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Post Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:01 am


*N'Croth is the capital city of M'haeli.*
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Post Mon Jun 30, 2008 6:59 pm

Re: N'Croth

The J-type diplomatic barge Lands and out of it walks a man in in his early late thirties he heads toward the Government building and makes himself comfortable on the Governors Chair.
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Post Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:16 pm

Re: N'Croth

A Huge Group of Military Personnel Enter the Government Building they head for the Office and find the Cloaked Man Sitting on the Rulers chair they Salute with Fist To Heart " Praetor the Colonists have begun to settle in they are working in Conjunction with the natives who have it seems embraced us into their Planet"

Alistair looks up from his seat his sharp Features the face of his Father almost sent some of the Old campaigners almost to their knees each man remembering the Old Imperator " Alistair nods his head " Send word to the Natives i wish to speak with their leaders as for the Legions prepare their barracks we will Acquaint ourselves with this place now leave me alone get some servants in here to freshen up the place"

The Commander bows his and salutes Fist to heart he turns and leaves the others following him out though two break off and guard the doors.
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Post Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:19 pm

Re: N'Croth

Alistair Tintagel Sat in silence as servants enter to freshen up the Office he pours himself a drink and sips the wine he gargles a bit then swallows it he removes his hood a faint smile appears on his Face he was home.
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Post Tue Jul 01, 2008 8:22 pm

Re: N'Croth

Alistair in his room rises from his Chair his personal Aide brushes his shoulder guards, Dressed in Armor inlaid with Gold and Precious stones, though he would have preferred to just wear his regular Battle scared Armor. A Cloak is clipped to their holders and his boots are shined one last time he turns and exits the room going to meet the Emissaries and Leaders of the H'Drachi.
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Post Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:38 am

Re: N'Croth

As Alister walks down the corridors he comes across Belial an old Commander under his father one whom he viewed as a teacher and Mentor more like a second father. "Hail Belial How goes the day?"

Belial Salutes Alistair with Fist To heart " All Is Well My Imperator nothing out of the ordinary i am here to escort you to the meeting"

Alistair nods " Well then My Mentor its time we went to meet with the Leaders of the H'Drachi."
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Post Tue Jul 08, 2008 3:52 pm

Re: N'Croth

*Incoming Transmission from the planet Tynna, located in the Expansion Region.*

:: Greetings rulers of M'haeli. I am Associate Moff Endor of the Grendal Pirate Consortium(GPC), and also the Lieutenant Governor of Tynna. The GPC's main headquarters is located on Tynna and the entire GPC is led by the cunning and ever lovable Grand Moff Ton Grendal. Grendal also happens to be the Governor of Tynna. I have informed you of this because I believe it is essential for you to know who you are talking to and with what we are affiliated. Our allies are numerous but we rarely take sides in conflicts, we are more like go betweens and are generally peaceful. I know little about your fare planet save for the fact that it is located in the Expansion Region. Recently the GPC has been trying to expand our trade routes and has been setting up peaceful treaties with other planets within the Expansion Region. That is why I speak to you today, for the GPC would like to begin trading with M'haeli. We have much to offer your planet, and we would welcome your friendship. Please contact myself or Grendal at your earliest convenience. We hope to hear from you soon. ::

*Transmission ends.*
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Post Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:10 am

Re: N'Croth

Alistair is notified of the transmission he nods his head he straightens out his uniform once more then enters the Audience room where he was to meet with various leaders of Mhaeli upon entering he is announced by an major domo he walks to the huge chair and sits in preparation of the meeting.
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Post Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:47 pm

Re: N'Croth

Alistair Seated Motions for the H'Dratchi leaders to take a seat " Welcome to the Palace I Am Alistair Tintagil"
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Post Sun Jul 20, 2008 1:34 pm

Re: N'Croth

*Endor makes it to the planets capital city and sets down his StealthX at the local starport. The starfighters cockpit hatch pops over and Endor climbs down from the ship. He is dressed in a set of all black boots, pants, utility belt, long sleeved shirt, and a bandanna is wrapped around his head. Endor leaves his weapons in the ship and grabs a large duffel bag. He slings the bag over his shoulder and makes his way towards the local weapons dealers shop.*
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Post Sun Jul 20, 2008 1:43 pm

Re: N'Croth

*Upon arrival at a shop called the Menacing Mynock, Endor stares grimly through the shops windows.*

He has the specially designed smelter and furnace I've been looking for. Tarfang was right, I didn't need to go to the Mandalorians. Probably for the best too, they don't happen to be a big fan of mine.

*Endor enters the shop and greets the owner.*

Good day to you.

=Jax Pavan=
Good day to you as well. Your not from around here are you?

*shakes his head* No, I'm not.

=Jax Pavan=
What can I do for you?

I need several weapons made and I heard your the only one in this sector with a half decent smelter.

=Jax Pavan=
Ah yes, word gets around I suppose. What do you need made.

*pulls out a datapad with several diagrams on it.* These weapons will suffice for now. I need the Katana, Sai's, Knives, and everything else as soon as possible.

=Jax Pavan=
Is that all?

No, I also want everything made with Beskar.

=Jax Pavan=
*frowns* There isn't any Beskar on the whole planet. Your fresh out of luck.

*Drops his duffel bag on the counter. A large clank is heard.* Thats what this is for.

=Jax Pavan=
*nods* I'll get right on it. It's going to cost a lot though.

