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Post Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:35 pm

Re: Lessu

Any normal traveler would look at the city, surrounded by a rather large canyon with awe, having their face pressed against the window. The cool thing about using force sight was, that wasn't needed. Anna folded her hands in her lap as the ship began to land. She'd let Vire do that for her. Her wrist was starting to hurt a little, and he did come along to help her out didn't he? As the ship landed, she freed herself of the safety restraints and set about getting ready to disembark.

Where Vire's attire was made up for formal Jedi robes, Anna knew was uncomfortable for him, she settled for her red shirt, a pare of red pants, and her gray vest and boots. Unlike Vire who chose to keep his lightsaber with him, Anna preferred to, as normal, adorn herself with her various weapon types. The force pike hanging at her side was probably the most noticeable, but with how many people had randomly attacked her in the past for information, she was not leaving this ship unarmed. She could feel the tense expression of Vire on her and she shook her head, looking over at him.


She asked as if in irritation.

You know nothings going to happen to you here, right? That's why they sent you here, and that's why I'm with you.

He glanced at the small knife attached to her side, and knew of a few others nestled under her vest. The silver, ornate, curved hilt of a lightsaber was also clear in view. Vire wasn't totally aware of the girl's history, but he knew that blade was special to her, and that she defended it zealously. He paused for a moment, figuring something to be off about the girl, something missing.

Where is your dagger?.... no one took it from you did they?

He was suddenly a little skittish, but Anna's voice broke through his mental illusions of awful things.

It's packed....deep down in my duffel. I don't want to see it for a very long time, but I can't just leave that thing lying around.

Anna said, hoisting the large bag over her shoulder. She let out a hiss of pain and dropped the thing to the ground, clutching at her shoulder and lowering her head. She was so use to using her left arm for things, when clearly it was still injured., Anna said through slightly clinched teeth as she recovered. I don't know if I even trust all Jedi anymore.

I see... Let me get that for you.

The Miraluka said as he hefted the bag onto his own shoulder. He jolted, realizing just how heavy the thing was.

What in the world do you have in this thing? Bricks?


Anna said flatly, and moved her elongated bangs over her face to cover the unsightly bandage wrapped around her head. Ryloth was hot, so she decided against bringing any kind of thick clothing. With a nod of thanks to Vire for taking her things, she headed out of the ship, the Jedi knight a little farther in the rear.

Welcome to Ryloth Miss, Do you need any help getting somewhere?

A blue skinned Twi'lek asked, apparently someone who worked out at the landing pads of the spaceport. Anna figured he thought her unable to see, she supped that was alright. It didn't look like she could see. But then Vire emerged from the ship, reaching up to adjust the silver mask covering his eyeless gaze also. When no one else came out of the small transport, Anna could feel the confusion welling up in the attendant. Perhaps he came to the conclusion that the ship was droid flown, which would be funny. But Anna didn't feel like putting the man at ease... not just yet.

Could you perhaps show us to a place to stay for a while. My escort and I are here to see how things are going at the new Jedi outpost here. We've come from Honoghr.

Anna felt the man tense up a bit. Apparently he thought Jedi could just do strange things. Now, she thought, he was again doubting that the ship was droid flown again. But he still wasn't too sure about it. It made Anna smile, and it made him respond in a slightly off kilter voice.

Are they expecting you? If you're Jedi, aren't you going to stay there?

As she felt Vire about to open his big mouth, Anna cut in quickly, even as the Miraluka was nodding his head.

Oh no sir. We'd rather stay elsewhere...for security reasons. For Vire's sake, she added... But some residence close to the outpost would be much appreciated.

The disappointment rolling off the Miraluka knight almost made Anna want to turn on him and yell at him, but she contained herself. It felt so good to have small thoughts of annoyance with out them turning into wildfires of anger and destruction. That was before, but this was now, and she was free of all that. Anna shivered just once, recalling the feeling of the boiling demonic substance that once infected her body so deeply.

