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Open Terrain

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Post Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:51 am

Re: Open Terrain

the GI war SL - A01 - factory floor
*the first two droids are crushed beneath the powerful claws of the attacking droid, and the last to are destroyed as their internal circuits blow due to the heat. the first of the converging search groups rounds the corner farther back along the hall, sending a hail of blaster fire at the rampaging droid. soon other groups would also join the fire.*
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Post Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:46 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*Out in the desert, a lone speeder bike is racing across the sand. It's blazing hot and terribly bright, but inside the armor Malice doesn't feel it.

He just feels regret...

He glanced at the coordinates and sped up. He wanted to get there now. No matter what happened.*
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Post Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:52 pm

Re: Open Terrain

the GI war SL - A01 - entrance
*as malice approaches the coordinates, he sees a column of smoke rising in the distance. as he nears the site he spots the remaining guard that fled the factory, heading in his direction. they wave him to stop as he comes closer.*
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Post Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:05 pm

Re: Open Terrain

The GI war - A01 - Factory Floor
*Ravager pops its two HIRs around and takes aim at the droid group. With a silent click the two weapons open fire hoping to shred the group down. If that was successful Ravager would cloak and activate holographic displays creating psuedo-B1 droids bunched around in a squad.*
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Post Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:41 pm

Re: Open Terrain

the GI war SL - A01 - entrance
*Malice flew like lightening towards the workers, slamming on the breaks as he came to a stop. Getting off the speeder bike, he unslung his rifle and looked out at the smoke. As his eyes took in the scene, he turned his attention to the workers.*

What's going on? Who hit you guys?
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Post Sun Jul 24, 2011 6:41 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*Having had time to collect the wits they had, the guards had calmed down a bit and while still disorganized and afraid, were no longer in a panic.*
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Post Sun Jul 24, 2011 6:49 pm

Re: Open Terrain

Slow down slow down!

*He had to keep re checking words on his communicater but he got the gist anyways. He then opened up his comm unit and sent a text message.*

:: Droid forces, approximately 5-9 hundred strong. Going into investigate. ::

*After that he started walking towards the closet entrance he could find. Time to find out what these droids were up to.*
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Post Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:20 pm

Re: Open Terrain

GI Production Center Alpha(01) - grounds and entrance

*The guards, slightly frustrated that yet another off-worlder was ignoring their warnings, and this one going alone, the guards pull themselves together enough to loosely fall in behind Malice. They held their sonic rifles at the ready, pointed forward at the smoking doorway into the production center. One of the guards leads Malice to the production center's entrance. He turns and give Malice a brief overlay of the facility, and it's various levels.*

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Post Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:10 am

Re: Open Terrain

GI Production Center Alpha(01) - grounds and entrance

*He listened to what the Geonosian had to say, thinking it over pretty hard. This wasn't like the last time he was here, he wouldn't have his regular troops behind him... And it was still a pain to fully understand these guys.*

Take your team and head to the barracks, and get what ever armor and weapons you can grab. They do not know I'm here yet, I'd like to keep it that way. If the osik hits the fan, comm me. *He transferred over his number.* I'm going to try and turn on the back up power coupling, to get the message out.

If all else fails, blow the entrance and seal it, even if I'm in or out.
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Post Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:31 am

Re: Open Terrain

[quote="Gabriel Solomon"][b:1use2bgj][u:1use2bgj]GI Production Factory Alpha(01) - Entrance[/u:1use2bgj][/b:1use2bgj]
Hallways between the entrance and Factory floor

[narration:1use2bgj]With the glow of my saber casting eerie shadows across the abandoned hallways we made our way even deeper into the factory. I stretched out with the force and felt a strange and disturbing absence of life... The miners began commenting on that as well, some Geonosians had to be around here somewhere, responding to the explosions... they whispered as their flashlights cut through the gloom. It was getting more murky as they made their way down, there was alot of airborne dust mixed with smoke... 4T made the most noise of our entire group as he stomped his way to the front of the pack and approached me, his servos whirring.[/narration:1use2bgj]

