the first universe and served as the Geonosian Royal gaurd as well as ambasadors and other high ranking offices) stands within a heavily fortified base high in the mountians in the northern polar regions and oversees the finishing touches of the shield generator and the Ion Cannon that have been constructed on the site. Several Magna Gaurd patrol the site, while many Geonosian engineers scurry around the base ensurring that all fortifiacions and equipment meet Zeon regulations. An identical scene unfolds in the mountianous Southern polar regions where a back-up generator and a second Ion Cannon are erected to ensure the safty of the corporations and the people based upon Geonosis and under the protection of the Zeon Empire.[/quote:ohue27dj]

Please disregard the above post. The Ion Cannons remain, but the shield generators are not present.
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Post Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:17 pm

Re: Open Terrain

A small group of Magna gaurd and B2 Battle Driods, together with a large contingent of worker driods, prepare a landing strip in the middle of the Southern Desert where the Techincom personal are expected to land. A Zeon officer stands in the shade of his command tent as he awaits the arrival of the Technicom factory and personal, as per orders from Lord Machiavell.
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Post Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:27 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*Several new hives and villages have recently been constructed in the mountianous northern region of Geonosis, to facilitate population and economic growth. These new cities serve as intergral parts of the driod production outfits based out of the Staglation Hive, but also allow the economy to become much more diverse, with several new industries, including some additional agriculture to lessen Geonosis's dependancy on other worlds for food products.*

Post Wed Jul 30, 2008 4:47 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*The small strike force jets down towards the station shield generator. The heavily armed Gunboats began pouring fire down on the shields as they make their first pass, the fighters send a volley or two of fire as they reform with the rest and the shuttles stay between the ships, keeping from any immediate retaliation.*
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Post Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:20 pm

Re: Open Terrain

Kote city Defenses
1,000,000 Scorpenek annihilator droids
800,000 Magnaguard
1,000,000 Droidekas
1,000,000 B3 Ultra Battle Droids
725,000 Basilisk War Droids
100 flights of Bes├óÔé¼Ôäóuliik fighters
100 flights of Scimitar Assault bombers
100 flights of Rihkxyrk Attack ships
5000 each stationed at points all around the city.
Heavy Artillery Gun
Armored Assault Tank
All Terrain Personal Transport
All Terrain Attack Pod
All Terrain Scout Transport
All Terrain Heavy Enforcer
Self-Propelled Medium Artilleries
All Terrain Tactical Enforcer
Imperial Heavy artilleries
NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcers
OG-9 homing spider droid
IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tanks
Heavy Assault Vehicle Transport B5 Juggernauts
Rebel attack tank
Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry
500,000 Single Trooper Aerial Platforms
500,000 74-Z speeder bike

OOC: ok, so these are the old defenses. and i can't have them any more. so, if no one minds terribly, i'm going to pull as much use out of these as I can. Droids will be dealt with in a bit.*
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Post Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:46 pm

Re: Open Terrain

(300 Sd-10's in coming from Balmorra)
200 B3 Ultra Battle Droids
2000 Magnaguard
2000 Droidekas
(1000 to be decided)
(50,000 coming from Hypori)

300 All Terrain Heavy Enforcer
100 Heavy Artillery Guns
250 All Terrain Attack Pod
(100 X-1 Vipers incoming from balmorra)
300 Scorpenek Annihilator Droids
350 NR-N99 Persuader-class droid enforcers

*Two of these are made*

Post Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:50 pm

Re: Open Terrain

ooc: pretty good revamping your forces quickly, and for the record, only 55,535 troop couynt is allowed, not vehicle just troop(i counted)
*Noting the guns make an appearance, The Strike Force makes its loop and even the shuttles rain blasterfire down on the generator complex, hoping to end its existence.*

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