Posts: 213
Traffic Light: [img]http://www.jedivsith.com/images/RED.png[/img]
The Perses Project
What I basically want to do is gather a list of dossiers that display talents across the board to bring into my Organization under whatever guise it takes to get them to join. They will have a mission (the guise) that will allow them to gain a loyalty to my Organization, and thus a loyalty to each other to see that the mission is done. This is not to say that the mission will not be of importance, but it will serve a dual purpose.
What I'm looking for first if volunteers, and not just for the "Shepard" role but the people that he is chosen to find and recruit. I don't care how many sign up, the more the merrier. I don't care what you do in the universe or what you are, non-force, force user, droid, it doesn't matter. What my main interest is is that I create RP, and not only for my Organization but for the site as well.
You will be provided with a ship and crew to man it, weapons, droids, whatever you want really. And of course to protect my investment I will be sending an operative or two of my own.
You will be given a single mission that is the overall goal, but to achieve that mission you will likely have several other missions to complete. Be warned however, some of what I have in store may make this a one way trip for some of you (that isn't a guarantee though so I stress the "may") so if you want to make a new character then feel free to do so, but I would like everyone involved to consider this a blue light storyline regardless of your current traffic light.
In my opinion this cannot go wrong, there are positives in any direction you look at it. There is excitement in the fact that there is real danger to your character. There is also the opportunity to make a real working crew/writing team. And if all goes according to plan my Organization will either gain a very powerful group of allies or just as well we will gain a new enemy to bolster RP. I feel like this could be a very fun and positive RP experience for all those involved. And who knows, if all goes well there could be a sequel...so to speak.
Any volunteers?