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Open Orbit

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Post Sat Apr 09, 2011 11:19 pm

Re: Open Orbit

I will be gone on vacation until 4/16. As per the Traveler's Guide, please don't claim abandonment.
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Post Sat Apr 16, 2011 6:43 pm

Re: Open Orbit

OOC: I'm back.*
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Post Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:40 pm

Re: Open Orbit

*Galin's freighter The Grainger reaches orbit waits for clearance to approach the loading dock of the shipyard. Gail and his apprentice Derek Lang remain on the bridge to watch the docking process.*

:: Captain Kellog of The Grainger: The Grainger here with process ore delivery for the shipyard. ::

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Post Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:37 am

Re: Open Orbit

[quote="Galin Katel":182sv5vb][action:182sv5vb][i:182sv5vb]Galin's freighter The Grainger reaches orbit waits for clearance to approach the loading dock of the shipyard. Gail and his apprentice Derek Lang remain on the bridge to watch the docking process.[/i:182sv5vb][/action:182sv5vb]

[comlink:182sv5vb]Captain Kellog of The Grainger: The Grainger here with process ore delivery for the shipyard.[/comlink:182sv5vb]

[color=#8080FF:182sv5vb][size=85:182sv5vb]The Grainger[/size:182sv5vb][/color:182sv5vb]

[color=#BF80FF:182sv5vb][size=85:182sv5vb]Zabarian Freighter

Length 80 meters
Hyperdrive rating
* Class 2
* Backup Class 10
Armament 4 twin laser cannons
Crew 8
Passengers 4
Cargo capacity
19,000 metric tons
3 months[/size:182sv5vb][/color:182sv5vb][/quote:182sv5vb]
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Post Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:08 pm

Re: Open Orbit

2 Balmorran Defense Platforms: BDP X-6, BDP X-7

*The two Balmorran Defense Platforms continue to monitor traffic over Sullust*
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Post Fri Aug 05, 2011 6:11 pm

Re: Open Orbit

I will be gone on vacation until 8/16. As per the Traveler's Guide, please don't claim abandonment. Thank you.
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Post Sat Aug 06, 2011 4:27 pm

Re: Open Orbit

2 Balmorran Defense Platforms: BDP X-6, BDP X-7

*The two Balmorran Defense Platforms report increased traffic, particularly to and from the major cities.*
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Post Fri Aug 12, 2011 5:34 pm

Re: Open Orbit

*Galin's freighter The Grainger reaches orbit and once cleared, enters the hyperspace lane. Course set for Ambria.*

:: Captain Kellog of The Grainger: Crew to stations. ::

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Post Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:06 pm

Re: Open Orbit

2 Balmorran Defense Platforms: BDP X-6, BDP X-7

*The two Balmorran Defense Platforms report heavy space traffic to and from the planet tourist locations.*
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Post Tue Oct 04, 2011 12:41 pm

Re: Open Orbit

2 Balmorran Defense Platforms: BDP X-6, BDP X-7

General Haust, Station One
General Elim, Station Two

*The defense stations continue to monitor incoming and departing traffic. Shoreleave increased to five days a month. Training programs for new employees underway.*
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Post Fri Oct 28, 2011 6:18 pm

Re: Open Orbit

OOC: I will be gone on vacation until Nov 8th 2011. As per the Traveler's Guide, please don't claim abandonment. Thank you.

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Post Sat Nov 26, 2011 3:54 pm

Re: Open Orbit

2 Balmorran Defense Platforms: BDP X-6, BDP X-7

General Haust, Station One
General Elim, Station Two

*The bi-monthly tour of duty is complete for Red Team, and transfers to the surface has commenced. Blue Team is being transported to replace Red Team. Traffic to and from the planet is being monitored and IDs check with Galactic Sources.*
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Post Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:40 pm

Re: Open Orbit

2 Balmorran Defense Platforms: BDP X-6, BDP X-7

General Haust, Station One
General Elim, Station Two
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Post Fri Jan 20, 2012 5:37 pm

Re: Open Orbit

2 Balmorran Defense Platforms: BDP X-6, BDP X-7

General Haust, Station One
General Elim, Station Two

*The platforms receive continuous intel from Hangars and the Shipyards concerning vessels. Pirated vessels retained for the previous owners, or sold at auction.*
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Post Tue Feb 28, 2012 5:09 pm

Re: Open Orbit

2 Balmorran Defense Platforms: BDP X-6, BDP X-7

General Haust, Station One
General Elim, Station Two
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Post Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:46 pm

Re: Open Orbit

2 Balmorran Defense Platforms: BDP X-6, BDP X-7

General Haust, Station One
General Elim, Station Two
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Post Sun Jun 03, 2012 1:23 pm