As the Twi'lek nodded, Anna recovered her memories and followed him, hoping Vire would also...and he did. Anna thought the man would just point out directions for them, but seeing as neither of them could see, Anna was a little surprised to see the attendant report that he was leaving for a bit to what looked like his superior, and then, taking them outside into the city and down a few roads, until they stopped at their destination. The dude really thought they were blind. It almost made Anna laugh.

Here you are. I'm sure there are vacancies, and the rooms are nice and not too pricy. Down that way your left, is the Jedi Outpost I believe. It isn't too far away. I think you can walk there from here. Is there anything else you need to know before I head back?

Again, before Vire could speak, Anna told the man that they needed nothing further, and sent him on his way.

The place wasn't too shabby at all. Anna made a few steps toward the building, in hopes of getting them two rooms for a few weeks, but her motion was stopped by Vire's sharp words.

What is it with you? Why aren't we staying at the Jedi outpost? I'm actually expected there!

Agitated, that was Vire's emotional state at present. Reaching up quickly, he once more adjusted his silver mask, and turned his head down toward the Seer.

What, is the thing going to blow up or something in the next few days?


Anna said shortly and shook her head as she walked into the hotel lobby. With gentility that belied her former self, only a few months ago, Anna spoke to the receptionist at the desk, and secured them two rooms. After that, she turned and motioned for Vire to follow her upstairs. He did, muttering about something or other. Anna figured she'd quell his annoyance, at least a little.

Vire, do you think Masters Alora and Matango know what they're doing?


The Knight said, as they made it to the second floor, and opened the first room. Vire lay the Anna's duffel on the floor, and looked at her, wondering what she was getting at.

I've been tossed, She seized her bag and thrust it the air, toward the bed. From Jedi stronghold, to Jedi stronghold. I need to recover, and get through this on my own. That's why they sent me here, and not other places like Courscant, or Endor.

She followed Vire to his room, and watched as he also placed his few belongings within it.

Staying with the watchmen would kinda....ruin that idea the masters had, wouldn't you think?

She asked with a tilt of her head.

I think you still need lots of guidance.

He responded in a muttered fashion. Once he'd finished putting his things in his room he closed teh door and began walking back down to the first floor again.

Regardless of your strange destiny here, I have other things to attend to.

He said, dismissively.

Try to stay out of trouble.

Where are you going?

Anna asked, trotting after him and catching up the the taller man quickly. As the reached the bottom of the steps, she caught his response, and it was all too anticipated.

I'm going to the Jedi Watch Outpost. Are you coming with me, or are you going to stay here?

He asked with a frown, again, adjusting the angle on his mask.

Neither...I'm going to find a library...

They traveled outside once more into the sharp sunlight and Anna glanced here and there, in search of where she wanted to go. She heard Vire's characteristic sigh and shook her head again.

Are you Sure You want to go to the outpost?

She heard the snappy "yes Anna, I'm sure." from the Miraluka, and she almost giggled. Lowering her gaze, she spoke again, slowly this time.

Do you know who the current Jedi Watchmen for this planet is, Knight Laurence?

As he shook his head, she grinned most unpleasantly. Looking back at him to display her smile, she answered him.

The Jedi Watchmen overseeing the security of Ryloth is Jedi Watchmen Alkor Centaris.


How did he start spluttering? He'd not even had anything to drink on this dry, hot planet. Had he heard the girl right? Was she just playing with him? Again he shifted the position of his mask, probably out of place. It would be adjusted later, he was sure. Again, he stammered, clearly stunned and unable to hide it.

Well that....that's impossible! Do they know who he is?

do you?

Anna asked, now facing away from him. She quickly added,

Do you really know who he is?....or do you think you know who he was?

With a nonchalant wave of her hand, Anna was gone amid the streets of the city, searching for her precious collection of readable material. Even though she didn't need that constant distraction anymore, old habits died hard.

