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Open Terrain

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Post Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:53 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*There was something feral in his strange colored eyes, and she wondered if the Jedi was going to retaliate for the deaths of the Dosha after all. She didn't realize she had been retreating until her back pressed firmly against the bark of the tree. When he grabbed her, she snarled, her heart leaping into her throat. It was not until he was in the air with her that she heard the rumble of the GS-100. Her gaze shifted over Bonmi's shoulder to the approaching Trandoshans.

That's when he leaned forward.

rodder! Had she not made it clear to him? Did he realize he was taking advantage of this moment, knowing she could not fight him off or cry out in objection without compromising the ambush? How could he not? She pushed him away, but he drew her close and pressed his lips against hers. Her body temperature dropped like ice, her anger manifesting in the force. She concentrated on not responding to his advance in any way that might suggest she would enjoy such closeness.

Blessedly, it did not last long. The Trandoshans were upon them. When they dropped, Kyyx used her anger to fuel her strength. She glided onto the GS-100 with unnatural speed and agility. Her hand gripped the toothy muzzle of the first Trandoshan she reached, and jerked his head aside with such force that his neck snapped. Others, she did not bother to eliminate, merely levitating and throwing them with force speed into any hard surface she could see. When she reached the pilot, her hands gripped his tunic, and she lifted him bodily out of the vehicle. Blue lightning crackled around her fists. The lizard snapped at her with his maw.

She slammed his head onto the frame of the armored Raider with a sickening crack, then let him fall to the moist flora below. She was staring at the fallen lizard still when she was suddenly spun around, her cuffed hand lifted high, and was looking into twin periwinkle pools. This time, she recognized the intention behind that look, and she leaned back with a hiss before he took her mouth with his.

The heat was immediate. He changed the angle so that he could deepen the embrace, and she had no room to squirm free. Her treacherous body responded before her mind could, and she melted against him in a resentful sort of surrender. Chaos be damned, but no one had kissed her this way before. Bloody Jedi.

When he finally released her, she nearly doubled from the pain of it. They climbed into the GS-100, and as Bonmi took the controls of the Raider vehicle, the Chiss turned away from him, rubbing clean the streaks her tears had carved on her mud-caked face. With each obstacle their GS-100 crossed, Kyyx directed telekinesis to clear their path, but her eyes always remained closed in a meditative state. She was preserving her energy, saving her true power, the true terribleness of her abilities for the end battle. As they skimmed along the surf, the structures of the Trandoshan fortress rose into view.*
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Post Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:48 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*Bonmi sensed the conflict in Kyyx. It grew stronger with each kiss. He was getting to her the way she got to him. Not a small accomplishment, it would take a lot more. But that would have to wait. The Com squawked and no Trandoshans answered. The GS-100 soared closer to the fortress.*

*As they got closer the Fortress started opening fire on the transport. Bonmi did as best he could to avoid the fire, but it was no J-type Nubian Star Skiff that he was used to piloting. It was sluggish on turns, so Bonmi adjusted. He was making a suicide run. When they get close enough, Bonmi sets the autopilot as the gun turrets roar at the GS-100. Kyyx and Bonmi leap as the GS-100 slams and explodes into the side of the fortress, disrupting all who were on. When Bonmi and Kyyx lands it's all business. Little by little Bonmi and Kyyx take out Trandoshan after Trandoshan with their respected blasters. Finally Bonmi makes his way to the top and finds Cakkhmet waiting for him. Bonmi throws down his blaster and Cakkhmet his blaster as they rush towards each other. At the last second Cakkhmet draws a vibrosword and swings for Bonmi's head. Bonmi ducks and tries to locate his lightsaber. When he does find it, it's on his back, Cakkhmet is swinging wildly making it extremely difficult to get to it, until finally he flips over him, grabs it then ignites his cyan-hued lightsaber with a proverbial snap-hiss. As they battle Bonmi uses his perfected form of Ataru. The fight ends quickly with Cakkhmet losing his arm and falling to his knees. The fight continued for Kyyx, But Bonmi had his equalizer back. He Force grips Cakkhmet and slams him into the wall. Bonmi reaches into his the pocket and gets his comlink back. He activates it letting the higher ups now that all is not well. He then drops down with Cakkhmet and sets him down, then goes to help Kyyx.*
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Post Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:08 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*At first, Kyyx concentrated on one enemy at a time. She used the blaster with her off hand, and the knife in her strong hand to slice any that fell within close range. They were clearing a path, and Kyyx sensed Bonmi's intentions in a way that was surprisingly distinct. But, Bonmi would also sense how much she was holding back, and no doubt he would be questioning why. She muttered under her breath through gritted teeth, grunting with the effort of slicing a scaly neck.*

"Not yet...not yet..."