Re: Open Orbit

2 Balmorran Defense Platforms: BDP X-6, BDP X-7

General Haust, Station One
General Elim, Station Two
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Post Sun Aug 05, 2012 8:19 am

Re: Open Orbit

[0 Hours. 0 Minutes. 0 Seconds]

Aboard the Avenger
Logan Aximand, Junior Lieutenant, Commanding Officer

*Dropping from the azure realm of hyperspace, the small grey enameled Imperial-II class Frigate came to a sudden halt at the edge of the system. Lightning cracked about it's engines as they began to cycle down from hyperspeed. A pair of blast doors began to retract themselves as the hangar bay within revealed itself. The glow of realspace and the Sullustan sun ran across the length of the frigate, revealing to those close enough that this ship was of Imperial make and aligned as such. The ship was fresh from a border dispute near Antioch, and was re-purposed to take the Sullust system with whatever assets they could take from that dispute. Imperial High Command deems that this system would be the perfect avenue to take as they made their push back onto the Galactic Stage. The system was rich in resources and offered the Remnant an even more priceless commodity. Drive Yards. With the Sullust shipyards in their back pocket the imperial Remnant would find itself back on it's feet and a galactic power soon after.

The only thing that stood in their way, was the defense stations surrounding the planet.

With his hand resting upon his cleanly shaven chin, Logan's eyes devoured every scrap of information his crew could muster about these flying bricks. Before him stood a Hololithic display of the planet and the estimated locations of these battle stations. Everything that the system had to offer was noted within the display as well, a trick the Co had learned back in his days at the Naval Academy. Every aspect of space was a weapon to be used against your foe. Nebula's, Asteroid Belts, everything that had become spacial debris was also considered usable as a weapon despite it's appearance.

His brown eyes scoured the map to see if there were any other assets these degenerates had available. Seeing nothing other than the stations, the Junior lieutenant heaved a sigh of relief. He had always failed during the simulations in which he commanded an outnumbered vessel. The numbers were too much for him to calculate at the advanced speed the simulation was set. He had no time to prepare for the chaos that would ensue, thus no order was brought to the simulation and defeat was unavoidable.

Shaking the looming thought of defeat from his mind, Logan knew that this was real. He would get no second chances at this and all the lives aboard his vessel would die if he had made the wrong move. They were counting on him, High command was counting on him, with that in mind there was no room left for failure. His plan was beginning to take shape, and with what resources he had available his crew was impressed by the dastardly notions it entailed. The first step of this engagement would require the systems external connection to the Holonet and their long range communications. There was no room for other variables in this battle when already the numbers were stacked against him.

Locating the Communications hubs in this soup however was not the easiest of tasks for the officer at the sensor terminal to take on, but when he had notified the vessels Captain, Logan was impressed. Much of this crew were fresh out of the academy, only with that short but bloody border dispute hanging from their belts. Logan was glad for this very reason, no one knew more than he did and everyone wasn't complacent in regards to their station, the excuse being having done these things for years, etc. Tasking his ship's interceptors to take out the array, the Junior Lieutenant moved onto other aspects of his plan.

Watching, and waiting to see if anything would change or interrupt High Command's will.*
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Post Sun Aug 05, 2012 8:53 am

Re: Open Orbit

[0 Hours. 1 Minutes. 3 Seconds.]

Aboard the Avenger
Lieutenant Ricard Oberon, Valkyrie Squadron, Commanding Officer.

*It had been a total of three seconds since the order came from the Bridge. Ricard and his Valkyrie's were tasked to take down a communications array that had linked Sullust with the rest of the galaxy. Ricard liked the plan his Commanding officer had devised, the lack of extra bogey's wandering into the fray was an optimistic boost to his pilots morale. And in war, morale was the linchpin that would decide if the victory was worth it or how humiliating the defeat would become. Personally Ricard did not want to endure a defeat as the result would be his choobies flying out in space or burning to death within his fighter's cockpit. Only victory would be acceptable in war, and whatever means taken to ensure that it belonged to the imperials would be worth it.