Vire, standing there, rooted to the spot, finally pried his feet from the ground, and turned, stiffly walking toward the Jedi Outpost. After all...if he was to help defend the planet, technically, Alkor outranked him. The thought made his stomach churn... Alora and Matango had NO IDEA what they were doing!
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Post Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:12 pm

Re: Lessu

This is not your world. Every time he opened that door, or even simply looked out into the streets, Alkor's subconscious reminded him of that. Shakily, he reached up and adjusted the hood of his robes, pulling it up over his head so that the shadows obscured his face. He had always taken some comfort in that small disguise, even if this time it were only to ward off the heat.

Where Alkor normally kept a lightsaber hidden in his sleeve, he had now only a datapad securely fastened away beneath the folds of his robes, and with the gentle wind whipped their hem. He grabbed at the hood as he looked up, watching the ships in the lanes above the city come and go for a moment, reminiscent of back on Corellia... ah, Corellia. He had finally gone back, finally seen it once more, and finally come to terms with the past.

How he wished he could go back. But not today, not anytime soon, he was certain. There was much to be done here, on the planet Ryloth. His gaze fell to the city's streets, where his eyes moved over the few people walking about quietly, and he found himself looking at the approaching form of a Jedi Knight with a mask over his face- the same sort of mask he had seen somewhere before.

This was the man Vire, a Miraluka who had served under Jedi Master Raven Alora on Felucia. He did not know the man so well as he ought, he supposed, but then, he had always known the man to be abhorrent of him. What words never passed his lips were whispers on the wind in his emotions. No man could lie so easily in the face of an Empath, and that was especially true of Alkor.

He continued his encroachment on the Jedi Knight, his hands folding in front of him as he stopped short and blinked several times, reading the air around the man, looking to glean hints about the secrets that he might be attempting to keep.
"Knight Laurence," Alkor said in a relaxed sort of tone, no hostility or hint of distrust about him. It amused Alkor, in truth, that the man still thought him to be some sort of galactic scale criminal. It seemed common, of late. First Finna, and then, just about everyone else he had met since Tython. "Welcome to my post."

He would have been more pleasant, but with Vire, it would have been discarded or the man would have made light of it. Alkor preferred to keep discussions as brief and as pleasant as he possibly could, with the possible exception of a more aggressive sort of approach. He had been instructed by Adieumus Matango, however, to keep aggressive negotiations to a bare minimum. Especially in the absence of his lightsaber.

"Are you planning to stay very long?" He didn't hope the answer was no, per se, but he did think that the man's elongated presence might become more annoying than helpful. It was not so much that he thought the council did not trust him- they had already placed Steffo on this planet as a security protocol- as much as he figured the man's misgivings about him would get in the way of work. And Alkor would not abide such things. "I can have Finna ready your room immediately."

He stopped, then recalled something he had seen on his datapad not too long before this meeting. "I had received word," he said slowly, "that you were accompanied by a Knight Errant, who was to be kept under close watch. Has she evaded you?" The words did not quite belie his true meaning- was Vire capable of handling a single young girl? Had he already lost her, and would the burden fall on Alkor? Was this something that Alkor needed to report? "The Council was very specific." He finished, letting the conclusions be drawn where they may on Vire's end.
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Post Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:48 pm

Re: Lessu

If he could have blinked, he would have. There the man was, the one who had come to the base on Felucia and had caused so much---well he hadn't really been that much trouble. Some times Raven needed a punch in the face every now and again. Still, the man had aided her in reading a sith manuscript, something Vire had begged the Jedi to get rid of. Only after the battle with Legion did she finally comply.

But the man had been so dark and almost revolting for him to look at through the force. And Anna, his charge, was a delicate being, between the light and the darkness. Bringing her here with someone like Alkor was just a bad idea! Heck! making someone like Alkor, leader of a Jedi operation was even a worst idea! What were his superiors thinking?

He cleared his throat as Alkor, oddly enough, and completely out of character for him -at least in Vire's mind- had addressed him cordially, almost kindly, compared to the response he was expecting. It made him relax his shoulders a bit, and adjust his mask, again, as predicted in the previous post.