*places a pouch of credits on the table.* This should cover it.
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Post Sun Jul 20, 2008 1:46 pm

Re: N'Croth

*Endor leaves the shop owner to his business and takes off towards the edge of the city. He notes that the local population seems to be made up of a majority of humans.*

It's strange to see so many humans all in one place. I must be spending too much time on Tynna, it feels wrong not to see the furry Tynnans running all about. They might actually like this planets climate as well.

*Endor reaches the edge of the city and heads towards a deserted forest area near by.*
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Post Sun Jul 20, 2008 2:21 pm

Re: N'Croth

OOC: ...continued from open terrain.*

*Endor re-enters the city and heads to the Menacing Mynock. Once there he enters the shop and finds the owner there waiting with a wrapped bundle.*

=Jax Pavan=
Everything you asked for is here. I hope it is to your liking.

*unwraps the bundle and looks at the owner.* Oh yes, I am indeed pleased with your work. Expect another visit shortly. Good day then.

=Jax Pavan=
Very well, safe journeys to you.

*Endor takes the bundle back towards the star port where his StealthX is parked. He enters the starfighter and powers up the engines. The ship takes off and blasts out of the atmosphere.*
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Post Tue Jul 22, 2008 10:46 pm

Re: N'Croth

Alistair Tintagel sits silently as the H'Drachi maneuver themselves in ranks. An Old H'Drachi approaches the throne and bows low " Welcome Last Son of Our Royal house to your home, we foresaw this and have awaited your arrival when your grandmother left us to fight the imperials, We welcome you home Majesty"
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Post Tue Jul 22, 2008 10:49 pm

Re: N'Croth

Alistair nods his head " I thank the H'Dratchi and ask for your forgiveness for my late return, I again return to bring peace and prosperity to our people, my heart does me good to see all of you here welcoming me and mine back home"
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Post Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:08 am

Re: N'Croth

OOC: Hey, I need to talk to you about setting up a formal relationship with the Grendal Pirate Consortium. Were based on Tynna and Kinyen in the Expansion region right now though we are also working on Shili. Once we fix up the little mess an enemy created there, it will be prime real estate again for the GPC. Anyways, Obviously you noted the shuttle in orbit asking for landing clearance. I would send my regular character but I am online a lot more than most and the wait for you to post would drive me bonkers. So I will send a side character to make negotiations. I'll lay it out over OOC what were going to ask for when we land, just so you have a heads up. The GPC is going to want permission to run regular patrols of this system, we want free landing clearance, anything you have of trade value would be greatly appreciated and returned in kind, we want to set up a small command branch in N'croth so that when were far from our other holdings we have somewhere to rest up and recover, and thats it for now. I'm probably coming across as pushy but I assure you that the GPC is not. Were usually very friendly and we look after our friends very well, and we would love to consider you as one.*

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Post Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:06 am

Re: N'Croth

*The small two-man shuttle makes its landing on the landing pad as prescribed by the air-control officer. The liason of the Grendal Pirate Consortum steps off and waits for the other shuttle to land.*

OOC: As Endor stated, we're interested in negotiating a formal alliance. The patrols and subsidiary base are negotiable points as are trade negotiations. We are quite fair in our dealings and you can ask any ally we come running if called upon for help--provided we're able to and not wrapped up in defending ourselves. We're allied with the CDDC, so we can also bring in other allies when needed. We DO wish, however, to definately set up a GPC embassy in N'Croth so that we can have delegates here to keep an eye on things and make sure no enemies are cropping up here to threaten both us and you. Anyway, like Endor said, we're pretty easy going and willing to negotiate. Both his and my charries are NPCs since we both get on at odd times and tend to be on for a while. We can always figure out the best negotiations via pm and then rp them here, if that would be better for you. Anyway, sorry for such a long OOC post.*

BIC: *The liason runs his fingers along the belly of the craft that brought him down to the planetary surface--smooth, cool (even though it just broke atmosphere less than 5 minutes beforehand), and even. The liason was proud of his little shuttle--it was his own creation, after all.*
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Post Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:26 am

Re: N'Croth

Ooc: You are welcome to join but just one thing this planet is neutral II accept your treaty for the Expansion region but beyond the region i will have no truck with other factions that are not to my liking but for the Sake of Mhaeli we will ally ourselves with Tynna and the Consortium you may build your embassy here but I will have the say on what goes on in the governing of this planet, other then that be welcome and have fun i am a little iffy about the CDDC but as long as our planets and those in the alliance accept the sovereignty of each planet to do as they see fit i have no Qualms against that.

IC:: Alistair Tintagel walks to his rooms after the meeting with his people he has heard of a shuttle that had landed and wonders what they wanted.
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Post Fri Jul 25, 2008 7:01 am

Re: N'Croth

OOC: Splendid. And very understandable as well. We had no intention of attempting to force you into any unwanted conflicts. The great thing about the GPC is that when its in trouble it can call on its allies for help, but they are not required to do so if they have qualms about what they are getting themselves into. It's actually quite advantageous to each member world because even though you don't need to help the group at large, we will come and help you if ever you are under attack or require assistance.*
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Post Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:47 pm

Re: N'Croth

*A lone StealthX flies low over N'croth. The Governor of Tynna pilots the craft and nods approvingly at what he sees.*

Quiet and peaceful, bless the Force for such a grace. If only my own world was as such. Then again, I've never been known for my silence.

*Endor takes his starfighter back into orbit.*

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