Taking the small dataslate from his desk and slapping it down upon the podium, Ricard's blue eyes stared out at the pilots arrayed before him. Each of these proud souls were draped in the traditional black flight suit of the Imperial navy's pilots, the glossy black helms sat comfortably in their laps as they remained seated for their CO's briefing.Ricard knew that other squadrons were doing the same thing in other sections of the ship, but what mattered to him was that his mind was focused upon the task at hand.*

"Valkyrie's" *He opened.* "Today, our Commanding Officer has tasked our Squadron with bringing down Sullust's external connection to the galaxy." *He paused for a moment as Valkyrie Three and Seven began to speak to one another in hushed tones. Ricard knew what it was, yet he let them disrupt the breifing. As the academy had put it, their hushed tones would not disrupt the meeting as a whole, but merely their performance in the field. As Interceptor pilots were deemed expendable and insane as it was, a breach in protocol would not hurt the mission at large. Taking the time to draw up a hololithic display of their objective in light of the disturbance, he continued.*

"This Communications hub is several hundred leagues away from our current position, and will broadcast a distress beacon if we do not close the distance within several minutes." *Spinning the image around, Ricard began to stress the importance of the timeframe he was give.* "We do not have enough time to lollygag if we wish this mission to succeed. Time is of the essence." *Pausing once more to minimize the image of the Hub and show the surrounding phenomena in the system, the Squadron's leader began to lay out the previously formalized plan.* "We will use the nearby nebula to mask our approach, sensors will not breach the cloud and it's effect is double blind. So use your eyes and follow me when we get inside."

*Groans of displeasure filled his ears, he didn't like flying blind either but it was the only way that they were able to keep the battle count going and keep their foes in the dark. Continuing on;* "Once we have completed our objective, we are to link up with the Relictor's and the Death Jesters to intercept any outgoing transports. Disable their engines and keep them contained. We can not let anyone out of the system for retribution to land in our laps." *Having stressed the point that no one escapes, Ricard finishes out his breifing with a small trademark his boys had garnered from their border dispute engagement.* "Imperium Protects. Dismissed."

*And with that, the pilots headed to their fighters and waited to be sent out into the void. Their eyes revealed a primal hunger for battle that could only be sated upon the crucible of war, Ricard aimed to slake their thirst for war and bring them home safely. For only in war is the greatest of brotherhoods formed.*
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Post Sun Aug 05, 2012 12:50 pm

Re: Open Orbit

[0 Hours. 2 Minutes. 22 Seconds.]

Aboard the Avenger
Logan Aximand, Junior Lieutenant, Commanding Officer

*With the tactical hololith shimmering before him, Logan's expression took on a glimmer of frustration. There was too much debris in orbit for his frigate to navigate safely and remain hidden from the enemies sensor sweeps. It was too much of a risk to damage his ship this early in the conflict whilst trying to actually get into the conflict. Dragging his finger across the three dimensional projection, he began to plot a route for his navigational officers to follow through. Logan believed that it would mask their approach just enough to deploy their fighters in the ionic disturbance of the nebulae and get them close enough to the Frigate's secondary objective.

His eyes had scanned through the interactive display, zooming in or out of certain areas of the display, only to land upon the nearby asteroid belt. Each of these asteroids were as big as his vessel or as small as a speck of space dust. The varied sizes of these space bound rocks would prove to be a wonderful addition to his arsenal, despite their lack of sentience. He knew what he was going to do with the one's his ship could manipulate, and the ones that he could not his fighters and point defense weaponry would reduce their sizes to something more manageable. While not a very practiced form of warfare, Asteroid Bombardment was the best that he could come up with.

Overpowered and outgunned by a factor of five, Logan had to dwell into the dark recesses of the Imperial Tactica to draw upon a font of inspiration. While thinking outside the box, it was often discouraged as situations like this would find wiser naval commanders matching their foe gun for gun with several star destroyers. Logan had no such immediate hope of having such firepower at his disposal for atleast another few years. He was still too green to command the mighty Star Destroyer. Figured imperial Command would send him to a hostile system with nothing more than six squadrons of TIE fighters and four thousand Stormtroopers. That would be all fine and dandy if there was no resistance hanging above the system.

But like all Imperial Intelligence agencies before the Remnants, they weren't a very trusted source.

Heaving a heavy sigh, the Junior Lieutenant waved the display away and began barking orders to his crew. He wanted the ship moving and for all systems to be cycled to full power. This included shields, weapon batteries, and propulsion. With the small image of his frigate coming up onto his tactical display once more, he watched in earnest as the small ship's engines flared to life. He could only imagine the soundless growl they would make in the vacuum. Soon his ship would make for the nebula and soon it would emerge within Sullust's sensor field, it would be then that the battle would begin. Regardless of the result desired, the crew moved as if they gave it their all, ensigns running back and forth between their posts, checking and re-checking their calculations and vectors. Pilots ran from their briefing rooms and suited up for the deep space engagement awaiting them, whilst Stormtroopers ran to their TIE landers.

The Preparation for battle was complete, now it was time to enter the execution phase.*

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