When he brought up the girl, and asked if he'd 'lost her already' Vire flinched. It was true that Alora had told him to keep a close eye on Anna, but she'd also told him to give the girl some space to heal and rebuild in the universe was he suppose to do both, when Anna was a seer?! He was beginning to wish someone else was in his position, someone who could unravel the mysteries of the Jedi Masters that gave him their orders. But he was not so foolish enough to think that Matango and Alora did not know Anna. Both had their share of time with her, and both knew her very well, perhaps better than he did. Maybe he was just missing something... and it was probably obvious. He cleared his throat again, bowing slightly in some created respect, because whether Vire liked it or not, he was technically at Alkor's command, at least right now.

Under normal circumstances, Watchmen Centaris, I would accept your hospitality, but my charge wishes to stay elsewhere, and I...cannot leave her alone with a good conscience.

He paused for a moment, pondering on how to answer his last question. Just what had the council told Alkor about this issue? What were his orders on the matter? With a sigh, he figured he had to admit what had happened just before he had arrived here, standing before someone he never thought would ever work with those of his kind.

She's a...delicate...person. We parted ways a few blocks away at a near by hotel. She's probably at the closest library. That's where she said she'd be, and knowing her, she'll stay there until I get her, or they kick her out. He moved his mask again...making it once more ajar. The easy thing about her is she'll stay in one spot as long as she has a book and she.....

He suddenly stopped, glancing away as the realization came to him, that he was rambling. Shutting his mouth, he sighed again and figured that a change in subject would be a good thing. Besides, he had something important to tell Alkor before the man got tired of listening to his mouth and walked away.

Master Alora sends her regards. She hopes you're doing well and is regretful that she's unable to be here in person right now. He paused, a curious expression coming to his face. She didn't tell me who the Watchmen for this world was... Seeing you now, I have to admit, I understand why she withheld that information from me. I'm here to serve any way I can.

Well this was a test of faith. Raven had told him briefly of her feelings about Alkor's redemption, but he'd never taken the woman seriously. It was the simple reason that she felt the same way about everyone, even if they took their self pitying darkness to their graves. Raven would remain hopeful till their end. He supposed he could admire her for that, but a lot of times he simply thought it he had with this situation

until now....he'd never hear the end of it.
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Post Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:50 pm

Re: Lessu

Alkor heard the words given as message from Master Alora, and he looks out of the corner of his eyes back at the Watchpost. He had favored the decision of coming here, in part, because it would provide a great deal of distance between him and the woman- it seemed, however, that she would have others to convey her words to him. Perhaps his silence, his election to not openly engage her in conversation did not weigh heavily enough upon her for the realization to dawn? No, she could be so thick headed sometimes, damn her.

When Vire finished, he regarded the rest of what he had been saying, Alkor interjected.
"So, you've given a ward the liberty to make her own decisions about housing?" He shook his head. "There was a time when I believed Jedi had never heard of the term 'free will.' Very well, I will go about the business of posting a local watch, so she does not come to feel that the Jedi are imposing on her."

Before Vire could respond, he turned and took a step closer to the man, leaning in toward him. "And I don't exactly care what she thinks of the decision. I've heard enough to know she is not keen on having Jedi intervention. I respect that. But the Councils want her protected."

He folded his arms once more, then took a step backward and away from the Miraluka, glancing upward. "I can't imagine that means she wants you around, either, Knight Laurence. You're free to take up residence at the Watchpost, for now."

Quietly, Alkor pushed his hands into his pockets and began to walk off in the opposite direction.
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Post Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:38 am

Re: Lessu

Vire kept a steady composure as Alkor spoke about Jedi and free will. He obviously was new to the whole lightside thing, so Vire would give him the benefit of the doubt. Before the code had been revised, before Order 66 and the horrific slaughtering of a good portion of the order itself, Vire might have agreed with the man. Now a days however things were a little different. Alkor should have realized that then they accepted him of all people, into their folds. Regardless, the Miraluka managed a smile and nodded at the offer to post others around the city to keep an eye on the mischievous Seer.