*When her blaster's energy cell ran dry, she tossed it aside and fought with blade alone. The moment Bonmi reached Cakkhmet, Kyyx spun around, her back to his back, to face the oncoming horde and keep them from reaching their leader. The tide of bodies pressed in, and it seemed an impossible task for a lone force user to fight with nothing more than a knife.

But this had been the moment Kyyx was waiting for....what she had been in a near catatonic state since dawn for.

She took a breath, closed her eyes.

Suddenly, the growls and snarls changed in tone. They became cries of fear, then pain and worse as bodies were trampled in an attempt to escape. It did not matter where they ran to, they only knew to run, the fear in them was so strong. To direct Force Horror at such a large number of enemies was dizzying, but the Chiss maintained her statue-still stance, her arm extended. Many jumped over the sides of the fortress to be swallowed by the ocean's waves below. Others still turned on one another, certain that their comrades were the enemy to be feared. The closer the approach of the Trandoshans to Kyyx, the more intense the horror became. It was as though an invisible shield turned them away from interfering with Cakkhmet's personal duel.

The moment she heard what she thought was Cakkhmet's death cry, Kyyx released the last of the horror in one final burst, draining the last of her energy. Her head tilted back, eyes dim, and she collapsed upon the stairs of the fortress.*
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Post Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:53 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*As Kyyx passes out Bonmi is there to catch her before her head hits the stairs. He extinguishes his blade and picks her up in his arms.*
*Bonmi wondered why she was holding back but he gets his answer. She used a powerful Force technique that was dark side related. If only she could find a way to use this power for good he thought.*

*As Bonmi holds Kyyx Cakkhmet comes to and sees the couple as Bonmi looks at her in a way that was foreign to him. He did recognize what it was but it was foreign to Cakkhmets nature altogether. When Bonmi notices Cakkhmet is up, Cakkhmet leaps over the side vowing revenge as he does. Bonmi could do nothing so he sits crossed-legged on the deck holding Kyyx and gently touching and caressing her face. *
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Post Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:01 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*His touch brought her awareness back to the surface, and she stared at Bonmi through heavy lids. She could not see the retreat of the Trandoshans, but she could hear it, and sense it. For now, amid the bodies and blood that soaked the fortress steps, there was a peace that had befallen them.

Then, her lips twisted back in an expression of anger, and her voice was hoarse as she spoke.*

"You just going to sit there staring at me, or are we going to get the bloody kriff out of here already?"
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Post Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:26 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*Bonmi smiles at Kyyx, she knows the way he looks at her unsettles her. A part of her wants to believe he is being truthful, while the rest of her is sreaming he'll betray her. Even when Bonmi looks at her like she's the only one for him, she still pushes him away as she desperately tries to deny that yearning to be loved. However, he has won her heart on a smaller scale. As if the seed of real love has been planted. Only time will tell how long before it blossoms and she realizes his passion for her. For now all he can do is smile at her.*

"I'd love to just sit here and watch you sleep, but I would rather be your emotional punching bag."

*He said to try to get a smile out of her, but no such luck.*

*Helping her to her feet he grabs her hand kisses it and looks for a way off the fortress with her by his side. With all transports taken and gone Bonmi and Kyyx seemed to be stranded. So Bonmi heads up to Cakkhmet's quarters and starts rumaging around for something. Bonmi then finds a datapad with orders from the Hutts demanding high volume for slaves as per request of an expanding Empire. Bonmi tucks it into his pockets and keeps searching to reveal a secret room with an airspeeder in it. A quick escape vessel should one need it. Helping Kyyx into it even as she protests Bonmi gets in and opens the escape hatch and takes off for Kyyxs ship.*
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Post Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:38 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*Her jaw was tense throughout the brief ride, but she managed to retain consciousness. Since falling to the dark side, going overboard with the force had become the rule, not the exception, and she had learned ways of steeling her body against it. Though several of her best techniques were unavailable to use. She looked Bonmi's way through the edge of her vision.

