Posts: 105
Traffic Light: [img]http://www.jedivsith.com/images/BLUE.png[/img]
Re: Open Terrain
Yellow-Green oculars darted left and right, seeing no others within view. As they approached the guards, Y decided to turn on the charm and lowered her eyes, only to gaze at the soldier through veiled oculars. Walking several steps behind Sim, she crossed her left arm over her chest and clutched her right bicep, toying with her bangs with her right digits. She looked to be every bit the pretty, young, and bored companion. Possibly someone sent to finalize a money transaction for a second party, though the land of Geonosis was unappealing to her.
She didn't care if Sim thought her foolish, but in the least she could distract the guards so any searches were not so thorough. They would be focused on the seemingly semi-clothed girl before them, unarmed and seemingly innocent, not on their jobs.
Before they were too close to the guards, Y glanced towards catboy and let an ever so slight smirk touch her lips before she returned to her bored and pouting nature. Upon stopping and waiting for talking to begin, she stopped playing with her bangs and began inspecting her nails, cutting her eyes every so often towards the humans.