Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:22 pm by Natalie
Weeks had passed, although in reality... it felt like months. Natalie's head buzzed like a massive hive, the stress of her duties getting to her because of all the problems that seemed to of occured since she had been coronated. Alexius, with her big mouth had talked almost half the tribe into leaving with her through false information and through her own loyalties. On top of all of that, there was a sect of people, unknown to the group who were constantly violating their borders, which meant they had to be dealt with... it was law to the tribe ( for the only way possible to gain safe passage through their border / territory, was to ask for safe passage. This in itself however, is not easily accomplished as it was hard to find the tribe. ). It would be during the time that Natalie would begin to devise a strategy to solve the problems that were arising, that Emilia, her trusted friend... and now newly promoted first-in-command would enter in her tent, and would bow while saluting to Natalie ( the salute consisted of crossing your right forearm over your chest and bowing ). Natalie nodded, reckonizing the salute as Emilia like usual cleared her throat and began to speak.
"Natalie... I'm sorry to report this, but we are still unable to find out as to who, is violating the borders, but we do have a team on their trail." There was a lingering... tone almost within her voice that showed she was hiding something, something that Natalie needed to know. She spoke to Emilia, her voice stern, reminding herself that the seperation of friendship and leader must remain during times of communication, no matter how much she cared for Emilia. "Who is on the squad... and what are you not telling me Em?" Emilia flinched slightly at the harsh sting towards the last bit of that sentence. There was no fooling Natalie, ever it seemed and so, with a submissive look, she spoke once more. "Lucia, my Queen is leading the squad. She as you know, is the best tracker in the tribe and we figured she would be able to find out who, was violating the borders. Last night, she came across a set of tracks that were fresh, they were females... we believe that Alexius is coordinating a strike against our tribe, to retake the land. However... this is only an assumption, my Queen."
Natalie's fist clenched slightly at the mention of Alexius' name. Both problems stemed from the same place. She gave Alexius a chance at freedom, gave her a chance to live out her life which she did not take... but appparently Natalie thought, did not fully understand just how far Alexius was willing to go to put her out of the position she was in. If Alexius wanted a battle for the territories, she would get it. Natalie turned around at that moment and spoke, her intense hazel eye's showing the fighting spirit of Mira. "Tell the sqaud to break the pursuit and return immediately back to camp. Leave the Southwestern passage ungaurded for them to slip through and prepare an ambush. We will settle this once, and for all." There was a chill to the air as Natalie spoke those last words. Emilia did not much care for the thought knowing that she would have to possibly kill people she once knew, but because they were standing against the true chosen tribal Queen, she would defend Natalie with her life if she had too.
Torches flickered softly in the wind in the temporary camp the secondary tribe had made. Alexius patiently awaited the intel from the scouts she had sent ahead, hoping that they had found a possible way of entry in Natalie's border... she had to give the girl this much, she was certainly thorough. Lost in her thoughts as she was, a female warrior approached Alexius, breathing hitched as she began to speak. "Alexius! Alexius! The Southwestern passage has a gap. We have had it under watch for the past few hours and there have been little to no patrols going through that area. I believe we have our plan of attack." Alexius' eyebrow raised slightly at the mention of this. Rarely did angles of the border get... ignored. Granted there were fewer people in Natalie's tribe now, it had not stopped the daily patrols, and Amia not having seen any was suspcious, but she knew if she passed on this opportunity, it would cost them. "Prepare to head out, and attack the camp. Tonight I show that mutt why Mira should have choosen me as the Queen."
It was still slightly dark, and Alexius led her group of ten female warriors towards the encampment that her former Queen had lived in, which she now unfortunately due to what she deemed to be a poor choice, had to attack. She was prepared to kill. They slowed down to a to a mere crawl as they looked upon the camp. It was silent, and Alexius assumed them all asleep for as her eye's scanned the camp, she saw only the guards on duty for the night... everything seemed normal. A high pitched ulualtion would be heard, Natalie, Alexius thought as she yelled, breaking her team from cover as Natalie and several other warriors emerged from the tree tops. Natalie landed right in front of Alexius, wooden Escrima Sticks in hand as she spoke. "Alexius! Long time no see... I wonder, what brings you here to my camp? Did I not warn you that if you so much as violated my borders I would kill you?" The tension in the air was thick enough to be cut with a knife as Natalie spoke, a disturbed smile forming upon Alexius' face as she pulled a set of dual daggers out, obviously this was going to get ugly and she did not plan on just... giving up in defeat. "Why, I do believe I remember you saying that... but let me say this. I am Queen, you are not, and I'll prove to you why I should hold that title you mutt!" Alexius sprung forwards towards Natalie, starting the battle against family... pitting friend against friend, sister against sister.