I appreciate it, Watchmen Centaris. I'll make my way to the Watch post within the next few hours.

He had his excuse, and he was taking it. Bowing in some strange respect, he watched Alkor go for a few moments before turning, realizing his mask was ajar, and adjusting it, then striding off into the direction he knew his charge to be. Libraries weren't that hard to find after all.

This city has eyes and ears now?

Anna's lips pulled up in a disappointed smile as she turned the page of the book she was reading. She didn't move to greet the Miraluka as he approached her from behind. She didn't even turn her head to look at him. The expression on her face might have been described as hurt, but one couldn't really tell.

What did you want me to do Anna. Did you think I was the only one who knew you were here.

Vire said, peering indignantly down on the girl. Her words didn't surprise him. She'd probably watched the whole conversation from her conveniently placed perch atop the universe. He shook his head, running a hand through his white blond hair and frowning.

It's not like you have to act like they're there. Just... pretend you're on your own for a change, eh?

But. I'm. Not.

Anna said, suddenly standing to her feet and turning to face the man. Tilting her head up she cared little if the bangs moved away from her eyeless gaze. It wasn't like the Miraluka could really view what her face looked like now.

Everywhere I go, and everything I do will be watched, endlessly by Jedi.

For your protection! And nothing more Anna!

Vire exclaimed, folding his arms and taking an undaunted step toward the girl. His frame tightened and he looked upset. That was alright though. He was. It seemed like the Order had spared no expense to take this girl from the clutches of a creature most foul, only for her to denounce her ties with the Jedi and openly discourage them from having any place in her life....unless she needed medical attention, which was quite often.

Regardless to your belief of the situation, you're a walking bookcase of information both past and future. I don't know about you, but there's some pretty dangerous people out there who would love that kind of knowledge. Why do you think Legion didn't kill you when he had the chance?

He asked, with an exasperated sigh.

Weather you like it or not, there's a price to knowing things. We're working hard so you don't have to pay the ultimate one.

There is Nothing anyone can do to shield me or anybody else from that payment. And there's nothing anybody can do to keep me from knowing things. Stop trying so hard.

She clinched her teeth and turned away. Lowering her gaze to the ground, Anna pulled the light tanned cloak about her figure and became smaller. The smile once more tugged at her lips, and if one could see it, they might flinch away from it.

Unless you're afraid of the things I know, the visions I see. Don't worry Vire. No one will know anything with out me wanting them too.

She relaxed slightly and slowly turned back to face him.

The good thing about having no attachments...there's nothing anyone can threaten me with. There's nothing they can take from me that hasn't already been taken.

Vire shook his head and smirked suddenly. He had to remember the kid was only 19, and regardless of her infinite wisdom and knowledge, she was still a teenager. Folding his arms over his chest, he shrugged, the smirk never leaving his tanned complexion.

You're not all that important Anna. And you don't know everything. Don't fall into that trap. Power is an illusion kinda thing. You feel like you have more of it, than you actually do. That's how people get themselves killed. And you still have your life someone can take.

He frowned now, lowering his gaze and speaking softer now.

Just because you haven't seen your death, doesn't mean it's not going to happen. What we're only trying to do, is prevent that as long as possible.

He turned from her and spoke again, a little louder now, figuring it was time to be getting out of this library. They were getting stares from the librarian, perhaps for being too loud.

Watchmen Centaris has offered me a place at the watch post. I'm taking the invitation. That's the other reason I'm here anyway.

With a nod in her direction, he began to leave.

Anna had remained quiet for a while as Vire spoke, and for a few more moments after. Finally, as he finished his claim that he was leaving to stay with the Jedi, Anna jerked her head up and looked at him through a truly vacant stare.

I want to come with mean, not to stay, but just to look around, you know....

Just to look around, is all?