[comlink:1use2bgj]Sir, I have been picking up alot of interesting comm chatter. It appears that B1 Battle droids have been activated down in the factory floor. I have also received burst transmissions from Geonosians guards calling for back up...[/comlink:1use2bgj] [narration:1use2bgj]Said the droid in monotone. I thought this information curious but I did not think anything of it until I heard the sound of battle further down the hallway...[/narration:1use2bgj]

"Do you hear that?" [narration:1use2bgj]Asked a miner as he stopped walking forward. Above the geonosians began to talk back and forth to each other.[/narration:1use2bgj] "Come on, we continue forward..." [narration:1use2bgj]I said as we made our way to the factory floor.[/narration:1use2bgj]
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Post Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:16 pm

Re: Open Terrain

GI Production Factory Alpha(01) - Entrance

*As the Geonosians went off one way, Malice began moving towards the power coupling. He was going slow and quietly, making sure not to make noise or alert anyone to his presence. He felt like reaching out in the Force to feel for someone-

no. He shouldn't do that anymore. He wasn't willing to risk it. So he just moved deeper into the hallways. Any moment now he expected to see a droid or two. Boy he was hoping for a challenge.*
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Post Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:09 am

Re: Open Terrain

the GI war SL - A01 - Entrance - Gab and Mal
*the band of miners rounds the corner into the entrance chamber to the factory floor. one end of the hall is sealed shut by a massive blast door. the area is lit with the dull red glow the door is producing and the heat in the room is all but unbearable. entering the room from another hallway, malice strides into the chamber as well. both groups are easily visible to each other as neither is trying to hide.*

the GI war SL - A01 - Factory Floor - Rava
*the first two droids are shredded instantly by the high-power weapons, but the others are only wounded. seeing the droid 'morph' into a squad of B1s the remaining droids send out the call to remain in constant contact and blast any non-respondent droid. two more squads round the corner. one from the same direction as the first and the other from one of the three trailing hallways that rava had originally planed to use as escape routes. the first group opens fire on the holographic B1s, while the second group continues to close to a firing position. 10 droids are active, 3 wounded, 7 destroyed.*

the GI war SL - A01 - Storage - all
*the 50 droids task in this section finally clear the are enough to trip the power back on. lights and power floods back into the entire building.*

the GI war SL - A01 - Factory Floor - Gab and Mal
*the lights in the room flicker on, and the massive blast door slides upward. however, the door stops halfway up (around 3 meters of clearance), due to the warping cause by the heat. beyond the door stands 100 B1 battle droids facing in the direction of the door. seeing their way cleared the droid begin to march forward, opening fire on those standing in the next area as they do.*
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Post Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:33 am

Re: Open Terrain

The GI War - A01 - Factory Floor
*Ravager watches his holograms be hit by laser bolts and deactivates them. Still cloaked it crawls along the roof silently. Stopping above a damaged droid, Ravager's tail drops down. Still cloaked the tail would enter just below the droid's brain. From the tail would exit cables which would connect with the droid brain and an upload of a virus which corrupts the programming showing Ravager as an ally. The virus would spread to the other droids in which ever way possible, communication being one.*
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Post Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:45 am

Re: Open Terrain

the GI war SL - A01 - Entrance/barracks - 50 Geonosian guards
*The Guards grab extra power packs for their Sonic rifles and begin heading out. 40 guards head after the stranger who'd brought them back(Malice), 5 begin laying charges around the main entrance, and 5 begin setting up a on a repulsor sled.*

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Post Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:07 am

Re: Open Terrain

The GI war SL - A01 - storage - rava (this would be a more accurate area)
*the second group steps through the blast door, keeping ready for when rava reappears. the damaged droid shudders as the tail enters its frame. and sends a report about the sudden increase in damage. at once, every blaster present and able turns on the damaged droid and begins blasting, hoping to catch rava in the blast wash. the damaged droid is completely destroyed by the attack, unintentionally foiling rava's virus.*
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Post Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:29 am

