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Open Terrain

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Post Fri Sep 14, 2012 6:29 pm

Re: Open Terrain

A single brow quirked up, yellow-green oculars flashing in unamusement. "You think this is about you?" Y's voice was hard, her displeasure beginning to radiate off of her form. She too was a Zeltron, though her skin was not a flashy red or pink like most of her kind. Instead, she had been graced with an olive tone that made her appear more human than her Zeltron counterparts. "You trespassed into our home. You want to stay? You talk to Sim. This is his ship, not mine, nor will it ever be. I'm a member of his crew."

Without another word more, she turned and left the two men, retreating back to her quarters. Once there, she set up her work station and began to clean the weapons that she had taken with her, including her knives. She didn't seem to even notice her work, her eyes clouding over as she lost herself in thought.
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Post Fri Sep 14, 2012 7:07 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*Andrew turned around to finally look at the man who the woman he had been talking to had referred to as the owner of the ship. As he had done with Kenna he bowed to the man out of respect of course though when he stood up straight there was a slight smirk on his face.*

Ah you must be Kaiden Sareno again forgive me for the intrusion though I must admit I had thought this was a lost ship out in the middle of nowhere. I had boarded it in the intention of finding out of who it belonged to and so I ended up hacking the ship's systems finding who it was registered to. When I found it belonged to some big shot jedi I thought I could get a fair price for returning his ship to him because for all I know he had to find an alternate way off of Genosis maybe while being on some mission.

Of course I had to be sure that the owner just wasn't away and had left his ship undefended so i stayed to watch over it to make sure no Genosians came by to scrap the thing. I admit yes I am simply after the profit in such a thing but that is simply because I am a mercenary its just in my nature.
*For a moment Andrew just looked Sim over with a look of suspicion on his face.* Though I must admit you look different then the identification had shown so you must see why I had mistaken you at first for someone else.

*Of course even as he spoke he was already sure this man was not the same person as on the Identification of the ship he had found and so he was already assuming it was a stolen ship. Thus he was not the only one trespassing on a ship that did not belong to them and he could simply try to take them in for it or strike a deal with them.*
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Post Sat Sep 15, 2012 9:32 pm

Re: Open Terrain

"Storms blowing in fast. If we want to leave, we need to now." *Sim completely and utterly ignored the mans claim of calling him Kaiden, the man he had intentionally stolen the Arrow from. He knew what he had did. But he had motives no one would understand. This was his problem, not Y's or this man's.* *Turning, not waiting for the man to ask anymore questions, Sim stormed towards the cockpit - closing the boarding ramp on his way out of the storage bay. Before he relaxed down into the cushiony leather pilot seat Sim took great pains to remove his Duster and shake it free of dirt and grim. A small pile of red dust fell to the floor afterwords, Sim smiling at the mess. Hanging it over the back of his chair he sat down, engaging the engines to begin powering up. If they weren't off of Geonosis in an hour they would be stuck here until the storm ended. And on Geonosis, you didn't test the weather. You stayed away from it.*
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Post Sun Sep 16, 2012 3:42 pm

Re: Open Terrain

*Andrew stood there a little confused as he watched Sim just walk away without even answering his question. It was one of those awkward moments where you just had no idea what to do because the girl had left him too. He just stood there rubbing the back of his head as he tried to figure out what was going on and what had just happened. He was left here without any clear answer no yes or no and he wasn't even yelled at to get off the ship by the man who was suppose to be the owner of it.

All he could do was make a hmmm sound as he thought about his options since if he stayed he could possibly be killed by one of them for being here but if he left he would die out in the storm. He decide on the option that posed the most promising options which was stay here because who knew maybe they may let him live and he found a way off Genosis too. Having made his decision he placed his helmet on his head and walked into the lounge area of the ship and took a seat and hoped no one would come back to shoot him.*
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Post Sun Sep 16, 2012 4:42 pm

Re: Open Terrain

Y lost herself in cleaning her weapons, something that always seemed to happen when it came to her and her weapons. She even took the time to pick up her Adventurer and 6-2Aug2 and break each apart and clean them as well. She was roused from her routine with a growl from her stomach; she blinked in surprise and glanced down at her middle, placing a hand over her tattoo. With a sigh, the Zeltron female placed her weapons back in their proper places. Running her digits over the barrel of her Adventurer in fond admiration, she turned and exited her room.

The black haired female made her way towards the lounge, really the only place with food aboard the Arrow. As the door hissed open, her yellow-green oculars found the intruder seated in there. The corner of her mouth twitched ever so slightly downward, yet she didn't say a word and continued to the kitchen portion. Quickly she prepared herself a meal and leaned against the counter where she ate in silence.
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Post Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:29 am

Re: Open Terrain

*Begrudgingly accepting their new crew member, Sim climbed into his chair and fired up the engines of the Silver Arrow. Rocketing up slowly, the YT lifted up and tilted her nose for the sky.* *Propelled by powerful Ion engines the ship darted off of Geonosis, into the realm of Space.*

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