Vire asked, tilting his head toward her.

yes. They might have some books or holochrons that might be interesting, maybe something someone drug with them.

Anna said, for a brief, slim moment her voice sounded hopeful that he'd not deny her.

And he didn't.

Very well. Let's stop by the room first so I can get my things.

He said, turning fully from her before allowing the smile to come to his features.

After making it to the hotel again, he threw his small bag over his shoulder, realizing he'd not really packed much anyway. After that, he stood in the hall, awaiting Anna's arrival. To his surprise, he saw her return garbed in her Jedi Knight attire. Even more shocking was her blindfold, a black silken sash with two silver Bothen symbols woven into the fabric. A thin silver line traced its way down the middle, bisecting the blindfold, testament to what was once broken, being made whole again. Anna's expression seemed strange, almost as if recovering from shock of some kind.


It was in a little box, on my bed.

Anna said, reaching up and running two fingers down the line of stitches on the blindfold.

Master Alora had it sent to me... I thought, I thought it was gone, after Legion cut it off my face.

Delicately she rubbed the smooth fabric between her thumb and forefinger before dropping her hand to her side. Clearing her throat, she shook her head, and began walking, as if the small bout of emotion hadn't happened.

Let's go. I'm sure Alkor would just love to see you again.

She grinned that mischievous smile, and the moment passed all too quickly for anyone to really pay attention to it.

But Vire payed attention... And it made him smile.
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Post Fri Aug 24, 2012 6:48 pm

Re: Lessu

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Post Mon Aug 27, 2012 1:34 pm

Re: Lessu

"Stick to him; learn what you can." That had been the simple, curt and precise edict that Tal had prescribed, he never was one for embellishment.

Two men stood beside the dusty trail, a trail lined to the east by shadows of sweeping mountains, the tips of which were bathed in an eerie pale yellow light as the last light of the falling sun dipped ever lower beyond the horizon; one side dark, one light, the symbolism of this didn't escape the shorter less well built two of the men.

It was the shorter companion; if companion was a word that could be used, whom was stood stock still, as still as a thin black yew. Clad now In a dark ensemble of attire largely hidden by a deep brown traveling cloak. His eyes were closed and his finger seemed to play through the air as though tugging imaginary strings like a spider tugs on the lines of its web.

The second man was taller and judging by the etched lines on his face, clean shaven head and thin grey grizzle of stubble he was older than the youngster, his physique and appearance spoke of a man who had seen many harrowing things and lived through them, a small nick on the left ear and a thinning silver scar that ran above the left of his lip and curled up onto his cheek told of his life spent as a soldier or mercenary. However it was this thicker set and more experienced man who slowly and almost carefully lifted a sleeve to wipe his brow as though afraid the movement would catch the attention of the darker clad youth.

"Why the unease?" I spoke directly as always, there was no point trying to avoid the point.

I was not blind, I knew well that his twitching was due to my presence, although the presence of my Master unsettled him he seemed to at least believe Tal was in some form a constant, where as I was unknown. No wonder I unnerved him, if there was one thing soldiers hated it was fighting the unknown.

He turned his serious blue eyes toward me, but seeing me turn to look at him in turn he slowly looked away.
"I've seen what your kind do." He responded in a low gravely voice. I continued to observe him for a moment longer before turning away and casting my eye toward the mountains once more. I closed my eyes.

I had grown physically as I had grown in understanding. I stood a head taller and half a shoulder width broader then six months previously. Lapay had not been one to reveal much. I recalled of course the vague blurs of a skirmish at the Jedi Academy and then I remember waking on his starship and that was it from then on I had been chained to him, although chained was not now the right word. We were tied for sure, somehow our fates entwined, but not chained.

I had grown in understanding and power, learning the true power of the force, learning patience and subterfuge. Understanding had grown. I was not the blunt piece of stone I had been when I had come under Darth Lapay's tutelage. I understood now that one must Master all concepts to know true power. Lapay, Lapay was a true Dejarik champion, a manipulator and designer, a sculptor.