Re: Open Terrain

[quote="Admiral Zachary Dillard":zm40phdd][b:zm40phdd][u:zm40phdd]the GI war SL - A01 - Entrance[/u:zm40phdd][/b:zm40phdd] - Gab and Mal
[narration:zm40phdd]the band of miners rounds the corner into the entrance chamber to the factory floor. one end of the hall is sealed shut by a massive blast door. the area is lit with the dull red glow the door is producing and the heat in the room is all but unbearable. entering the room from another hallway, malice strides into the chamber as well. both groups are easily visible to each other as neither is trying to hide.[/narration:zm40phdd][/quote:zm40phdd]

[narration:zm40phdd]The glow of my saber and the beams of the miner's flashlights reflect off the metal of a large blast door. One of the Geonosians stopped fluttering his wings and dropped to the ground, he quickly approached the door clacking and chittering.[/narration:zm40phdd]
[comlink:zm40phdd]Sir it appears he is going to try to open the door.[/comlink:zm40phdd] [narration:zm40phdd]Said 4T as he gestured towards the Geonosian at the door controls, as if I could not see that myself. I turned to face the miners.[/narration:zm40phdd] "alright, we have no idea what the damage is so I want everyone to go carefully. Help the most seriously injured first, drag them out here to safety from that point we can treat their injuries. Do not be heroes and do not take..." [narration:zm40phdd]I was about to finish when I noticed the presence of someone unknown to me. I had since become use to the auras of the geonosiasn and miners in my company but this one was new and a force user no less... The miners and geonosians unaware of my stupor moved forward with their medpacks and flashlights.[/narration:zm40phdd]

[comlink:zm40phdd]Sir, the geonosian says the door has been sealed and security countermeasures have made opening it impossible. The Geonosian is quite confused.[/comlink:zm40phdd] [narration:zm40phdd]Said 4T. I waved him aside and stretched out with the force, finally locating the man as he approached.[/narration:zm40phdd] [force_speak:zm40phdd]Who the devil are you?[/force_speak:zm40phdd]

[narration:zm40phdd]At that moment lights began to blink on flooding the hallway with light and startling both the Geonosians and the miners.[/narration:zm40phdd] "Sir the door!" [narration:zm40phdd]Shouted a miner as the door began to raise.[/narration:zm40phdd]

[narration:zm40phdd]A flicker of warning passed through the force.[/narration:zm40phdd] "Get away from the door! Now!"

[quote="Admiral Zachary Dillard":zm40phdd][b:zm40phdd][u:zm40phdd]the GI war SL - A01 - Factory Floor[/u:zm40phdd][/b:zm40phdd] - Gab and Mal
[narration:zm40phdd]the lights in the room flicker on, and the massive blast door slides upward. however, the door stops halfway up (around 3 meters of clearance), due to the warping cause by the heat. beyond the door stands 100 B1 battle droids facing in the direction of the door. seeing their way cleared the droid begin to march forward, opening fire on those standing in the next area as they do.[/narration:zm40phdd][/quote:zm40phdd]

[narration:zm40phdd]The miner next to the door who had called out to me was gunned down as was the Geonosian at the control panel. Reflexes took over that point. I found myself leaping forward saber in hand, batting away blaster fire as I yelled for everyone to escape. The miners had drawn their blasters and were making a fighting retreat, firing their blasters back at the droids as they ran back up the hallway. I was doing my best with saber but I could not stop everything... 4 more miners and 5 Geonosians fell with burning hols through their bodies. I summoned the force and unleashed a force push at the opening of the door, hoping to buy us some time as the droids approached us.[/narration:zm40phdd]
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Post Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:11 pm

Re: Open Terrain

the GI war SL - A01 - Factory Floor

[narration:1w1l2d30]Moving forward Malice sees some other geonosians. That was a good sign for him, they would be friendly. Getting the comm from the Captain was also a good sign: he sent a text back telling him to the way he came As he moved forward, suddenly a voice was in his head.

[quote:1w1l2d30][force_speak:1w1l2d30]Who the devil are you?[/force_speak:1w1l2d30][/quote:1w1l2d30]

( Nooo... not more Force Users!) he was furious at the thought of being connected to that which had corrupted him, but he answered back anyways.[/narration:1w1l2d30]

[force_speak:1w1l2d30]Reinforcements. Where are the othe-[/force_speak:1w1l2d30]

[narration:1w1l2d30]And suddenly the power was on. A moment later the door was opening, and he was suddenly facing 100 B1 battle droids.[/narration:1w1l2d30]

Oh Osik!