Well...not unavailable exactly. But, not an option she chose to exercise.

By the time they had reached the private hangar bay, Kyyx was capable of standing unassisted. Whe waved Bonmi off with a growling hiss. They abandoned the speeder and ducked low beneath the underbelly of her Skipray. Though the fighter was designed to host a crew of 5, it was still just a fighter, and the crawlspace to enter the fuselage was a tight squeeze. Kyyx hoisted herself into the hull and felt Bonmi's hands on her hips as he lifted her up, uninvited but not unwelcome. She rolled aside as he pulled himself into the ship behind her and covered the hatch.

She collapsed into the co-pilot's seat, which might have seemed odd to the Cerean, as this was her ship. But it became blatantly clear that she expected him to fly it when she unlocked the control systems, then tilted her head back and promptly fell asleep, almost on command.*
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Post Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:47 am

Re: Open Terrain

*It wasn't Kyyx passing out that struck Bonmi odd, what struck him odd was how mere hours ago she fought him and gaurded herself from for so long and then suddenly she relaxes completely. Trusting him as it were, so much that she allows him to pilot her vessel. Something which makes Bonmi smile. What was more odd was Bonmi was trying to save her, but something tells him she's going to end up saving him.*

*After firing up the proper systems and figuring out the controls, Bonmi flies the skipray out of the hangar and heads for open orbit.*
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Post Fri May 25, 2012 7:34 pm

Re: Open Terrain

[quote="Deimos":2vjicb50][color=#00BFFF:2vjicb50]* A small Iridonian fleet comes out of Hyperspace. It stays just out of sensor range. Deimos and Cleite walk to the "Wraith" get in and within minutes fire up all systems. They take off and are escorted by the Acolytes and two fighters. The make their way as they cloak and enter the atomosphere. Bound for the surface where spice is handled and transpoted by slaves.*[/color:2vjicb50][/quote:2vjicb50]

[action:2vjicb50]The faint orange glow of [i:2vjicb50]the Wraith's[/i:2vjicb50] shields caused by the heat of the ship's descent from orbit soon fades as they enter the planet's upper atmosphere and Cleite glances at the radar screen to verify that only their escorts are in the vicinity as, having entered the planet over one of it's deserts, they begin to speed over the vast, seemingly endless sea of sand beneath them.[/action:2vjicb50]

[narration:2vjicb50]Deimos has kept to himself for the extent of the journey thusfar, leaving the HRD to ponder the possibilities of what they will need to face in order to reunite him with his long lost sister. Nothing, Cleite thinks idly, likely to be easily surmounted and, given that they learned of her location from a holodisc recovered from Crono the Hutt, almost certainly related to one of the Hutt's criminal enterprises. The advantage to that, should it prove to be the case, Cleite thinks dispassionately, is that there will be no need to exercise restraint when extricating Tao from whatever fate she has been made to endure as a pawn in the Hutt's games. A pawn that is about to be set free.[/narration:2vjicb50]
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Post Sat May 26, 2012 11:47 am

Re: Open Terrain

*When they set down Deimos powers the systems down but keeps it on remote stand-by. For quick getaways.*

*Deimos usually wasn't one to mince business and personal feelings. As a matter of fact he never let anything bother him at all despite being a staunch user of the dark side. But this was different. There was no way it couldn't be more personal. Deimos couldn't blame Chrono for keeping this from him. He couldn't turn over a business partner willingly for another out in the open. It just wasn't good business. However Deimos wasn't in the mood for business.*

*Deimos and Cleite finally exit and meet up with the Acolytes.*

"We'll wait for the cover of night. Stay out of site and await further instructions, Trandoshan Elites gaurd this place."

*The Acolytes put their fists over their chests and bow to Deimos then disappear quickly out of site.*
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Post Sun May 27, 2012 10:58 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*Cleite nods silently, moving off to find a vantage point that will afford both cover and the ability to act as sentry in the event any patrols or other potential threats approach their landing site.* *Her efforts are, more likely than not, merely duplicating those of the acolytes, but the HRD sees no harm in adding an additional layer of vigilance as they wait for night to fall so that they can move on their objective.