I had seen the Dark side as a path to incredible power, yet true power was held by the man who knew exactly how to wield and when to use it, rarely did I, or had I seen Lapay wield physical manifestations of the dark side.

I could taste his strength, oh yes indeed, power oozed from his every pore when he so desired to reveal it, yet deception and patience were as much a part of his Mastery as was his knowledge in the dark arts. It was on rare occasion I had seen Lapay enter into direct combat, no he preferred to spar mentally then physically and he did so masterfully.

I knew still not what his designs were for he did not share them and I knew better than to ask, for when the time was right I was certain I would gain more knowledge, until that day it was my self set task to glean what I could.

I was learning quickly.

"Hold your nerve Kurt and you shall serve my Master well." I need not open my eyes to perceive the older man's slight panic, which despite myself amused me.

I hadn't spoken his name before and as I predicted the mercenary did not believe I knew of it. Speaking his name of course made things personal and implied I knew more. It kept him on his toes and I could feel him eying me at first with surprise and then a lowered angered brow. I knew his name, what else may I know?

My lips curled upward ever so slightly satisfied by his response.

"Fear not this isn't likely to wind up like Balmorra did."

Rapid crunching sounded underfoot and hands grabbed me firmly and roughly by the shoulder, rather close to my neck I dare say. Of course Balmorra had been a hunch, not a guess entirely, but a calculated guess nevertheless, his reaction confirmed it.

"You know nothing of Balmorra." He said hotly, his voice raised slightly, spittle dashing my cheek. I opened my grey eyes to look int the angered but saddened ones of Kurt. I lifted my left hand and placed it on the larger bicep of the taller man. "I know it pains you." I spoke, my voice laced with sympathy, synthesized sympathy but I was now well versed and my chameleon act was getting ever sharper.

His body slackened and he dropped his head and slowly lowered his arms. When he lifted his head after a scant moment of evident reflection, the mask was back in place and when he spoke it was as though the whole scene had never happened.

"So, how long do you think he will be?" He cocked his square shaped head over his right shoulder gesticulating in the general direction Lapay had gone. In truth I wasn't certain although I could feel a heightening, nay, more of a stirring in the force. I knew the time was getting near.

"Soon, soon." I said, I then turned and walked past him my clothes gently rustling like dead leaves. I came to stop at a dead blackened tree that had been struck by lightning. I stretched out my left hand to touch the decayed bark and closed my eyes.
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Post Sat Oct 13, 2012 10:59 pm

Re: Lessu

*What was the difference, between duty and passion? Was it wrong to be passionate about one's work? Or work untimely toward their own passions? Jedi master though she was, Raven Alora meddled in thees ideas at some points in her life and though she never let it interfere with her teachings, it did tend to interfere with her life some times. Now was not one of those times, or so she thought. To her, this was a job, and because she was the closest at hand, she'd taken it upon herself to complete it. Nothing more, and nothing less. Failure to communicate adequately with the council about planetary affairs was a situation that needed looking into. It just so happened that Raven was the first to look into it. Clearly it was because she happened to be the most easily accessed. That was the only reason, or, at least that was the only reason the Jedi would entertain at the moment.

For having a blind pilot, the ship managed to land rather expertly on the landing pad. As if on cue, out stepped the small Jedi Master herself, dressed in her traditional white attire. Her long brown hair was tied back and rather than being bound in a braid like normal, simply cascaded down her right shoulder. Asking for directions, looking around, getting a feel for the place occupied the first few minutes on the planet's surface. She'd never been to Ryloth before, but she was well acquainted with the Twi'lek race.

Right now though, she focused more on finding the Watchtower, and more importantly, Alkor Centaris. After things relaxed a bit on Felucia, Raven felt it was time to take leave for a few weeks, and though she remained in contact with her planet, she felt some strange sense of freedom, not from responsibility, but from normal surroundings. There were new emotions here, new faces, new auras... but there was also one here that was so familiar to her, in a very strange and subtle way, she feared it.*

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