[narration:1w1l2d30]He dropped behind a crate and began opening fire with his assault rifle, trying to help the situation. But he noticed that there was what he assumed was a Jedi up there. He got priority.

To assist, he saw a large group of droids no one had targeted yet. Switching to grenade mode, he lobbed a round right at the heart of their formation. Than he began firing at the rest, to try and draw fire away from him.[/narration:1w1l2d30]
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Post Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:28 pm

Re: Open Terrain

the GI war SL - A01 - factory floor
*the right flank of the oncoming droids were slowed by the massive force push that tore through their ranks. however, it was far less effective that it would have been against living foes. after being knocked down, most of the droids merely struggled back up onto their feet to continue the advance, and no more than 3 or 4 remained where they fell. the blaster rifle was far more effect of a threat and it scythed through the front ranks. the explosive blast of the grenade also felled a number of the attacking droids.

however the droids had been far more prepared for the door then the geonosians had, and the remaining search groups quickly begin appearing from the surrounding hallways to join the swelling ranks. 320 droids; 290 active, 20 destroyed, 10 damaged.*
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Post Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:40 pm

Re: Open Terrain

GI War SL - A01 - Entrance 10 Guards
*The five Guards laying charges around the main entrance finish just as the power returns. The five guards trying to wrestle the LR1k finish getting it on the sled and make their way to observation post overlooking the factory floor's main entrance.*

GI War SL - A01 - Factory Floor (Access) 40 guards
*The guards arrive as the fire fight begins. 15 move into the room finding cover where they can, lobbing an EMP grenade into the droid masses and firing their sonic rifles as they move. 5 more form up around the stranger in front of them, firing their rifles. The other 20 guards, move over to the main passage and set up a makeshift barricade, 1m high 5cm thick, with dura-steel paneling from the side corridors as the last miners pass through and take up firing positions behind it.*

*The guards settle in for a holding action, one they will probably lose.*
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Post Thu Jul 28, 2011 4:18 pm

Re: Open Terrain

[quote="Admiral Zachary Dillard":3oocv7oj][b:3oocv7oj][u:3oocv7oj]the GI war SL - A01 - factory floor[/u:3oocv7oj][/b:3oocv7oj]
[narration:3oocv7oj]the right flank of the oncoming droids were slowed by the massive force push that tore through their ranks. however, it was far less effective that it would have been against living foes. after being knocked down, most of the droids merely struggled back up onto their feet to continue the advance, and no more than 3 or 4 remained where they fell. the blaster rifle was far more effect of a threat and it scythed through the front ranks. the explosive blast of the grenade also felled a number of the attacking droids.

however the droids had been far more prepared for the door then the geonosians had, and the remaining search groups quickly begin appearing from the surrounding hallways to join the swelling ranks. 320 droids; 290 active, 20 destroyed, 10 damaged.[/narration:3oocv7oj][/quote:3oocv7oj]

[narration:3oocv7oj]I smiled as my force push toppled the droids, buying me a reprieve from blocking an intense stream of blaster fire. I didn't stick around. I noticed the force user wielding a blaster rifle. There was no way I could get to his position without being caught and gunned down by the sheer intensity of the blaster fire unless... I drew upon the force and used force speed to sprint in a blue towards his position. I made it behind the crate with only 3 burns, blaster bolts had grazed my left thigh, my right ankle and 1 had impacted upon my armor. The 2 bolts that had struck me burned something fierce and I wa glad I did not have to look upon my own seared flesh. I raised my head towards the force user.[/narration:3oocv7oj]
"Can't you feel it? The lack of life? The void of lifelessness closing in around us? The droids are trying to flank us, they are using the tunnels, we have to fall back to the entrance, blow it up, seal them inside. We cannot hope to hold the line here."

[narration:3oocv7oj]I said through gritted teeth as I stood and began deflecting blasterfire back towards the incoming mass of droids.

Further up the hallway my remaining miners and Geonosians were informed by 4T to head to the armory.[/narration:3oocv7oj]

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