Selecting small rock outcropping that affords a clear view of the sands stretching out on all sides as her observation post, Cleite conceals herself and, with the infinite patience of a droid, settles in to wait as she keeps watch on the sands all around.*
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Post Mon May 28, 2012 12:18 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*For hours Deimos stayed hidden behind a dune just out of sight. He concentrates and draws the dark side to him. He waits patiently and tries to get a read on his sister. He gets nothing. Maybe she's too weak, or maybe she's dead. Deimos begins to worry. He's never worried about anything. Not even when he took over as Emperor. This was different. Here was the last remaining member of his family and she maybe dead. If that is the case, Trandosha might get wiped out of the galaxy and a war with the Hutts might take place. Deimos removes this from his mind. He was getting ahead of himself. He would find out soon enough.*

*With the sun down Deimos cloaks himself and mentally tells the acolytes to do the same if they have the power. Deimos stalks silently into the facility past the gaurds. There were only two at the entrance and two gaurds in each tower with a turret. Deimos walks silently into the open field. Towards the facility. He comes to a door that is locked and key coded. He would have to find the gaurd with the key. He waits and bides his time until someone comes through the door on chance. He goes through the door as the Acolytes and Cleite join him before it closes. They enter the spice sotrage facilioties main cargo storing area. Uncloaking himself he pantomimes that they should separate and fan out to cover more ground. While recharging and getting his energy back up Deimos walks forward allowing the dark side to guide him to his sister. After a couple close calls and ducking behind objects, Deimos goes out of the storage area and into a spice sifting room. His mind sharp and focused he looks through a energy field at slaves sifting and sorting spice to be shipped to where ever it was going. Then he sees where the children are. He uses the Force to push the button to deactivate the field and enter. To look for her. Finally after moving without being seen by the gaurds and slaves the four of them move quickly throughout. Until finally the come across a trandoshan beating a slave, a female zabrak child slave. Deimos' heart stops for a moment as the trandoshan turns and spots him walking up with a snarl on his face. Motioning with his hand Deimos uses Force crush on the lizard killing him. He then scoops up the girl barely able to move and barely still able to be awake. Deimos' heart breaks inside and the area around the rest of the four start to warp as rage replaces the sadness. Deimos walks over to Cleite and hands her gently to Cleite. His eyes looking into hers with pure hate. he speaks with a low growl.*

"Take her to the ship, head back to the fleet. Don't wait up for me, for I have lizards I need to acquaint myself with."
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Post Tue May 29, 2012 12:10 am

Re: Open Terrain

*Holstering her DC-15s at the small of her back when Deimos approaches with Tao, Cleite accepts the young Zabrak into her arms silently, responding unhesitantly to Deimos' instructions with a single affirmative nod as his tone and demeanor both make it abundantly clear that he is in no mood for any attempt on her part to remain with him.* *Though the HRD would prefer, as it is her primary objective to ensure Deimos' safety, to stay with him as he takes his well deserved vengeance on those that have held his sister captive, Cleite also understands the trust he is placing in her by entrusting her with the safety of his sister and so, nodding for an acolyte to accompany her, she holds Tao protectively close to her and then turns to make her way out of the facility and back to the ship.

Reaching where the Wraith and two starfighters had been concealed, Cleite instructs the acolyte to remain with the Wraith, electing to take one of the starfighters and rejoin the fleet in orbit. With Tao's size and Cleite's own small frame, it is not difficult to arrange themselves in the fighter's cockpit relatively comfortably, and after performing the pre-flight checks, Cleite takes the starfighter up and into .*
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Post Wed May 30, 2012 11:53 am

Re: Open Terrain

* When Cleite and the Acolytes leave, Deimos ignites his scarlett sabers with the proverbial snap-hiss. After that he uses the Force to close off the escapes. Once done he procedes to kill anything in scales. Some are quick and killed with the sabers, some are choked. All in all Deimos moves in a calculated rage. Blocking shots when he has to, avoiding the bigger guns when he has to, and mowing down most Lizards every move he makes. Finally he gets to the main control room and rips from the mind of one of the trandoshans with a artificial hand, the self-destruct sequence. Deimos enacts this and heads out the facility. He heads for the "Wraith" still in standy-by and flys out of there as the whole place blows. His wrath had taken place.*

*Not that he truly cared but the Hutt Council wouldn't be very happy losing a vice trade like this.*

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