Post Fri Oct 26, 2012 8:29 am

Re: Open Terrain

*Slowly the men with me form up around what looks like a military base with large warehouses. I motion with my hand for one of the perimeter guards to be taken out and with expert efficiency the guards neck is snapped from behind. Death is no unfamiliar thing for me and I think nothing of it. Gripping my weapon I head toward the metallic fence which stands between the warehouses and the squadron.*
Stealth measures will be needed. Once we are inside, activating the droids will be enough to allow us to slip back out. Their weaponry will destroy opposition. I have a datapad in which to control them. Kill only who you need to. Engineer, open us up a hole in this fence. We need to get through. Technician, disable the security systems. We don't want the entire Mandalorian Army rocking up at our doorstep.
*I look toward my apprentice and motion for him to move to my side. I hope it all goes to plan but I am prepared for something should it go wrong. Even so, I feel I should keep my apprentice close even if only to make him feel more comfortable with the situation. I feel a little naked without the force, but even so I have my dark resolve, and that is what drives me.*