Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:29 am by Gabriel Solomon
[quote="Admiral Zachary Dillard":zm40phdd][b:zm40phdd][u:zm40phdd]the GI war SL - A01 - Entrance[/u:zm40phdd][/b:zm40phdd] - Gab and Mal
[narration:zm40phdd]the band of miners rounds the corner into the entrance chamber to the factory floor. one end of the hall is sealed shut by a massive blast door. the area is lit with the dull red glow the door is producing and the heat in the room is all but unbearable. entering the room from another hallway, malice strides into the chamber as well. both groups are easily visible to each other as neither is trying to hide.[/narration:zm40phdd][/quote:zm40phdd]
[narration:zm40phdd]The glow of my saber and the beams of the miner's flashlights reflect off the metal of a large blast door. One of the Geonosians stopped fluttering his wings and dropped to the ground, he quickly approached the door clacking and chittering.[/narration:zm40phdd]
[comlink:zm40phdd]Sir it appears he is going to try to open the door.[/comlink:zm40phdd] [narration:zm40phdd]Said 4T as he gestured towards the Geonosian at the door controls, as if I could not see that myself. I turned to face the miners.[/narration:zm40phdd] "alright, we have no idea what the damage is so I want everyone to go carefully. Help the most seriously injured first, drag them out here to safety from that point we can treat their injuries. Do not be heroes and do not take..." [narration:zm40phdd]I was about to finish when I noticed the presence of someone unknown to me. I had since become use to the auras of the geonosiasn and miners in my company but this one was new and a force user no less... The miners and geonosians unaware of my stupor moved forward with their medpacks and flashlights.[/narration:zm40phdd]
[comlink:zm40phdd]Sir, the geonosian says the door has been sealed and security countermeasures have made opening it impossible. The Geonosian is quite confused.[/comlink:zm40phdd] [narration:zm40phdd]Said 4T. I waved him aside and stretched out with the force, finally locating the man as he approached.[/narration:zm40phdd] [force_speak:zm40phdd]Who the devil are you?[/force_speak:zm40phdd]
[narration:zm40phdd]At that moment lights began to blink on flooding the hallway with light and startling both the Geonosians and the miners.[/narration:zm40phdd] "Sir the door!" [narration:zm40phdd]Shouted a miner as the door began to raise.[/narration:zm40phdd]
[narration:zm40phdd]A flicker of warning passed through the force.[/narration:zm40phdd] "Get away from the door! Now!"
[quote="Admiral Zachary Dillard":zm40phdd][b:zm40phdd][u:zm40phdd]the GI war SL - A01 - Factory Floor[/u:zm40phdd][/b:zm40phdd] - Gab and Mal
[narration:zm40phdd]the lights in the room flicker on, and the massive blast door slides upward. however, the door stops halfway up (around 3 meters of clearance), due to the warping cause by the heat. beyond the door stands 100 B1 battle droids facing in the direction of the door. seeing their way cleared the droid begin to march forward, opening fire on those standing in the next area as they do.[/narration:zm40phdd][/quote:zm40phdd]
[narration:zm40phdd]The miner next to the door who had called out to me was gunned down as was the Geonosian at the control panel. Reflexes took over that point. I found myself leaping forward saber in hand, batting away blaster fire as I yelled for everyone to escape. The miners had drawn their blasters and were making a fighting retreat, firing their blasters back at the droids as they ran back up the hallway. I was doing my best with saber but I could not stop everything... 4 more miners and 5 Geonosians fell with burning hols through their bodies. I summoned the force and unleashed a force push at the opening of the door, hoping to buy us some time as the droids approached us.[/narration:zm40phdd]