The sounds of screams and cries would fill the jungle on this day as the two tribes that were once one fought for dominance. Natalie's eyes were scanning the battle field, which was once her camp as she watched foe ( former friends ) die, and watched her own tribal members die. It was... disturbing, but unfortunately, no matter how hard she wanted to stop it, Alexius had no intention of letting up, or letting her attention drop... not even for one second. She came at her, daggers in a flurry as Natalie's escrima's came up, the metal digging groves into the wooden escrima's... this was not good Natalie thought, for she knew much more of that, they would break. Alexius jumped towards her, Natalie moving off to the side with a skillful grace as Amia, Alexius' trusted friend came at her, Natalie reacting quickly with her escrima's in hand as she knelt down, sweeping Amia's feet out from under her, while lifting upwards... bringing the escrima's over and then down directly into Amia's back, a loud scream heard as she passed out onto the ground. Natalie did not plan on spilling innocent blood if she could help it.
A sharp pain caught Natalie's arm as she reached over with her opposite, wiping blood off it... seeing the dagger that was thrown at her, but missed and stuck into the wall. Alexius was right on top of her as Natalie knew she would not let up and so with precision and skill as Alexius closed in Natalie jumped up, grabbing onto Alexius' head and she slammed it into her knee. As Alexius was temporarily stunned she came up with her right fist and came under Alexius' chin, popping her head upwards as Natalie came in with her right hand, latched onto Alexius' throat, grabbed and crushed it and wrenched the traitor downwards into the dirt. It was over, and Natalie knew that as soon as she saw the limp body of Alexius on the ground, but in her last breaths, Alexius managed to gurgle out a few words. "I was stupid... to underestimate you. I was... mad at Mira, and you. I worked so hard... and now I-...I-...". Natalie turned her head as Alexius finally went silent... but then she looked around at the remaining women who were still engaged in fighting, and she looked on the ground at the dead, and as she did she let out a loud and deep scream to grab the attention of all those around her, which to the effect it did.
"Is this what we have been reduced to my sisters? Killing one another like animals to the slaughter? We are better than this! Mira would not have wanted this! I DID not want this... I did not want this. We are family, and in times of hardship we stand together, not divide. There will be no more bloodshed today, for I the Queen of this Tribe state it be so... and because Alexius, your... 'clan leader' is dead, you all must forfiet and rejoin our clan." All warriors at this point, no matter what side they had been on, bowed and saluted to Natalie in that moment for she had shown why Mira had appointed her as Queen. She was strong, cunning and powerful... but she was also a 'kind' hearted leader who kept a calm and detached view of all things during even the hardest of times. There would be no more division Natalie thought, no more fighting. For now they would gather their dead and honour thier memories... for even though they were enemies at one point, they would forever be family.
Emilia would enter in Natalie's tent, and would see her friend... her Queen gazing out at the moon, just through the tree's. She knew that today had taken a great toll on her, and wanted to comfort her, but could not find the words to speak to her. "Natalie... I-..." Natalie stopped her mid-sentence as she looked at her, no emotion shown in her face as she walked over to her bed, and leaned against it, speaking to Emilia. "I know what your trying to do... and I do not feel in the mood for comforting. We lost... nine sisters today. Nine. I am angry, for not having been able to stop this." Emilia listened to her, gaze softening as she walked over and embraced her sister in a hug and sighed. "I believe Mira would say that no matter the outcome, the decisions you've made today show why you were chosen Natalie. You could have had us execute the ones that sided with Alexius, instead you spared them. Our clan may be smaller, but I know now more than ever, we are one with each other." Natalie forced a smile on her face as she listened to Em. She was right, and she knew it, but it still did not make things any easier as she laid on her back and looked up towards the ceiling of the tent. All she wanted was for things to have been different, but she knew that tommorrow would be another day and so she closed her eyes and fell asleep... feeling the presence of Emilia by her all the night.